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  1. F

    Project Runway Baby!

    FYI - I'm an avid PR fan too and have watched since the first season. Now that it's down to four designers, Michael, Uli, Laura, and Jeff, they will all show at Fashion Week, but you will not see the fourth designer on the show. (And they showed them on Access Hollywood a couple weeks ag) What...
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    Post Pregnancy Workout

    Yes, that's even better! I have a 3 month old and as I was trying to get back into a routine, I found they were too long to do when we were alone, so I had to wait until my DH got home. Unfortuantely he doesn't get home from work until around 7:30/8:00 in the evening, so I found I wasn't able...
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    Mattea, I PM'd you! Thanks, Traci
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    Adri, Thanks for all your advice. I am open to all suggestions! T
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    Help! How did everyone work up to Cathe?

    I don't know about anyone else but I guess my answer would be that I just pushed myself and kept going until I got it. In addition, I believe I was on a series of Tae Bo tapes and had gotten to the point where I could complete the Advanced section quite easily. I also used to love Karen...
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    I don't know how to PM, can you explain? T
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    C-Section and abs...

    Hi Jenni, I didn't have twins but I've had 3 pregnancies, all of which were C-sections! I just had my 3rd pregnancy 11 weeks ago so I'm still working on dropping the weight and getting back into shape. I will tell you that after I had my other babies, I was able to get back down to my...
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    Hi Adri, I definitely am keeping in the cardio, I was just conflicted as to whether I should stick with just Cathe or keep the running in. You mentioned that I should wait to do intervals, do you mean intervals like Imax 2 or do you mean circuit like Cardio and Weights? Would circuits be...
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    Hi Mattea! Thank you for the great advice! You are right in that I am working my abs every day b/c it is what needs the most work, however I will cut back to 4 days a week. I love your advice on how to mix it up as well! As far as the other workouts I have, that would only be Body Max...
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    Which videos gave you the best results?

    Gosh this makes me want to take out a loan and buy every single DVD!!!!! I have to start compiling my list and the order in which I want my DH to buy them! :P
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    Post Pregnancy Workout

    I would say this workout should focus on core strength and cardiovascular endurance with some light toning. Perhaps it can be broken down into 2 segments, one segment to gradually help you get back into working out routine and the other when your strong enough to start working hard on core and...
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    DE/PA Catheites?

    Well I hope what I heard was true (about the Y), I would hate to have you not try them based on what I said and be wrong. I will say they have a BOSU class which I was interested in taking, only b/c I've never done it before so it might challenge me in other ways, ya know? I don't know...
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    Post pregnancy

    Right now, fun just means you didn't HATE IT!!!! Maybe I'll buy it! Thanks Traci
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    Hi all, I'm going to try to post my question all over the individual forums b/c I desperately need help. I'm trying to lose the last 12 pounds of weight since giving birth to my daughter 11 weeks ago. I have been eating mainly fruits, veggies, and lots of protein. I have some whole grains...
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    DE/PA Catheites?

    Aw, how nice of you. I can't exactly say how far away, but I know you aren't any closer than Cathe's club is to me. Thanks a lot though!!!! :7
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    Post pregnancy

    I absolutely love IMAX 2, Step Blast, and Legs and Glutes. I'm in the market for at least one more video and I'm thinking about Core Max since my core is very weak and my lower abs are still a mess, but I also wanted another cardio DVD. I do Body Max (the original) and I am sooo scared of the...
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    Post pregnancy

    My baby will be 3 months this week!I have about 12 pounds left to go! Hip Flexors? No.....right now I'm waiting for everything that is no longer sagging to just decrease in size...I hope with all the aerobics, running, and leg work I'm doing they'll take care of themselves without too much...
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    Which videos gave you the best results?

    Thanks for that info. I LOVE Imax 2. I like C and W as well but the intensity isn't as high. I also love Step Blast, that workout is killer! I want to try Imax 3, it looks brutal, I would hope that I would see even better results with that. I used only SB/SJP and KPC/LG last year when I...
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    DE/PA Catheites?

    Edit: When I said I belong to a gym, I meant the YMCA.
  20. F

    DE/PA Catheites?

    Hi Truton, I'm sorry I don't know how to PM, but I work for a big pharmaceutical company that has a fitness center I doubt the company will approve having someone outside of those instructors coming on site. I belong to the gym but I heard their classes aren't very...