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  1. J

    Thank you my 10 yr old son

    Okay, today is one of those "raw" New England days. No sun to be found, occasional sprinkles and only 50 degrees. I started to whine that I didn't want to do my run and my 10 yr old say "Mom what would you rather do...a 1/2hr quick run or Bootcamp", I had to laugh and said "Thanks,
  2. J

    Whats the advantage of 40/30/30

    Hi guys, Every morning I have my omelette consisting of 1whole egg and 3 whites w/ a slice of 25cal. smartbeat fat free cheese. I sprinkle some Mrs Dash and voila a healthy breakfast. I noticed in my mag that most lifters make sure carbs are in there too. I just started to add 1/2 cup of...
  3. J

    Running vs. High intensity Cathe....

    I think Marla has a good point. Her body was so use to running (60min. 506 x's a week) that her body got use to that. When you change it up, results happen. I run 3-4X's but take winters off and do another form of cardio. My body really responds when I get back to running. To me it still...
  4. J

    Please help which DVD to purchase

    I don't have the slow and heavy (yet) but GS has a concentration curl that is 6 up 2 down and a tricep set that is 6/2. It's an awesome workout. I rotate upper GS's w/ PL and have seen nice results. ~Chrissy~
  5. J

    What's a good alternative to Lower Pymramid workout

    Thanks, I have the two GS uppers and love them so I will go ahead and order GS legs then down the road legs & glutes. I have a feeling I will end up buying many more of Cathe's workouts down the road. Thanks for your input:-) ~Chrissy~
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    Complex Carb suggestions after workout

    Thanks Carole:-)
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    Monica Brant hasn't worked her arms in 2 years!?!?

    Sometimes I wonder why I spend my money on that magazine. Between all the ads for wonder drugs that will melt fat away to the inconsistency in advice from articles eg. to eat dairy or not. One month I think I'm doing something to help and the next it's the opposite. I'm so glad I found...
  8. J

    Decided we're staying (long one - could be a diary entry)

    Donna, It sounds to me like you did the right thing. There are risks in life but we have to base them on our gut feelings. You went out there and that's the feeling you got. If it was right you would feel like you would be walking on air right now..anxious and excited. I.M.O. you made the...
  9. J

    Gym socks--still ranting

    I got so tired of matching my kids socks (2 boys 8/10) that I threw all of them away and went out and purchased 24 pair of the exact same socks. No more matching problems and no more figuring out who's socks are who's. The money spent was sooo worth it!:-) ~Chrissy~
  10. J

    Monica Brant hasn't worked her arms in 2 years!?!?

    Hi Everyone, Did anyone else read Monica's article in July's Oxygen mag? I quote "i haven't worked out my arms in two years". Yet she looks utterly fantastic! She does tons of cardio (6-7 X's a week) and twice a week strength trains. She is on a maintenance schedule. Does this mean that...
  11. J

    Complex Carb suggestions after workout

    Hi Everyone, I just read in a fitness mag how important it is to restore your energy levels with a complex carb within 1 hr. after training. I usually just have a scoop of whey protein mixed w/ water. Would a small amount of steel cut oatmeal with protein powder be better? How about a...
  12. J

    What's a good alternative to Lower Pymramid workout

    Hi Everyone, I have really gotten use to doing Pyramid lower. What workout would you recommend I buy for legs and glutes to vary my routine. My body type is similar to Cathe's. I love the way Pyramid has developed my leg muscles but want something to rotate with. I do have boot camp and...
  13. J

    Where can I check out the video swap site

    Hi Guys, I've spent a few hundred on Cathe's DVD's and every $ has been worth it. Problem is I am going to need to tighten the budget soon (I'm 36 and I'm going back to school full time for my RN). There are still many Cathe workouts I want and I thought I read somewhere about a swap site...
  14. J

    Belly Baring Tops

    You just made me think of my mother in law. She was wearing a bikini until she passed away at 67. She was skinny and looked great! My mom stopped wearing bikini's by the time she got into her 30's but she had some pudge. My feeling is show it if you've got it girl, but only if you've got it...
  15. J

    Cathe, Is that ponytail in GS your real hair?

    Hi Cathe, Hope this isn't too personal but I loved your hair in GS Back, bi's Is that ponytail really your hair? If not where can I order a extension that looks that great? ~Chrissy~
  16. J

    Went to GNC and came home confused...

    Wow Snazzy, thanks for the site recommendation. I didn't realize there were so many concerns about soy...I think I will just buy the whey protein going forward. I haven't heard anything bad about whey.
  17. J

    JUGYGIRL..(Chrissy).....question about CLA

    Joanna, I think it is working to trim that fat pad off my belly. I have a apple shape like Cathe. Always was skinny until I had my two boys. I have been taking CLA for about 6 months now and for the first time in a long time people are commenting on how thin I am. As much as I would like...
  18. J

    wish me luck.....

    Wow, that's awesome..good luck!
  19. J

    Went to GNC and came home confused...

    I travel a lot for work and stopped at various GNC's. I've only found 1 that has a really knowledgeable and helpful manager. I do like the Nitrotech Smores for a meal replacement bar. I also take Women's Mega Vitamins and the GNC brand CLA. My brother in law who is a exercise physiologist...
  20. J

    Has anyone ever appealed a ticket

    Donna, I didn't know that having a tire (not on sidewalk) just on the curb was a $100 offense either. I spoke to my Dad today..hello I'm married with 2 kids but called Dad for his opinion. He said he watches the Providence court cases on the local court tv station and the judge usually...