thyroid disease


Active Member
Hello out there. I need help on some information for those of you who have hypothyroidism. I have been trying real hard in the last 6 months to take off these stubborn 15 pounds while watching what I eat and excercise religously and still nothing. Anyway, I went to the doctor to discuss it with him and he did some blood work to see if it was hypothyroid since my mom has it and I have a larger one than average. Does this mean I will always have a weight battle? Once your on thyroid replacment therapy does your metobalism change for the better? I have tons of other questions so any input and information will be soooo helpful. Please help! Thank you
Hi, I had half my thyroid removed 13 years ago this month and I have been on synthroid ever since. Even though I was never hyper or hypo I still take the synthroid to suppress the other side from making a nodule(I had the other side removed because of a benign nodule). Once you are on synthroid (if that is your problem) and they get it regulated then you should have no problem starting to lose weight again. It will help regulate your metabolism again and you should see weight start to come off. I used to blame my thyroid for all my weight problems but after I lost 80 pounds the first time I realized that it was my eating not my thyroid to blame;( . I am now beginning to relose some weight that I put back on due to another medication that I no longer take. You will feel so good once the weight starts coming off again.

Hope that helps some.

Let us know what the test results say.
Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. My test come back friday, so I'll let you know. I am also on paxil 30mg. But I have been on that for 3 years now. He wants to switch me to paxil cr. I am a little scared of it all. I need it for my panic attachs and such, but don't want to gain anymore weight!!;(
WOW! When I heard that you have panic attacks and may be hypothyroid, I almost came out of my seat. Last Oct. I started having panic attacks and was so foggy-headed, I went to the ER. Nothing was wrong but I told them to check my thyroid b/c that runs in my family. The only thing they could find was hypoth. I didn't believe it b/c I was actually LOSING weight. I made an appt. with my dr. and he re-tested. Still hypo. He said, "Get ON your medicine!" He said he had started researching my case b/c my symptoms were so odd, and there is a form of hypothyroidism that causes your body to feel depressed even though your mind isn't, and it causes panic". I went to 2 other drs. b/c I just couldn't believe that all the foggy headedness and HORRIBLE panic attacks could be from a slight amt of hypothyroidism, but I did start taking just a small amt of Synthroid (.5, I think). I was only on it for 3 days when the fog started to lift and the panic attacks subsided. When I think I'm fine, and get off my Synthroid, or if I forget to take it for a few days, it slowly comes back. I hope you find what works for you - I know how miserable those panic attacks are! Let us know how your tests come back!
Kathy H
Hi Kathy,
That would be great if I didn't have to take any paxil. I will ask my doctor about your story and see if applies to me. I also read that paxil and any type of thyroid therapy do interact with each other to where they both work to hard, not enough or cancel one out completley. Thank you again for your input.
Good luck, Kristy! I think it's called Acute Hypothyroidism.....
>Hi Kathy,
>That would be great if I didn't have to take any paxil. I
>will ask my doctor about your story and see if applies to me.
>I also read that paxil and any type of thyroid therapy do
>interact with each other to where they both work to hard, not
>enough or cancel one out completley. Thank you again for your
Hi Kathy H and Annette,
Thank you for your responses and your sweet words of kindness. I got my test results back and the tyroid is perfectly normal. Not high at all. He said it is in a great range. He did switch my paxil 30mg to paxil cr 25mg and said that the cr type does not have a side effect of weight gain. So I guess, I will go from here and keep on trying to figure this out. It's just to frustrating to be doing all you can do workout and watch what you eat and nothing budges. I am thankful that I am healthy, though. Thanks again. Kristy
Hi Kristy,

I am glad that your thyroid is ok, and sorry that it is not the answer to your weight problems. In order to jump start my metabolism again I have stopped eating after 7 pm at night and so far have lost 7 pounds. I am really tickled about the loss since I had been stuck at a plateau for almost a year. Keep tweeking where you can and I am sure that something will jolt your body into losing again.

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