Beginner/Intermediate Check-In 3/26-4/1


Hi everyone,

Today was a rest day for me. I have my schedule planned for the week but will post daily again.

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
Hi everyone,

This morning I did Karen Voight "Sweat Effect". I can't believe I am jumping off of the floor. I must really like this workout to do that :) I have decided to do this cardio workout at least 2 times weekly and Cathe Step Aerobics 1-2 times weekly. That will get my thighs down!! What a great low impact kickboxing workout!

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
Good morning!
Hope you all had a great weekend!
yesterday I did Low Max...I was in the mood since it was on Fit TV. I love that workout, but my thighs are still a bit sore today, so I am going to do Low Impact Step with the upper body sculpt in Basic Step.
Have a great week!
Kimberly, is Sweat Effect a kickboxing workout? I haven't seen KV do kickboxing yet. I saw an article that she is delaying the release of her DVD's in order to re-shoot her infomercial. What a bummer. I don't know when they will be commercially available.
Today I did the kick/punch/abs premix of KPC followed by Gym Style floor legs. It didn't seem nearly as hard doing floor legs this time becuase I hadn't done all those squats and lunges first! I was able to really do the floor legs just like Cathe for the first time without modifications.:)
Tomorrow is yoga day. I was going to swim also but there is a 60% chance of rain so probably not. Then Wednesday maybe Leslie 3 mile plus Gym Styles chest/triceps.

This is Karen Voight New Workouts. I got a copy from a friend whose friend should be in the inferomercial. This is a GREAT workout!!!! I was wondering when the infomercial was coming out. It's 3 DVD's. "Sweat Effect, "Strength Effect" and "Sleek Effect". "Strength Effect is a high energy cardio workout with LOW IMPACT kickboxing moves. Very different I must say and the music is great. There are 3 ladies in the workout plus Karen. You can follow one of the other ladies to keep it very low impact but I usually can just follow Karen with the high moves which I am very surprised. This is how "Sweat Effect" is broken down: Warm up, Twist & Punch, Bob & Weave, Lunge & Lift, Jump & Kick, Butt & Thighs, Abs, Stretch. "Sweat Effect and Strength Effect are both 45 minutes long. I haven't done "Sleek Effect" as of yet which has Pilate moves and Yoga. In "Strength Effect" Karen suggest for this workout 3 to 5 pounds should be light weights and 5 to 10 pounds for heavy weights. She also uses a long blue roller as a gadget in the workouts near the end of "Sweat Effect" for the abs and "Strength Effect". Since I don't have one I just did the workout without it. This is Karen's Best!!!! This is a must have if you love Karen!!!

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
Hi everyone,

This morning I did GS Back & Biceps ony which was 35 minutes. In a few weeks I will attempt the entire workout for about 4-7 weeks. Also I am going to take a "Belly Dancing" class at the YMCA starting on April 10th with a few co-workers of mine. It will be on Monday and Wednesday nights from 7:40pm to 8:40pm. Since I am not a member of the YMCA I have to wait until April 5th to register. Full members and Program members have first choice to the class first. So hopefully there is room for us on April 5th. I see that the YMCA have a lot of classes that I am interested in one being in particular "Bosu". Another one is called "Boxercise". I see the YMCA has really changed over the years.

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
Belly dancing sounds like fun! Let us know how you like it!
I did Body Fusion today, and I added the Abs workout too. Tough time of it today. My thighs feel very fatigued. Tomorrow I am going to probably just do a power walk for cardio. I need a break from the step and weights.
Oh, you all have been SO good! My version of exercise lately is running around like a crazy lady!!!

I worked out today! YIPPEE! Decided to make it a GOOD one!

Bootcamp warm-up
Imax intervals 1-5
PS Back, Biceps and Legs

Tomorrow is PS Chest, Tri's and Shoulders along with the 2nd half of Imax...

If you ladies don't see me on here, start a thread and LOOK for me (I read the boards, just too embarrassed to pipe up)...

See you all in the morning!!
MJ in MN
The new Karen voight's sound great. I will definitely get the cardio for sure. I now have so many of her yoga and pilates I don't think i need the sleek one. And I like Cathe for weights. Today was just yoga with Kathy Smith. Cleaning house seemed a lot harder today but my back is still doing great so I am happy with my weight training strengthening my back.
I was thinking of doing a total body weights tomorrow. I've been doing splits for a long time. Maybe Power Hour or High Step Challenge.
Hi everyone,

This morning I did Karen Voight "Sweat Effect". I guess later this week I will to a step workout with Cathe. I wanted so much this morning to sleep in!! Tomorrow will be Gym Style Weights.

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
Today I am doing PushPull.
It's a beautiful day out today, so I am also going to do some roller blading on our newly paved road!
Looking foward to that for sure!
Have a great one!
Today I did Power Hour and then a 30 minute walk outdoors. I am soooo tired tonight I can't believe it. After doing only split strength workouts with low reps I can't believe how hard it is to do endurance style again! I'm going to try to alternate a cardio day with a total body weight or circuit (wt emphasis type) workout. Tomorrow is Leslie's 5 mile walk and I'm going to try to do the whole thing again!
I did the whole Leslie 5 mile walk and this time wore my HR monitor. This is one of my higher calorie burn workouts, and with a lot less stress on the knees than stepping. But again, I am feeling really tired all day again. I guess that is a sign of overtraining, so tomorrow I will take it easier.
Hi everyone,

I took today as a rest day. I will do GS Chest & Triceps tomorrow morning. Beth, I tried to do 6 days but couldn't. I had to take an extra rest day. I feel much better when I do.

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
And part of the problem is that Leslie workout sneaks up on you. It is 65 min long and my average HR was pretty high for me. I need to back off on the intensity or duration.
I'm feeling really tired today too.Barely made it through Push Pull.
Went skating in the street today..Lots of fun! My 3 boys followed along on their bikes, and I had my daughter in the jogging stroller. Was alot more challenging to skate pushing the stroller. I got a great workout. I was feeling the muscles working in my glutes that I don't usually feel during any of the cardio or weight workouts I have been doing lately. It was like I was working totally different muscles.I also felt my abs tightening alot, which I never really felt before while skating. I think all the core workouts I have been doing have really helped me to "hone in" on the abs during other workouts!
I am going to Hawaii next week so I did some shopping today and was pleasantly surprised at how much better I look in tank tops..much more toned! Now if I could get rid of the belly, I'll really be happy!
Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful out, so I may go skating again, or biking. I feel like my body really needs a nice long stretch, so I am also going to do Stretch Max.
also wanted to add... my blood pressure is now in the lower normal range! Before I started working out and dieting, my blood pressure was a bit high and my doctor was going to have me start blood pressure medicine. She said it won't be necessary now since I have lost 16 pounds and cut out all fried food and junk from my blood pressure is normal! It went from 140/95 down to 117/79
It has been consistently low for the past week and a half now!

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