wish me luck.....


I take my ACE personal trainer certification exam tomorrow. All I can say is my brain is full. I will be very appreciative of all the positive energy you can give me. I'm also looking forward to re-joining the rest of my life after tomorrow.

By the way, I won't be going on the Cathe road trip because I'm getting certified as a spinning instructor that weekend.

All this certification stuff is making me certifiable!! :)

best of luck to you Lois! Break a leg.
AKA "Likes2bfit"
Good luck!! You'll do great, keep a positive attitude and go slowly. I'll be in the same boat this time next year :) Isn't it so great when you know that after tomorrow you won't have to worry about studying and you can enjoy everyday life again? My last final is this afternoon and I already have my margarita ingredients waiting in the fridge LOL.

Good luck w/ the spinning certification also :D
http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-033.gif[/img]Yipeee! The day is finally here! Good Luck! You'll do great. Enjoy your evening and do something for YOU! Good Luck with the spinning cert!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Good Luck! You can do it! We are all rooting for you! Keep us updated when it's over. i can't keep my fingers and toes crossed for longer than 48 hrs!:+ You're gonna do great!


p.s. sending positive vibes that help with finding inner peace and concentration.......mellowness;)
Lois, that is very exciting and you are going to ace your ACE! I am sending out positive waves but you don't need them, you know this stuff and you are going to breeze right through your certifications! Good luck!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver

Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.-Charles Spurgeon

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