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  1. K


    Hi Lizzy! It's hard to say what would be a good way of eating for you, b/c everyone is different. Some people do GREAT on low fat/high carb while others do just as great on moderate/high protein and lower carb. I personally do really well on all healthy carbs(moderate amounts), moderate...
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    RUDE Awakening

    It's really a coincidence that I found this thread today. I have a pair of "Old Navy" khaki shorts that I've worn since I started losing baby weight from my son 2 years ago. Well, I love those shorts SO MUCH b/c they're cute AND comfy! BUT last night they were dirty so I was forced to wear my...
  3. K

    Are there any PM exercisers out there?

    Hi! I actually LOVED my AM workouts - I would have to get up at 4:00, have coffee and wake up a little and workout from 4:30-5:30. The only reason I don't is b/c I have to go to bed so EARLY and I miss my evenings with my husband. Even though an hour or an hour and 1/2 is spent working out...
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    Pug Dogs!

    I got mine from a lady in Kansas. She was WONDERFUL!!! PM me and I'll give you the personal info on her. I know of TONS of good breeders from lots of research. I, too, live in TX and called every good breeder I could find - nothing. I know quite a few really good ones and they ship...
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    Ok, I can't hold back!!!

    That's AWESOME!!! I only hope my kids will grow up to be those kinds of kids! Congratulations!
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    Pug Dogs!

    Mine is great too! BUT he is going thru a phase where he chews on EVERYthing!!! If my 2 year old has a stuffed toy, Griffin is wantin' it BAD!!! Last night I started spraying him with water for it, and it started the biggest running/sprint around the living room you've ever seen!haha It was...
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    Sheila -- Any insight on pelvic floor muscle recovery??...

    RE: Sheila -- Any insight on pelvic floor muscle recove... Renee - I've just very recently noticed that feeling of pressure on my behind area. I've had a problem with leaking during high impact workouts since my daughter was born in '98, and it's never gone away, but just recently, I've...
  8. K

    Pug Dogs!

    I have a Pug named Griffin. He is 8 mo. old(I've had him about 5 mo.) He is precious! I couldn't believe it when I saw this thread! I had to look and make sure I was not on my Pug forum!=) I love my little furbaby, and he's great with my kids! KathrynH
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    Sheila -- Any insight on pelvic floor muscle recovery??...

    RE: Sheila -- Any insight on pelvic floor muscle recove... Could you describe what this feels like? I suspect I have something wrong but I don't know what it is. What are the symptoms? KathrynH
  10. K

    Are there any PM exercisers out there?

    THank you so much for all the replies! I like knowing there are a few others working out in the evening "with me"! KathrynH
  11. K

    Question about gaining weight and getting bigger.

    Well, I'm certainly no authority on this but everytime I start lifting with heavy weights again, I ALWAYS get thicker-looking for about 3 weeks. After that, the fat melts off like CRAZY! I think you're right to try it for about a month. I've had this discussion with several co-workers and...
  12. K

    Are there any PM exercisers out there?

    > >Also, it's inevitable >that the earlier I get up, the earlier my kids seem to wake >up, too...must be kiddie radar! > That is SO TRUE!!! If I get up at 6:00, the kids will wake up right in the middle of it! If I sleep in - so do they. If I got up at 4:00, I'm sure they'd sleep, but...
  13. K

    Are there any PM exercisers out there?

    Hi all! I've been reading the thread about AM exercisers and really enjoying it! I have been working out in the evenings, b/c I can't give up my Friends and Will and Grace late at night, so the early bedtime just never happens! How do you all stay motivated to stick with it after long days...
  14. K

    My experience working out with a toddler!

    Girl, been there, done that! I've done that several times, but I always end up more stressed than when I started!=) Good for you for seeing the humor! When do you usually do it? When they're in bed? I've found that I can do my free-weight work with my 4yo awake and it's no big deal b/c I...
  15. K

    thyroid disease

    Good luck, Kristy! I think it's called Acute Hypothyroidism..... Kathy >Hi Kathy, >That would be great if I didn't have to take any paxil. I >will ask my doctor about your story and see if applies to me. >I also read that paxil and any type of thyroid therapy do >interact with each...
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    thyroid disease

    WOW! When I heard that you have panic attacks and may be hypothyroid, I almost came out of my seat. Last Oct. I started having panic attacks and was so foggy-headed, I went to the ER. Nothing was wrong but I told them to check my thyroid b/c that runs in my family. The only thing they could...
  17. K

    How do you all manage to stick with it?

    This is an old topic but I wanted to bump it back up b/c I got so much motivation from it and thought some others might want to add to it!! I just started back consistently working out about a month ago. I have always worked out with the Firm and Cathe fairly consistently. Even after my 5yo was...
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    Chest exercises hurt shoulder

    I'll be interested to hear the answer to this too! I was noticing I had to be really careful last night on bench press!
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    Cats and babies

    Hi! I'm new here but wanted to say "Good luck" to you! How exciting. I had a "first born", too - a persian kitty I had had for 10 years. He wasn't a scratcher or biter but we just kind of let him sniff around her and really kept an eye on him when she was on the floor. It was odd though...