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    More hair trauma! Need advice........

    I would go back. It's so hard to find someone that does a good job. Hopefully next time will be better.
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    Anyone else in Nor Cal feeling my pain?

    We are west of Sacramento and they have cancelled all the childrens sports right now. But hey, I refuse to let a little smoke in my lungs stop me from exercising :P
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    Anyone else in Nor Cal feeling my pain?

    The smoke in the air is unreal! It's been like this for days. It smells as though the fire is right in my back yard. I've been fighting a headache for 3 days :( I have no choice but to keep exercising in my garage but man I was feeling it in my chest today. Oh what I would do for a breath...
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    Ryka size help

    So looks like 1/2 size up. Going to look for them at the suggested online stores right now. Thanks!
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    Under Armour Proto Trainers?

    I was thinking about getting Rykas but now I'll have to check these out. I need a good step shoe and a shoe for leg day that doesn't slip off the back of my heel ;( I had to laugh at your post. I just joined this forum a few weeks ago and I've already spent more money than I should have.
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    Ryka size help

    I have never order shoes online but I can't find the Ryka N-Gage shoes in a store. Can someone tell me how the size on these shoes run? Also can you suggest a safe online shoe store. I'm in desperate need of new shoes! Thanks a bunch!
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    Total Body Suggestion

    Well looks like it's ME. Thanks for the help!
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    best strength workout

    Yes...MM is a must have.
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    Cheat Day :oD

    Even though nothing is off limits on my cheat day, I've found that my tummy can't handle the extra fat anymore. The thought of having side effects from eating certain foods makes me want to keep eating healthy. I also find that when eating out, I can't finish even half of my food...that's a good...
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    Loving Our Bodies

    Thanks for the post. I often forget to look at myself in a positive way. I'm always so focused on the negative. I'm very proud of the fact that I've become very fit. I'm still 189 pounds but I'm sure I have more cardio endurance and muscular strength then most of my skinny friends. Along...
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    Total Body Suggestion

    I have Muscle Max but I'm looking for another total body video. So, what do you think? Power Hour Maximum Intensity Strength Muscle Endurance Others?? I need something to hold me over until STS Thanks for the help, Penny
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    Ouch! my aching knee

    Thanks Shannon I do GSL often but I had decided to go a bit deeper into the squats and lunged because I felt like I was to shallow on them. Maybe this threw off my form. I just don't know what I did :(
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    Very Sad:(

    Very sorry. We had to put our 15 year old lab down last year and it was very hard. My heart goes out to you and your family.
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    Ouch! my aching knee

    Last week, after doing GSL, I started having pain on the outside of my knee. I've never had a problem with my knees before so this is new to me. It still hurts today but only when I fully extend my leg out (feel a pop) or when I squat. The pain is not so bad that I can't exercise....yet...
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    Has Anyone Else on the East Coast Noticed That it's HOT...

    RE: Has Anyone Else on the East Coast Noticed That it's... Just a California girl here. We tend to think anything under 100 is cool LOL. ;) Our problem has been the wind. Heat and wind are not a good combo in our area. It makes for high fire danger levels. There's always some idiot that...
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    Nap at work

    Posting is the only thing keeping me awake at work :D HAHA
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    Hormone rant - long

    I'm 37 and don't know if I have perimenopause or if it's just PMS but I also have a raging appetite for about 2 weeks out of every month. I pretty sure I would be skinny if it weren't for stupid PMS! I've tried calcium.....don't notice a difference, exercise...6 days a week doesn't seem to...
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    Grocery List

    Moring Star Asian Veggie Patties Broccoli Slaw Kashi Go Lean Crunch Light soy milk Fav. veggie mixture of zucchini, yellow squash, sliced baby carrots, mushrooms and garlic WW cheddar cheese (like that they are pre-measured) Wheat 100 cal. English Muffins Whole Wheat Pitas Boca Chili...
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    Anyone else read romance novels

    Thanks for the recommendations. I wrote down some of the authors names that I haven't read and plan making a trip to my favorite used book store this weekend...books for $1.50 :-) I'm reading A Knight in Shining Armor by Jude far so good on this one.
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    Anyone else read romance novels

    or smutt books as my husband calls them. I haven't read a good book in ages. I get half way though one, get bored and stop reading it. I don't know if I've read all the good ones or what. Any other smutt readers out there LOL? Read anything good lately? Favorite Author? Books? Thanks