fit tv on cable


Hi Cathe,

I am a home box subscriber & I used to get fit tv, as of today it is no longer available. Do you know anything about the programming? I live on Long Island in NY
I'm not Cathe, but this thread caught my eye because I live on LI too,and I subscribe to IO Cable.. and I am so upset they cancelled FitTV!! I have been taping them for weeks,since I can't really afford all the dvds that I want! For the price we have to pay for cable, you would think that they would at least keep the good channels!
Was going to change over just for Cathe i.e fit tv. Keep me posted! It costs alot more in my area than dish-so I will be watching this post!
Hi guys....I too switched, actually switched from DishTV to Cablevision because I thought that Dish didn't carry Fittv...little did I know after we cut off Dish and switched over the IO digital cable that they had been carrying Fittv for over 6 months....anyway, I did a dvd this morning and then at 7am put on channel 68 to tune into Cathe, and lo and behold I find out there is no more, was I pissed!!! I had taped a lot of CAthe's shows because I simply could not buy them all at least I have some of them on VHS until I can afford to buy them. I'm going to call and dh would kill me if I told him that we had to switch BACK to satellite (we have all of the equipment and the dish is still on our roof) just because of fittv, since that is the reason I gave him to switch to cable in the first place! By the way, I live in Northeast NJ. Janet
I live in CT and just emailed my cable company to ask them what is up with Fit TV. I too turned on Cathe this morning only to find a news type program on.
I was so pi**ed to find no FIT TV today. I too live on Long Island. I am going to lodge a complaint.....probable won't do any good. I am so bummed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel your pain. I live in Central Jersey and my cable system, Comcast of Planfield, only offers Fittv on "on demand" which sucks because they rarely show any of Cathe's tapes. I have called our Cable system many times to no avail.

I know we don't have the same cable company since I have Time Warner, but out stations switched up today also. I still have Fit TV, but it is now on another station. Did you check all your stations?
Yes, I went to the tv guide on ch 14, no FITTV, $95 a month & they have the nerve to do this. On LI we have no choice, it is either cable or direct/tv /satellite. The only things I even watch are cnbc, cooking & the fit tv, now I am down to 2
IT has taken me FOREVER to get on this site! BUT wanted to let you all know.. I too, lost my Fit TV this weekend.. I live in Northern NJ and it's Cablevision who has dropped Fit tv.. the way we can do something about this is to write to Cablevision's corporate offices and complain ALOT! Also, you can call the discovery channel's viewer services line.. (it's at and it's a 1800 number.. they are going to try to find out what happened.. as they are not happy about this either! Please call as I am going to go through Fit TV and especially Cathe workout withdrawl!

hope everyone will do what they can!
Hello All!

This is my first day visiting the site (spent the last two hours exploring!!).

Anyway, I wanted to add my two cents regarding FitTV. I live in northern nj and also lost FitTV on friday. Luckily, we swapped out our regular cable box for a DVR box about two weeks ago, so I have a few shows recorded, but what a shocker!!!

I have already written to Cablevision to complain about the loss of such a great channel and will also reach out to FitTV. I encourage all of you to do the same.

Hello again,

I just spoke to reps at Cablevision and they explained that the contract with FitTV had expired and, while they were trying negotiate for a new contract, they were unable to come to an agreement on the terms with FitTV. They expect to replace the program with another fitness program in about two weeks.

I'm not holding my breath. :-(
I have no idea how cablevision works, but wonder why some still have it. I have Time Warner. I just checked and I still have it.
I live in Northern New Jersey as well and have no FitTV ~ I even advised Cathe of that about a month ago via email.

I am curious, when you spoke to reps at Cablevision, did they tell you not to bother complaining about not having FitTV since there is nothing they can do about it?

Hi Gabi,

No, Cablevision did not say not to bother complaining or anything like that. They offered to take my information and notify me when a new fitness channel had been selected.

I also reached out to FitTV and the rep that I corresponded with was a little less forthcoming and simply said that I should receive a notice from Cablevision regarding the removal of the program. He wouldn't offer any additional details.

My biggest concern now is whether or not the new channel will even carry Cathe's programs:-(. That is really the only show I follow regularly.

I had emailed a complaint to Cablevision, and their response to me was that they are going to have a new fitness program featuring Denise Austin workouts.:-(
>I had emailed a complaint to Cablevision, and their response
>to me was that they are going to have a new fitness program
>featuring Denise Austin workouts.:-(
Denise Austin is the worst!!!!

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