

I want to get myself back in shape and I am using Cathe's tapes again, bought a DVD player and ordered body blast. I am 5'7" and weigh 139lbs. I know once I start exercising consistetly I will drop a few, but I would really like to get my weight to about 125lbs. My body fat is around 34 which I know is kind of high. Any suggestions on what would be a good way to lose this weight and body fat.
I need more willpower and I love my glass of wine at night.
Any suggestions?
ps- I am now a cathe addict!
Hi Lizzy! It's hard to say what would be a good way of eating for you, b/c everyone is different. Some people do GREAT on low fat/high carb while others do just as great on moderate/high protein and lower carb. I personally do really well on all healthy carbs(moderate amounts), moderate protein, healthy fats. I feel great on it!!! I think you can't go wrong when you focus on eating healthy, fresh foods and good sources of protein. JMO.
Best of luck!!

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