Has anyone ever appealed a ticket


I was in downtown Providence today for work and when I came out the meter maid placed a whopping $100 ticket on my window! I started to cry when she explained that my tire was resting on the curb. I have a Jeep Liberty and the curb was so sunk in..it wasn't any higher than the actual road. I didn't even feel it. 100! I couldn't help it..I'm 36 but started to tear up and when I called my hubby on my cell I started to cry like a kid. I just think it is so unfair. I basically worked for nothing today. I am thinking of appealing this but don't know if going to court is a waste of time..has anyoneout there gotten out of paying?
That is absolutely ridiculous! I can't even believe you can get a ticket for that! And $100 no less! The first thing I'd do is call my mayor.

I have appealed a ticket, but I hired a lawyer (long story but basically one more speeding ticket & I would've lost my job, Jersey girl, lead food, yadda yadda yadda). However, every court & judge is different. I work in local government & I know our judge would definitely let you off. It is worth it to make the appearance in court. I'd say you'd have a pretty good shot. Just be kind of weepy & tell him you had no idea your tire was on the curb. You've got nothing to lose except a few hours from work.

Good luck!
I appealed a ticket several years ago. I did it without a lawyer and did not win...but the judge set my fine lower than what the ticket was. I think he felt sorry for me.

I'm so sorry this happened to you.
If the curb is as you say, be sure to take a picture of it when you appeal your ticket. A picture is worth a thousand words, and visual proof is more compelling than someone's word.
You should appeal it. No doubt, do it! I know our judge would let you off. That is stupid to get a ticket for that and for $100???? Huh? No way!!!!
I heard there was this guy who ran a stop sign around 3am in the morning. He told the judge that no one was on the road so he figured it was safe to go. The judge let him off for that.
I got a speeding ticket just last year for $149!!! I hate those 25 mile zones and was caught going 41. Yeah, I am a speed demon at times, but not around where I live anymore do I speed. That is too much money to pay and I shouldn't have been listening to The White Stripes...they made me do it!

Let us know what happens.

>If the curb is as you say, be sure to take a picture of it
>when you appeal your ticket. A picture is worth a thousand
>words, and visual proof is more compelling than someone's

Exactly. DH just went to court and appealed some major violations and got them reduced to one minor violation. He used pictures and drawings to illustrate his point and show he couldn't have done what they said.

OMG! The only ticket I've gotten ever....speeding while listening to The White Stripes!!! Something about Black Math makes my foot heavy! I just paid the stupid thing (my fault = $143).

I'd contest a $100 parking ticket though!
Take pictures of the curb where you got your ticket & go to court. If you win, you haven't lost anything but a few hours & whatever you feel your time is worth. If you don't go to court & you pay then you've lost $100 & a lot of aggrevation. If you don't win, at least you will have tried.
>I appealed a ticket several years ago. I did it without a
>lawyer and did not win...but the judge set my fine lower than
>what the ticket was. I think he felt sorry for me.

tbis happens a lot. Appeal it. If the officer doesn't show, you get a "not responsible." If he does, the judge may lower it or you mgiht get lucky and he wont' find you responsible. I would take pics of the site and make your pitch to the judge. In clude that you have not gotten a ticket before, clean driving record, etc.

good luck!
Okay, I'm definately going to contest it. Great idea about the picture. The judge will be able to see just by looking at it that it easily could have happened. It just was a huge downer knowing that I'm a basically a good law abiding citizen and I drove around for 20 min. trying to find a legal parking spot, plunked enough quarters in and got hit for $100. I think the state of RI is looking to make money. Good thing my territory isn't Boston..their even worse. They are proposing charging you for just driving your car into downtown Boston and it's $23 to park in a garage additional. No meters to be found anywhere. They are trying to get people to take the T or bus in only. It's a crazy world we live in. I will let you all know how I make out.

Thanks everyone for your support.:)

Without a lawyer, you'll most likely not win. It's all a scam to tax you without officially taxing you. If you did get a lawyer, you'd have to pay him for the service. Not really worth it since it's not a moving violation and there's no points being placed on your license.

Maybe if you went back and took pictures of the curb, the judge will be lenient when (s)he sees that it wasn't an obvious curb. Personally, I didn't know there was a law against having your tire resting on the curb. But things are different from town to town and state to state.

