BFL or Eating for Life Check-in 4/9/06


This is for anyone who is doing the BFL or eating for life, both by Bill Phillips. I actually use some recipes from his eating for life cookbook on the BFL plan.

I thought I would start a check in just to see how many of us there are out there. I have started back on the program today, after over a year of not doing it. I am planning on just incorporating the eating and doing my own workouts.

What is everyone else doing?

So far my eating today looks like this:

B - Oatmeal
S - piece of cheese, fruit
L - broccoli/cheese soup (made from Trim and terrific cookbook)
S - Smartzone bar (based on the 40/30/30 plan)
D - not quite sure but maybe some goulash

Hi Rhonda,

So far, my eating today looks like this:

B-Oatmeal w/protein powder
S-small bowl of Kashi Go Lean
L-black bean chicken soup
S-1/2 an apple, piece of cheese
D-not sure...

Water: got in 84 oz so far! :)

Looks like it may be just the two of us but I am willing to continue if you want.

Today looks like this:

B - Oatmeal
S - cheese, oatmeal or peanuts
L - leftover broccoli/cheese soup and/or peanuts
S - smartzone bar
D - steak, baked potatoes, green beans

I have never kept track of the amount of water I drink but I know it is a lot. I have a 34 oz glass and fill it up 3-5 times a day at work. There is ice in the glass so I'm sure I am not getting a full 34 oz each time but even if it was 20-25 oz I think I am getting the water in.

I have to make it through the first and second week then I know I can hang in there. The first couple of weeks always seem the hardest to me.

Are you following the BFL exercise plan? I'm not, I am actually doing the Turbo Jam advance rotation and I am in week 2 of 4 on that. I may do the BFL exercises after I am done with Turbo Jam. Haven't decided. When I did BFL before I did do the plan and then got bored with it and went with a cardio day followed by strength day.

Hope your day is going well.
Okay, here's hopefully what my day will look like:
Breakfast: eggs and oatmeal
Snack: peppers and cottage cheese dip
Lunch: sweet potatoe salad (from the cathe cookbook) with almonds and a protein drink
Snack: celery sticks with cottage cheese dip
Dinner: lemon-pepper chicken and green beans
Snack (if I need it): protein drink

I am following the BFL exercises, but think instead of always doing walk/jog/run for my cardio (which is getting boring) I might use cathe's Imax2 (some of it) to change it up a bit. I am doing the PUB and PLB on the strength days. (the pyramid up premix)

I want to get Turbo Jam--it looks sooo fun! :) Guess it'll go on my wish list with all that other stuff that I'd like to get, but don't have the $$ for yet:p

Have a great day, Rhonda!
Hi..glad to see this thread. I have been following the BFL plan.
B...2 hb egg whites. 1/2 cup oatmeal
S... Cottage cheese mixed with lowfat yogurt
L... grilled chicken salad w/ lowfat dressing
S... Myoplex Lite shake
D... Planning on barbquing some chicken breasts or turkey burgers. With grilled peppers and brown rice.
S... fruit
Welcome Janet.

Today (boy I really need to go grocery shopping)

B - oatmeal
S - oatmeal, cheese
L - leftover steak, potato
S - smartzone bar
D - chicken, green beans, pasta

Hope you have a great day.

yeah, I need to shop too. I wish fresh veggies and fruit and all that stuff were cheaper, ya know? I mean, if the government REALLY wanted us all to be healthy, they should RAISE the price of all the refined junk and unhealthy stuff, and lower the price of the good stuff so people wouldn't buy the junk stuff because of monetary reasons. *hehe* That's my blurb for the day.

B: Kashi Go Lean
S: protein shake with fruit
L: spinach salad with chicken maybe
S: pepper and cottage cheese dip
D: maybe green beans and lemon chicken or fish
S; protein shake
Morning - I agree with you they should make the healthy stuff more affordable. I wish I lived somewhere where I could get nice fresh fruit and veggies year round.

B - Oatmeal
S - Oatmeal, cheese
L - burrito, peanuts
S - smartzone bar
D - turkey w/little gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans

Today doesn't look like the best day eating wise but I can't get to the store til Saturday. I am guessing if I eat smaller portions I will be OK.

Rhonda gets really expensive!
B.. Myoplex Lite
S... Cottage cheese w/canteloupe and 1 slice Whole wheat bread
L...Chef salad..Turkey breast and chicken over green salad
S...Yogurt, with sliced almonds on top
D... grilled chicken with grilled peppers, sm.baked potato
S... Myoplex Lite smoothie

Morning everyone,

B - oatmeal
S - cheese and either oatmeal or peanuts
L - not sure but something veggie
S - smartzone bar
D - tuna casserole, green beans

At least this is how it looks now, as we know it can change. Can't wait for Saturday or Sunday where I am allowed to "cheat" :)

Hi Ladies,

I think I would like to join this check in...on Monday:) Not today b/c the weekend is near! LOL And I also need groceries but I will be in on Monday!

I'm so glad you have started this thread, and I want to join it too. I know some about BFL and this would be great to get support form each other. As Lori said above, I'll have to wait til Monday too, I've got to get groceries as well! :7
Welcome Lori and Sandy -

I don't check in on Weekends as I am not on the computer so I read this M-F and plan to start a new thread each week, unless someone beats me to it.

Glad to see more joining our little group. This is my first week back on BFL and I have done pretty well. As you both stated need to go grocery shopping.


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