My experience working out with a toddler!


Some of you can relate to this story I am sure.....

I have been sick with a sinus infection the past 5 days and have not worked out since Thursday! uuugghhhh! Slept my Mother's Day weekend away trying to recover. x( Finally went to the Doc today to get some meds.

Decided to do my UB workout this afternoon while my 3 year old was awake. Thought, oh no big deal... he'll just watch cartoons.

So, I turn on the cartoons, set up my step, my wts etc. Doing my own flavor of PUB the BFL style but without Cathe:( due to the rugrat hoggin' the tv.

It is only a matter of minutes before I have a 3 year old at my feet... "mommy, wanna play..." "mommy, can I sit on your lap...." "mommy, this cartoon is scary, I need LUVS". Good thing I am in such a good mood. Probably b/c I am just happy to be working out after 3 days off! :+

So he dumps his backpack full of plastic fish and lions at my feet... "let's play ocean mommy". "How cute" I am thinking! "He is just so cute!"

So, in between sets, I am holding my 3 year old, giving him attention while the Pug dog "Rocky" is jumping on my step and while trying to make sure none of the weights land on either the dog, the kid or my foot. Crazy! :p

The even crazier thing is that somehow I managed to get a killer workout, didn't drop a weight on anyone's head and had a happy 3 year old to boot! Funny how kids teach ya' to juggle and smile at the same time! I guess that is why they are God's greatest blessing:)

p.s. I am going to be sore tomorrow!

I am so there with you! My 19-month old and I have to fight over who get the step. In between sets, I have to remove tractors and cows from my step.

The best is when I lay down to do ab work and he wants to sit on my chest. If you think you have had a tough ab workout, try adding a 25 lb weight to your chest!!!

Yesterday, he decided to add a little extra resistance to the body bar, while I was doing the inner and outer thigh work from PS Legs (Yikes)!

Forget any cardio while he is awake. Somebody would definitely get hurt!!!!

Glad to hear you are feeling better!

Girl, been there, done that! I've done that several times, but I always end up more stressed than when I started!=) Good for you for seeing the humor! When do you usually do it? When they're in bed? I've found that I can do my free-weight work with my 4yo awake and it's no big deal b/c I can stop and come back when she needs me, but once I turn my Cathe on, I can't handle alot of interruption w/o alot of stress! I'm sure we'll look back on these times of little ones at our feet and wish we could do it again!:)
Kathy H
I exercise with my 3 year old son,Michael, every day. He plays in his room or comes into the living room and dumps his cars on the floor. "Watch this Mommy, watch this!' Look at me Mommy!" and usually there's at least one "Are you almost done yet?". He likes watching plus I bought him and his sister their own pair of 1-2# dumbbells they like to use. I think it's good for them to see how important exercise is in life. Susan
I am so glad others experience this too! Tractors and cows!! too much.

The last time I lay down on my bench to do PS, or one of then 18 month old walked up and "tossed me" a 2.5 barbell plate when I wasn't looking, it landed on my crotch. It hurt so bad, I cried!!

I agree, exercise is setting a good example! I am currently awaiting the Ok from the Doc after having my 3rd boy in April, and the other day my 4 yr old said wistfully, "Mama, I can't WAIT til you can do your workouts again!" And how!

:) Hi fitnut! I noticed you said you have a pug dog. I have 2 pug dogs, one black female and the other fawn male. We mated them once and that was enough. The female was no kind of mother and wanted nothing to do with her pups. If I ever get my pictures on your new forum I'll put one of my 2 pugs and the pups!:D
Yes, I agree that these are the moments to be cherished. I know that someday I will yearn for the day my baby WANTED to sit beside me when I worked out. I know someday I will be begging him just to stay home for dinner! Right now we just need to cherish each and every moment.

Sometimes when I am using the fitball he gets his little ball out and does the same exercises! It is soooo cute! He also uses my old 3 lb wts and tries to do what I do. I agree that it is setting good examples for them! He likes watching Cathe!

I also had posted a long time ago another story..... one day I was working out to one of Cathe's wt tapes (don't remember which one.) All of my weights do not match. Some are neoprene and some are metal. I was using one of the blue neoprene ones and Cathe's and crew were all metal. He says "mommy,,, wrong ones... you need to use those ones over there" pointing at my metal wts lined up on the wall. So... it just goes to show ya' how perceptive they are. In his mind I was doing it wrong! The same day he also told me to "jump mommy, Jump!..... she said JUMP!" I was doing Imax2 I think and he obviously didnt' think I was jumping high enough!

IntensityLisa - yes... pls post or send me pics of your pugs! Would love to see them. I also replied to your Pug thread!
When I do IMAX2 my 6 yr. old daughter always seems to walk in and say" You're not jumping as high as her ya know!":) My son likes to try to roll me off the stability ball when I'm on it!:eek: Once he succeeded! Susan

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