DE/PA Catheites?


Active Member

I'm looking for anyone who may live in the New Castle County, Delaware or Philadelphia area. I wonder if there are any good group excercise classes around that don't involve joining a gym although gym reccommendations would be good as well.

If any Catheite is out there in DE/PA land, please respond!

Thanks again!

P.S. Too bad I don't live closer to Cathe!!
I live in the Philly area. Most gyms which offer classes let you attend at guest rates. Are you looking for a gym IN the city?
Hi Traci. I'm in Pennsville - right over the bridge! I work in NewCastle. Anyway, I'm not involved in any group classes. Let me know if you find anything interesting in our area. Cathe's gym is not too far from me - 45-50 mins. It's great to find someone close!


I'm actually looking for mostly DE area, however, if there was a gym I could attend IN the city with a guest pass that would be great.

Hi Traci, I live in New Castle county DE. Check with the YMCA. I believe the they let you join specific programs/classes for a nominal fee without having to join and pay the monthly dues.

Another at my work we have kickboxing class on-site twice a week. If you get some of your co-workers together, you may be able to get this guy to come to your office too. Feel free to PM me and I'll give you details.
Hi Truton,

I'm sorry I don't know how to PM, but I work for a big pharmaceutical company that has a fitness center I doubt the company will approve having someone outside of those instructors coming on site.

I belong to the gym but I heard their classes aren't very challenging, at least not for the advanced excerciser. I was hoping that there was perhaps a gym (like a boxing gym) or some other small facility that allowed a guest pass for a first time visit to test out the program.

Thanks for your help!

Hey Guys. I don't know how far ya'll are from Wilkes Barre, Scranton PA, but I'm having a GTG at my house in Pittston PA on Sept.30th if you might like to join us. It's just a one day thing so it may be too far of a drive. Just wanted to let you know! Would love to have you!

Aw, how nice of you. I can't exactly say how far away, but I know you aren't any closer than Cathe's club is to me. Thanks a lot though!!!! :7
Funny, after I mentioned YMCA I starting thinking about trying out one of their classes myself. But since you said they weren't very challenging then maybe I'll just pass.

As far as bringing someone from outside into your worksite, my company brought this guy on site despite the fact that we had our own gym at the time(unfortunately the gym is gone now due to budget cuts). He comes from a boxing gym in West Grove PA called Lef Jab. He has told me that he has a couple ladies training as boxers there. One of them is a prof at UD!
Well I hope what I heard was true (about the Y), I would hate to have you not try them based on what I said and be wrong.

I will say they have a BOSU class which I was interested in taking, only b/c I've never done it before so it might challenge me in other ways, ya know?

I don't know, I think I'll try to head to a rock climbing facility.
I know there is one in West Chester and one in Philly.

Thanks for all of your help!


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