Difference between Chalene & Cathe

I've never done a TJ workout, but when I saw Chalene's informertial, I knew she was not for me. Cathe clicks with me, for whatever reason. I have learned the hard way, buying anyone else is a waste of money. I've tried Jari Love, and I do her slim and lean occationally, but never on a regular basis. I have a new Kelly Coffey-Meyer and a new Amy Bento that I haven't tried yet. They have very different cueing styles that will take some practice getting used to, and I am not sure it's worth the effort for me.

Long story short, Cathe is my personal preferrance.

I actually attended a Turbo Kick Master Class in NYC on Saturday. What a difference from the dvds!!!! Talk about kicking it up a notch! The Turbo itself is far more intense + there were some new moves in the choreography that are not on the dvds. If you ever get a chance to take a Master Class I highly recommend it.

I enjoyed myself immensely!! Take care, Kathy:D
My favorite thing about Cathe and her workouts it the constant encouragement in the habit of embracing challenges, not fearing them. Whenever Cathe says anything is tough, I always hear telegraphed that we are bigger and bolder than the challenge itself. This has not only changed my approach to working out, it has changed my approach to life. I'm so glad that she doesn't patronize; she tells it like it is - fearlessly, and I always try to receive it fearlessly. And though I'm still pretty new to the fearless stuff, I'm trying to make it habit :)

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