I didn't know that having a tire (not on sidewalk) just on the curb was a $100 offense either. I spoke to my Dad today..hello I'm married with 2 kids but called Dad for his opinion. He said he watches the Providence court cases on the local court tv station and the judge usually dismisses or at least reduces if you seem somewhat honest and have a decent excuse. I don't have a lawyer and it's not worth paying for one for a $100 fine but I am taking the advice of bringing a picture. I think that will help.

Anyways, I learned my lesson about curbs. I guess ignorance isn't always bliss.x(
I appealed a ticket once, long time ago, I got off work about around midnight, my car broke down, I was only 18 at the time. Anyway I tried to call my parents but no one answered the phone, I tried for like half an hour, so I ended up taking a ride with a total stranger, Please do NOT do that, but I had no choice, anyway I came early in the morning to get my car and there was a ticket so I went to the court to appeal it and told them what had happened and they let me out of it.
I had the car I was driving die around 11:00 p.m. while I was on the highway. I was alone and that was before cell phones (I was probably 20). A car with 3 young men pulled over and offered me a ride, which I declined. They kept trying to talk me into letting them give me a ride, but I seem to remember empty beer containers on the floor and still - I'm only 5' tall and definitely no match for 3 guys. I finally convinced them that I wasn't getting in the car with them.

Then a couple minutes later, a man pulled over. He was also young, but had a child's car seat in the back. I let him give me a ride.

He could have, I guess, been totally psycho. Just 'cuz someone is a father doesn't make him safe. The 3 guys could have been very nice too. Who knows? It's just so scary being a woman sometimes...
Just about everyone I know who gets a ticket appeals it, and in most cases the fine gets reduced. None of them use a lawyer - you won't need one for this.

Taking a picture of the curb is a great idea. I think a friend of mine also wrote a letter to the judge prior to the court date for a speeding ticket that he felt was excessive (speed trap). The judge reduced the fine significantly.

If you do write a letter, make sure it's short and concise (one page). That way it may actually get read.

I have to post this to warn you, too. A lot of people seem to have won appealing, but not all jugdes are so nice. A friend of mine appealed a ticket b/c the cop was a major horses #ss and was very insulting. She appeared in court before a judge and he made her pay the full fine and then $200 more. He said that he was tired of people thinking that they can appeal and then get away with traffic violations, and the cop would never have given her a tickeet if she hadn't done anything wrong, anyways. I don't want to be a downer, I just want to warn you.
Appeal it. Most traffic judges are simply "magistrates" --lawyers who are moonlighting to make extra money. Bring a picture--I bet you'll get it dismissed. Be calm, make your points in as few words as possible and look the judge right in the eye. I'm a lawyer but if I get a ticket I don't even tell the judge. I just go to court and at the very least the fine is cut in half and the points are dismissed. (that's if I have no really good defense, like I was speeding) Your argument sounds very good and if the cop doesn't show, you'll win w/o arguments. Once in a while there is a mean judge but most of the time they are just regular people who want to get rid of their huge caseload as efficiently as possible. Smile and be polite--the most important thing!! Good luck-you can do it.
My teenage son was ticketed for not making a complete stop at a stop sign. When he said he was sure he'd stopped, the cop told him the rule is you must be stopped for a full 12 seconds. Huh???? I tried sitting at a stop sign for 12 seconds and the car behind me honked. We encouraged my son to appeal because it sounded so unreasonable - and I'm so sorry I did that. The judge chewed him up and spit him out. It was a horrible experience because we didn't hire an attorney. The bailiff warned us before we went in that without an attorney we probably wouldn't be heard and boy, was he right. :-(
>Then a couple minutes later, a man pulled over. He was also
>young, but had a child's car seat in the back. I let him give
>me a ride.
>He could have, I guess, been totally psycho. Just 'cuz
>someone is a father doesn't make him safe. The 3 guys could
>have been very nice too. Who knows? It's just so scary being
>a woman sometimes...

Putting a child's car seat in the car sounds like a ruse a serial killer/rapist would use (you'd know that if you watched CSI and Law and Order enough!).

When I was an undergrad (in the mid 70's), I used to hitchhike from the lower campus of my university to the upper campus (within town). I always had nice people pick me up. Looking back, I can't believe I did that! Once, two guys in a van stopped, and I told them no thanks. Got to listen when your instincts say something is bad.
I say appeal it also. My teenage son got a ticket for burning out. He actually went on the internet and printed out the definition of burning out off the website of the city he got the ticket in. We did not have a lawyer and, as someone said above, it was a lawyer we had to face and not an actual judge. He did let my son off and said he was impressed that he took the time to look up the definition on the internet and print it out.

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