
Active Member
Hi all,

I'm going to try to post my question all over the individual forums b/c I desperately need help. I'm trying to lose the last 12 pounds of weight since giving birth to my daughter 11 weeks ago. I have been eating mainly fruits, veggies, and lots of protein. I have some whole grains with my lunch. I have been doing both treadmill work and Cathe's videos. I've done everything from MIS to BM to Imax 2 and a few other workouts in her series in 2005. I will list below the rotation I'm trying this week to see if any of it makes sense. Please help me as I'm desperate to get on the right track.

So my rotation includes the following:

Mon. Imax 2/Abs/SJP (toning and stretch only)
Tues. 30 minutes on treadmill/abs SHORT ON TIME
Wed. KPC/Legs and Glutes (floorwork)
Thurs.30 minutes on treadmill/abs
Friday Step Blast/abs/Upper Body (MIS)
Sat. Body Max (cardio only) SHORT ON TIME
Sun. OFF

Should I eliminate the running or keep it in? I usually run at 5mph with 1 minute bursts every 5 minutes at 6mph.

Do you think this could help with weight loss?

I've also calculated that I can't eat more than 1700+ calories a day in order to lose weight.

I'm accepting any and all help/advice/suggestions!!!!

Hi Traci,
Congratulations on the baby girl!! And for only having 12 pounds to go after only 11 weeks post partum. You are doing great already! Try not to be so discouraged as it looks to me like you are so on the right track already, and that it's only been 11 weeks, your body is still recovering and rebuilding, so give it a little more time.
You should definitely keep in the running as it is, hands down, one of the most effective body slimming activities out there. Almost nothing burns as many calories in an equal amount of time. It also looks like you are working your abs pretty much every day. Which, IMO you don't really have to do. I gather that since we are talking about post partum weight, you are probably trying to work those abs pretty hard to get them to shape up. But, remember that your abs are a muscle like any other and they need adequate rest in order to build, just as you wouldn't work your biceps heavy two days in a row. So aim for at least 4 ab workouts each week. One using weights (Muscle Endurance, KPC, Boot Camp, Core Max #3), and 2 non-weighted more endurance type (Core Max #1, any of the Ab Hits routines, CTX abs, MIS, BMax, etc.), and one with a stability ball (KPC is a good one here, as is PUB, Basic Step, Core Max #2).
Spend the time that you would have used on the abs for a little extra "cardio blast". If you list all the workouts that you have this will help us to build a better rotation for you:)
In the meantime, keep up the good work and don't lose hope--you WILL get there!
Hi Traci, Mattea gave you great advice, but I just wanna say definatley keep teh cardio in because if you wanna lose those last 12 pounds (which isn't a lot for a having a baby, great job;-)) you need to focus on hte cardio for calorie burn. Then when you lost al the weight, still do carido but mix it around. Try intervals or other Cathe cardio/step workouts and then focus on some muscle building/endurance. (whatever your interested in)

Good Luck!

Hi Mattea!

Thank you for the great advice! You are right in that I am working my abs every day b/c it is what needs the most work, however I will cut back to 4 days a week. I love your advice on how to mix it up as well!

As far as the other workouts I have, that would only be Body Max and Max. Intensity Strength. I am in the market for getting at least one or two more but I'm having such a difficult time deciding on what to get. If you could help design a rotation for me to mix things up a bit further, even with suggested new tapes, that would be great!

Should I try running 3 days or do you think 2 times is enough?

My first goal is just to get myself back into pre-pregnancy shape and then I want to push myself to a new level of fitness. You look great by the way!!!

Hi Adri,

I definitely am keeping in the cardio, I was just conflicted as to whether I should stick with just Cathe or keep the running in.

You mentioned that I should wait to do intervals, do you mean intervals like Imax 2 or do you mean circuit like Cardio and Weights? Would circuits be more beneficial once I reach my weight loss goals? I'm sorry, I'm just a bit confused.

Hi Traci-
Thanks for the compliment! You made my day:) I'd love to help you design a rotation that will help you achieve your goals. Just PM with all you details and I'll get started right away.
Let me know exactly what videos you have and in what form.
1. So far you have Bmax and MIS (on VHS I assume?) But you also mention videos like Imax 2. Are you doing these off Fittv or do you have them on VHS or DVD?
2. Also, let me know where/how you run. Only on the treadmill? Does your treadmill have programs/elevations/etc?
3. How long have you been running? Adding in a 3rd day (of a different type of running workout, speed intervals or tempo running-don't worry I'll explain--might really help kickstart things.
4. You mention your abs a problem spot, anything else you'd like to concentrate on?
5. Also, besides pre-pregnancy weight, do you have any other goals? This will also help me to decide which videos would be good investments for you.
Sounds fun!
Hey Traci,
IMO I would do carido after you lose the majority or all the weight you wanna lose, just so you don't lose more wieght than you want to, and keep varity in your workouts. It may also put a little muscle on.

Good Luck,

Hi Traci,
In the upper right corner of each message are little pictures. If you click on the icon that looks like a piece of paper with waves behind it you will be able to go to a PM (private message) screen where you can send me a private message directly to my inbox. Then I can work on your rotation and reply to you (either through PM or email if you want)with your rotation or any other questions you or I might have for one another.
I hope this explains it, but if you're still confused let me know and I'll try again:7

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