HELP! I'm gainng weight


OMG! I just started TOM today whichi about three days early along with cramps very sore breasts and headaches. FUN FUN FUN! anyway, earlier in the week I noticed my pants fitting tighter and today even tighter this doesnt usually happen at my TOM. could it be that still? I have ate a few things different but nothing that would cause weight gain/ Help. Lori
It could be just THAT TOM. I know some months are worse for me in all aspects of this and even though you don't normally deal with weight gain at this time, goodness knows the female body can switch up and keep you guessing. Hormones, water retention, stress, yada, yada, yada...

Try not to stress, maintain you workout and diet and see how those pants fit in a few days.
I got mine a week early this month, and 2 days before, I weighed myself and I gained 3 pounds. Freaked me out, until I realized why. lol
I ALWAYS weigh more starting a few days before TOM, until about 2 days after.
Does anyone know why this happens? What is the purpose in our bodies storing water during this time?

My opinion, soley to p*** us off. Can you guess what's wrong with me right now?

Seriously, I don't know the answer, but like you Jeanette would be interested to hear the facts.
I'll keep my fingers crossed that my TOM is to blame, its just odd that this doesnt happen normally so it is p***ing me off for sure. But its nice to know that I'm not alone! Lori

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