Difference between Chalene & Cathe


Active Member
I did Chalene's Punch, Kick & Jam yesterday and what a difference between her and Cathe. The music in that workout was so outrageously good that I didn't feel the time go by. I was having so much fun that if it wasn't for the alarm on my heart rate monitor I wouldn't have even noticed that my heart rate was way above target. This is what I feel workouts are missing. Awesome, make you want to go to a club and dance, music! I do tons of Cathe, Billy, Mindy, Kelley, Christie, and I have never heard music like this before. I LOVE it! Another thing I love about Chalene is that she's very supportive, whereas Cathe would say, "this is going to be TOUGH, this is going to burn, hold on to your hat.. ..(which makes me dread what's ocming and almost not want to do it), Chalene says, "enjoy yourself, do what you can, don't worry about what you can't and be happy you're doing it - that's what really counts". Cathe makes me dread what's coming, whereas Chalene makes me not worry about it and just feel good that I'm doing it and it's so much fun. I realize that's completely subjective and depends on so many factors, but that's MY opinion.
I actually like that workout a lot, (I have a lot of the Turbo Jam workouts and like them all) but I also like Cathe's stuff. I find I get bored if I keep doing the same things over and over. I was curious if you have tried Chalene's new on the ball workouts. I'm interested in them but wanted to get a review before I thought about buying them.

I only did her kickin core and it was o.k. Not as advanced as I'd like, but not as beginner as 3T. I just did Cathe's bootcamp and she kept saying things like, "this is going to be really tough", "prepare yourself- you're going to get very winded.....", "this next one is hard!". I can't help thinking what instructor who is trying to encourage people to work out would say things like that. It just increases the dread factor. She's probably just trying to psyche people up, but for me, in particular, it makes me dread.
Interesting comment. As a teacher, I do try to do exactly what you're saying. "You guys can do this, although it may take some time"...with a difficult concept, as opposed to "Oh, this is so hard" which I know some of my teaching colleagues do. I try not to sugarcoat things which can be complicated because then it would make students who don't get it think they're stupid or simply unable to do it. Ok, did not mean to steal this thread, but it made me think. One more thing, maybe Cathe does that so that when we DO get through it we feel really accomplished. But now I do want to check out Charlene ;)
As with everything and everyone (and what I've learned especially from being on these forums) is that opinions are extremely subjective. I did, however, notice the huge contrast btwn Cathe & Chalene, esp. in that respect and it made me think. I counted the # of times Cathe said that something was going to be "really hard" this morning and it was about 10 times throughout the workout and each time she said it, my thought was "oh, crap - i'm going to suffer again". She'd says things like, "ok - these start out really easy and you think you're going to have it easy, but just you wait" or "enjoy it now because it's going to get really tough/hard" and that is me and I'm very advanced - can you imagine someone who's not as advanced and trying to get into the whole "exercise" thing. A comment like that may cause them to "run scared". But then again, one could say that Cathe's videos are tailored to the advanced so that particular issue shouldn't be a problem for an exerciser who is advanced. Well, I'm ACE and NASM certified and have been working out for 22 years! So, I guess my point in writing it is for Cathe (and anyone else who reads this and teaches) to see that tellling people how tough and grueling and challenging your workouts are may not be the best way to encourage one to exercise. Me in particular? I prefer a supportive, encouraging instructor who makes me feel like nothing's too hard for me exercise is not "hard", but "fun" and anything I do is better than nothing! :)
Cathe and Chalene are like night and day, in personality, looks, style, method of instruction, etc. I like them both and enjoy their workouts. I understand what you mean about Cathe possibly scaring off some exercisers with her "warnings" during the workout, but I really don't think most people who do her advanced workouts are bothered by those comments. After all, most people who do her workouts are seasoned exercisers. I kind of like it when she warns me when a tough exercise is coming up, like she does in the IMAX's. It helps me psych myself out for it. I do find Cathe a supportive and encouraging instructor, but she does it in a different way than Chalene. She usually waits until the end and then comments "Don't you feel so accomplished!";)
Cathe also says that mental preparation is important - so in a way I appreciate hearing that something is going to be tough.

To each their own. One of the reasons I almost exclusively use Cathe for my exercise is because she doesn't sugarcoat all the time.
I agree - when Cathe says something tough is coming up, I concentrate more and work harder. I feel very accomplished and worked out with Cathe.
I agree with some of the other posters in that Cathe and Chalene are totally different in style, which I respect and like the difference. Today when I was doing LIC - on the last blast - Cathe was saying how this is probably the hardest one - so I geared myself up mentally - and completed every step of it with her - and when I was done - felt that more accomplished. Thinking - man - Cathe - my hero - thought that was one of the toughest - and I finished it with her - did all of the reps!!! Whew that felt awesome!!! :) It is motivating for me for her to say that and for me to complete it with her. Even if I cant get all of them - but come close - to know that Cathe thought it was hard and that I did my best is VERY encouraging for me.
Right but what about those that "can't" finish it with her, and part of the reason is because they became discouraged when she mentioned how hard it would be?
I doubt that part of the reason someone can't finish is due to discouragement at the mention of the difficulty. Again, as one poster said, most of us are advanced exercisers and I dare say that everyone here is self motivated enough to push it through, at least to his/her ability, eiher because of Cathe's comments or despite. (I personally go for the former)
I've only tried two of Chalene's workouts, but I found her 'too perky' at times.

