Decided we're staying (long one - could be a diary entry)


Well, I'm still waiting for the final offer from Maytag on the job in Iowa. They're supposed to call me on Monday. But this past Thursday, I was contacted by a local recruiter who has a job at one of the global banks and he thinks they'll be interested in me too. The money would be almost as much as at the Iowa job, and we wouldn't have to move away.

Obviously the bank thing isn't a sure thing. I haven't even been asked to interview yet. But something about the Iowa thing just wasn't sitting right with me. I wasn't comfortable with it and the thought of taking it just didn't make me excited. I should be excited about something like that, don't you think? I kept thinking about silly how I promised my daughter guinea pigs for her birthday. Her birthday is before we'd move out there - so what would I do? Get the guinea pigs on her birthday, so she wouldn't be disappointed? But then, we'd have to move them and keep them in an apartment with us while we found a house. Then there was the orientation for her kindergarten that came in the mail yesterday. I was sad about not going to it.

I guess I'm going to take robyn6002's advice and go with my gut feeling. Which is telling me to stay where I am for now and see what opporunties are available here.
The clincher came when I got home from dropping her off at a friend's birthday party. My husband was on his way out to our woods with the dog, and he had a couple bottles of beer in his hand. So I joined him and he was showing me all the work he'd been doing clearing away dead stuff in the woods to make it a cool play to hang out. Right then I knew I didn't want to leave. There's no way we'd find a new home with a yard to compare with our's in the towns that I was looking at out there. If we had all the time in the world to search, maybe we could. But that wouldn't be the case. We'd be stuck in an apartment while we were looking. A family of 3 with a large dog, 3 cats and 2 guinea pigs. We'd be miserable and would end up compromising on what we want.

And then my husband reminded me of how I always say that money isn't the most important thing to me. Money isn't what is going to make me happy. It's having time to spend with my family and having a job that gives me that flexibility, with little pressure. My job here is good. The money is decent, and they respect and trust me. Plus...I have an awesome office with a huge window and a door I can close when everyone in the cubicles are being too loud for me to think. I would have been in cubicle at Maytag. THAT would not make me happy. Especially one of those low-walled cubicles.

So now I'll have to decline the offer and I have a feeling they might be irritated with me. But after my trip out there, I had been kind of hoping they weren't interested. When the recruiter called and said they were...that I was their top candidate...I wasn't excited at all. I was disappointed that I didn't have my choice already made for me.

It sounds to me like you did the right thing. There are risks in life but we have to base them on our gut feelings. You went out there and that's the feeling you got. If it was right you would feel like you would be walking on air right now..anxious and excited. I.M.O. you made the right decision.

Sounds you have a beautiful home right now. I will is not everything but being happy in your job can be very rare. Life is so full of different kinds of stress. I don't make much money at all, but I absolutely love my job and have been doing it for about 15 years.

I agree with Robyn and go with your gut. If you are not excited about the prospect of moving and change...then stay. Life can be way too short to be in an unhappy job...:)...Carole
I just know you did the right thing. I'm one to say, money isn't everything. Your daughter sounds like she has friends here, and you sound like you live in a nice area. I've toyed with moving so many times, because there isn't alot of job opportunity where we are, and because i would like to live somewhere warmer. But everytime my kids go to a b-day party, or our friends call us to do things, i think how hard it would be to start all over with all of that.

Like they say(and it's true) the grass isn't always greener.....
Sounds like you made the right decision. Yes agree if you were not excited about it and you and you have such a wonderful home right now, that you are certainly making the right decision and it is in keeping with your life priorities.

How are you feeling about your decision now.

Congrats on making the decision - that's not easy.
Good for you for listening to your gut, Donna. I think your gut is very wise, and your reasons are very sound.

As for them being irritated, that's their problem. People turn down job offers all the time, and there's nothing wrong with it. If they offer you the job, they'll have a back-up plan in mind for sure.

I'm feeling a lot lighter today than I have in almost 2 weeks (since the time that they asked me to fly out the first time). It was funny, when I told my dh that I wasn't feeling really sure about it, he said, "Well if you're not sure about it, I'm DEFINITELY not sure about it". So right there I knew he wasn't too keen on the idea of going, but was just going along with it because he thought that I was totally sure about it.

What the heck? The government of our county have got to get their heads out of their butts sooner or later and make it a better place to live. Right? It can't get any worse. OK, it can, but we can always move to the next county over...

It sounds like you're making the right decision. Good for you! I think your property sounds like a wonderful place for a child to grow up.

Don't worry about Maytag being irritated with you, if they are even remotely human they will understand your reasons. And if they don't...tough!

I can't think of any time when my 'gut' was wrong. Enjoy your decision...and your DD's guinea pigs! :)


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
Glad you made a decision that you are happy with. You did so well on doing that I may come to your advice! I wish you well.


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