More Beginner/Intermediate Workouts?


Active Member
Cathe when when when?? The Circuit Training workout I have is all but worn out. You're so great at the tough stuff but what about those of us who love you but can't do the tough stuff? Can't you put today's workout innovations and all your originality in some easier workouts? Why not start a beginners/intermediate series? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease?
Have you tried the PushPull/Supersets? That particular DVD is very doable and easily modified for various levels. Likewise her kickboxing workouts - KickMax, MMA:Kickbox and Kick, Punch and Crunch. Kickmax and KPC also have great premixes that further allow you to modify and then work up to a higher level. Don't forget to challenge yourself - you can do more than you think you can!! ;-)
Former Junkie who's in a Rut

Thank you for that. I am actually a former Cathe junkie. I have done all of her workouts and excelled in many. After a back surgery in April of last year, I stopped working out completely and have just not been able to get back into it. I know that if Cathe came up with something entirely new and for the intermediate crowd, I'd be so happy but yes; a lot of her workouts are modifiable so i really have no excuse. :eek:) Thanks.
Hi Niecie! The new low impact series is loaded with circuit workouts that are TOUGH but very easy to modify if it feels to aggressive for you. The motivation, variety and fun factor are way high in this series so step on board with all of us and give it a go :)

Thank you for that. I am actually a former Cathe junkie. I have done all of her workouts and excelled in many. After a back surgery in April of last year, I stopped working out completely and have just not been able to get back into it. I know that if Cathe came up with something entirely new and for the intermediate crowd, I'd be so happy but yes; a lot of her workouts are modifiable so i really have no excuse. :eek:) Thanks.

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