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  1. N

    Cathe's Greatest Hits?

    MORE BEGINNERS WORKOUTS PLEEEEEEASE Hi Cathe: I've asked for this before but I've been away from you for so long that perhaps it happened and I'm not aware of it. Can you possibly focus on creating a group or series of workouts for the less advanced? Geared more towards intermediate. An...
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    More Beginner/Intermediate Workouts?

    Former Junkie who's in a Rut Thank you for that. I am actually a former Cathe junkie. I have done all of her workouts and excelled in many. After a back surgery in April of last year, I stopped working out completely and have just not been able to get back into it. I know that if Cathe...
  3. N

    More Beginner/Intermediate Workouts?

    Cathe when when when?? The Circuit Training workout I have is all but worn out. You're so great at the tough stuff but what about those of us who love you but can't do the tough stuff? Can't you put today's workout innovations and all your originality in some easier workouts? Why not start a...
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    Cathe, I don't know how often you get asked this but I NEED to see some bloopers. I watch you guys do these crazy hard workouts so perfectly and I say to myself, "no way - there's no way they didn't trip a million times doing that - there's no way that was done so perfectly..........." and I...
  5. N


    RE: UPDATED Coremax has some incredible "pre-mixes" which really hit the abs. Actually, I've been doing Coremax for about 6 months and just noticed these yesterday! Also her AbHits DVD is invaluable because it has almost all of her ab segments on one DVD!!!
  6. N

    Instructional Video is a Must! Cathe, please must read this!

    She definitely describes the mambos at the beginning of Stepworks, but other than that, she doesn't do the short tutorial. At least not on the workouts of hers that I've done.
  7. N

    Instructional Video is a Must! Cathe, please must read this!

    You go girl! You know it's funny. Since then, I've been looking at other step videos and I realize that maybe Cathe isn't so hard choreographically :-) - in comparison that is. Amy Bento (who I don't like as much as Cathe) actually does take 5 minutes before her Advanced Step Challenge to go...
  8. N

    Help!!! Sprained ankle, but want to still "do you". :-)

    Cathe, 1 1/2 weeks ago, I badly sprained my ankle doing Drillmax and I'm just now slowly getting back to doing very low impact workouts. Since I do your workouts almost exclusively, can you please tell me which of them are MOST adaptable to low impact moves? In your step jump and pump, you do...
  9. N


    It's so funny you ask that question because I purposely got on here today to review low impact circuit which I just did for the first time. I'm coming off an ankle sprain so I needed something low impact and I'm an advanced exerciser. That being said, what an incredible workout! I've done all...
  10. N

    Injury & frustration - how did you do it, Cathe?

    Wow. I'm so glad i found this topic. It was EXACTLY what I was looking for. Last week I fell doing DrillMax and seriously sprained my ankle. It was such a bad sprain, my leg and foot blew up to almost double the size and my toes and foot are still very black and blue. Thank God, it doesn't...
  11. N

    Difference between Chalene & Cathe

    Right but what about those that "can't" finish it with her, and part of the reason is because they became discouraged when she mentioned how hard it would be?
  12. N

    Difference between Chalene & Cathe

    As with everything and everyone (and what I've learned especially from being on these forums) is that opinions are extremely subjective. I did, however, notice the huge contrast btwn Cathe & Chalene, esp. in that respect and it made me think. I counted the # of times Cathe said that something...
  13. N

    Difference between Chalene & Cathe

    I only did her kickin core and it was o.k. Not as advanced as I'd like, but not as beginner as 3T. I just did Cathe's bootcamp and she kept saying things like, "this is going to be really tough", "prepare yourself- you're going to get very winded.....", "this next one is hard!". I can't help...
  14. N

    Difference between Chalene & Cathe

    I did Chalene's Punch, Kick & Jam yesterday and what a difference between her and Cathe. The music in that workout was so outrageously good that I didn't feel the time go by. I was having so much fun that if it wasn't for the alarm on my heart rate monitor I wouldn't have even noticed that my...
  15. N

    Instructional Video is a Must! Cathe, please must read this!

    RE: Instructional Video is a Must! Cathe, please must ... I am the one who started this whole request and I have to say, I too am very surprised, but I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion. I did get the feel from the people who disagreed with me that it was their feeling that "more...
  16. N

    Instructional Video is a Must! Cathe, please must read this!

    RE: Instructional Video is a Must! Cathe, please must ... AMEN TO THAT!!!!!!!!!
  17. N

    Instructional Video is a Must! Cathe, please must read this!

    Even when you go to the gym - which i don't do for this VERY reason. How fun or effective is it to go to an hour step class and fall all over yourself, tripping over the step, your neighbor, and not getting any of the sustained heart rate benefits because you are not familiar with the...
  18. N

    Instructional Video is a Must! Cathe, please must read this!

    Right, BUT, if you're working out with the goal of keeping your heart rate up for any extended period of time. You will not accomplish that goal doing a Cathe video for the first, second or third time w/o practice BECAUSE each and every time you have to do a rewind to repeat the steps and learn...
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    Instructional Video is a Must! Cathe, please must read this!

    Hi!! You know what's funny? Last night I was watching IMAX 2 and i did notice that. Thanks! Dee
  20. N

    Instructional Video is a Must! Cathe, please must read this!

    Basic step came with my step. That is a ridiculously easy workout and one i wouldn't waste my time doing. Further, even if you master those very easy step routines, it's not going to prepare you any better for the harder ones. I know Stepworks,Powermax, Bodymax 1 and a few others like the...