I really like the music Cathe chooses for her kickboxing workouts. It's always driving and makes me want to kick and punch harder.

Maybe Chalene's music choices fit her 'let's have a party' atmosphere better, but I prefer a more kickboxy kickbok workout.
apples and oranges. whatever floats your boat, seriously. variety is the spice of life.


Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.
--Family Guy
So then, stick to Turbo Jam and don't do Cathe. I completely agree with whoever said that it's unlikely that someone telling you that something is tough is going to render you unable to do it.
I picked up Cathe when I was probably, oh, I would say maybe low intermediate. I worked out at a gym -elliptical, weight machines etc, but no step and certainly nothing like Cathe. For me, when Cathe says something is hard, that is encouraging, because if Cathe, as incredibly advanced and athletic that Cathe is, thinks it's hard, then if I can't do it all, that is OK, because it IS HARD!!! I also feel incredibly accomplished when I can match Cathe move for move, weight to weight, and sometimes now, she will say things are hard, and it isn't for me! WHAT! WHAT! WHAT!

So I think it really comes down to mindset. Glass half full? Glass half empty.
The Perspective of an Overweight Exerciser

I love Cathe’s style and personality. Her workouts are a blast, and she inspires me to press on and give it my all. There are many other instructors I have not bonded with for one reason or another. They are fine instructors. Either the workouts were not my cup or tea, or their personality or teaching style did not click with me. I did not go to their website and complain about what is “wrong” with them because there is nothing wrong with them. There are many people out there who love them for who they are and enjoy their workouts. I do not think anyone should change for me. I gave the videos away and moved on. The good thing about having so many instructors producing workouts is that there is something out there for everyone.

I love Cathe’s personality and style and hope she never changes. I have battled my weight and obesity my whole life. I was more than 100 pounds overweight when I started this journey. I was living a totally sedentary life. I started an exercise program and quit, started and quit, over and over again. My eating has not always been perfectly clean, but I have been exercising consistently for over a year since I started working out with Cathe. Why? Because I love her personality, choreography, and teaching style. She makes working out fun for me. And she challenges me. She sets the bar high and inspires me to rise above and be the strong and fit woman I was created to be. Obesity is my present reality. Fitness is my future hope. Cathe does not cause me to focus on the limitations of my present reality. She inspires me to focus on my future hope and run with perseverance until it is my reality. I do not want an instructor to baby me or excuse me to do just what I can to get by. Conquering obesity is hard. It requires mental strength, emotional resilience, and determination. I need an instructor like Cathe who makes me believe that I can do anything for a minute. I am well below my top weight now, but I am still hauling around a lot of excess weight. Yet I can do things physically that I never imagined possible like completing some of Cathe’s more advanced workouts with only a few modifications.

Mental preparation is important. When Cathe warns me that something tough is coming up, I can get my game face on and get ready for it. Not to mention, there are some super advanced moves that are still out of my league. Knowing that parts of these workouts are tough for Cathe and crew makes me feel better when I struggle. I have walked out of classes in tears feeling like a failure because an instructor made it seem so easy when it was not for me.

You talk about Cathe’s Boot Camp then ask us to imagine “someone who's not as advanced and trying to get into the whole exercise thing.” The average American has most likely never heard of Cathe. If they have, it should be obvious from the video clip and workout description that Boot Camp is not the place to start. Someone who is new to exercise would likely be introduced to Cathe through her set at Target. Her approach is much gentler in those workouts. The same is true for Basic Step and Body Fusion.

When you first joined the forums, you expressed your opinion that Cathe is not creative. You were looking for more functional moves. Based on that, I think you might enjoy Jen Carmen’s workouts. She is very perky and says things similar to what you quoted from Chalene. (I love Jen too by the way.) I am not trying to discourage you, but it is possible that you will never bond with Cathe. My other suggestion is to stick with Cathe’s more functional workouts like Supersets and avoid workouts like Boot Camp. I personally love Boot Camp. I am not very athletic by nature, but Boot Camp is a blast. Supersets is super fun, less intense, and not intimidating at all.

I am having a lot of fun with Cathe’s workouts. I find her to be very warm and encouraging in her workouts and through these forums. I got fired up when I first start working out with her and did Boot Camp before my body was ready for it. I pressed on and got through it because of her encouraging words. I woke up feeling like I had been run over by a steamroller. Cathe herself encouraged me to step back from the ultra advanced workouts until my body acclimated. I have also seen her encourage new mothers to take it easy, enjoy the new baby, and do the best they can do with workouts while adjusting to motherhood.

I just wanted to share the experience of someone who is not an advanced fitness queen. Cathe does not intimidate me or discourage me in any way. She inspires me and encourages me to give every workout my all. I did not have any athletic ambitions when I started this journey. I just wanted to be able to bend over and paint my toes without getting winded! Now I am thinking that there just might be an athlete buried under these mounds of fat, and I believe with all my heart that I can accomplish all my fitness goals and finally be free from this prison of fat for good. I have shed 10 pounds this month, and I am hoping to start running later this year. Each of us is unique, and that is what makes the world a fun place. I hope you find more workouts that you enjoy. As for me, I will keep double knotting my laces, getting my game face on, and rising to the challenge with Cathe.

Heather B.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1 NIV).
RE: The Perspective of an Overweight Exerciser

Here, here, Heather! Well said, very well said.


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