Ouch! my aching knee


Last week, after doing GSL, I started having pain on the outside of my knee. I've never had a problem with my knees before so this is new to me. It still hurts today but only when I fully extend my leg out (feel a pop) or when I squat. The pain is not so bad that I can't exercise....yet anyways.

I worked legs last night with a brace but don't feel like I got a good workout because I was worried about it. My biggest fear is that I'm going to hear a pop and that's going to be it...surgery time! I really feel like I'm stressing about this. Five years ago I had surgery on both my feet to remove bunions and correct the angle of my bones on the outside of my feet due to running and overpronation. It took 16 weeks for the bones to heal! 16 weeks of no exercise!! Needless to say I got in a funk and ate.

I've worked too hard for something to go wrong again.

Anyone else experience knee pain like this? Have any advice??
It probably wouldn't hurt to take a few days off of lower body weight work. If the pain goes away, then try a workout that you do often, and see how it feels. If that's okay, try GSL again, but use lighter weights, maybe. Just kind of work back into it, you know?

You're absolutely right to be cautious. You don't want to mess around with a knee injury!

Since the pain happens when you squat, you might want to check your form. I know that personally, if I'm even a tiny bit out of alignment, I have knee problems.
Thanks Shannon

I do GSL often but I had decided to go a bit deeper into the squats and lunged because I felt like I was to shallow on them. Maybe this threw off my form. I just don't know what I did :(
Have you ever had knee problems before? If not, I'll bet the deeper squats and lunges just strained a ligament or something. Ligaments and tendons can take a long time to heal, so be sure to give yourself time. Now, I'm not saying you definitely did that, but still, that's a pretty common knee injury. You know, sometimes injuries just happen! Take it easy. You'll heal!

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