Cheat Day :oD


I watch my caloric intake, eat like a good girl, spread things out over 5-6 meals 6 days a week. The 7th is my official Cheat Day, where I don't count a darn thing and eat crap.

I love, love, love not having to log my food in for that day, but I have found that the healthier habits I've cultivated over time are totally interferring with my rebelious, 7th day behavior. I eat, but I find myself eating less. Otherwise, I'm bloated. I go for cake, but then I find myself wanting some protein at the next meal (which is too far off 'cause I'm still bloated from the cake!). Extra time between meals means less cheat time, darnit! :p

I know ultimately this is a good thing, but it's not how I pictured Cheat Day. Don't get me wrong ~ no cheesecake is safe on Day 7 ~ but body won't let me be completely hedonisitc. Boo!

Anyone else enjoy a Cheat Day? Anyone else go to bed that night with a bloated gut and a ring of chocolate around their mouths? :+
I get really bad headaches from high sugar foods, I'll finish eating some chocolate mint meltaways and then think, "darn I should hard boil some eggs or something". Then I scold myself. Then I scold myself for scolding myself. :p Hey, what a problem to have, right?
Even though nothing is off limits on my cheat day, I've found that my tummy can't handle the extra fat anymore. The thought of having side effects from eating certain foods makes me want to keep eating healthy. I also find that when eating out, I can't finish even half of my food...that's a good thing :D

I know that it's good to play with your calories and have a cheat day but more and more I would rather just up my healthy calories on that day and not deal with any tummy issues or bloating.
I'll have an actual hangover the next day. My body is not used to it and I end up sick. For me it's better to just enjoy smaller indulgences every now and then, instead of an actual cheat day.

I must be terrible because I build a little indulgence into every day whether it is just a couple of Lorna Doone cookies or...medium sized gelato, half mocha cappuccino, half caramel. :9
I tried to follow the Body for Life eating plan, which includes a cheat day, a few times. The first time I managed to stick with it for about a month. I gave it a few more tries after that and I kid you not this is what a actually did, I STARTED with the cheat day. Then, on the first day of healthy eating I would mess up and eat some forbidden food. I would then decide to start fresh the next day with a cheat day! So basically every day was a cheat day. You probably wouldn't be surprised to hear that my results were disappointing. I realized that the diet was too strict for me and joined WW. I have been a lifetime member for two years now. I usually have some kind of treat in the evening after dinner. If I know I will be eating something out of the ordinary in a given week I plan accordingly. I can plan an entire road trip and week's menu around pie. :9

<<<My body is not used to it and I end up sick. For me it's better to just enjoy smaller indulgences every now and then, instead of an actual cheat day.>>>

oohh .. me too .. I don't eat clean like you ladies .. but dont blow it a lot either .. and my stomach REBELS big time if I do go for something out of the ordinary .. for instant .. just had a tropical smoothie .. not too bad I know .. but OH MY .. it did not sit well on my tummy!!
I agree with most of you here -- a total cheat day is too much. I just try to plan my cheat meals around when I know we are going out or having friends over, and try to only eat chocolate or a peppermint mocha when I feel like I *rrreeeeealllllllyy* need it. It's sorta like calorie zig-zagging too, and my body responds well to this.
I tried the cheat day a few years back, doesn't work for me. I just kept obsessing about food and counting the days to the cheat day, getting ravenous and go on a binge.

Like Beavs and Allison, I plan one "cheat" every day. That way I don't feel "deprived" and my cravings don't spin out of control. Now I am actually at a point where I occassionally skip the cheat. Even yesterday, while PMSing which usually makes me raide the fridge, I had my cheat in front of me and didn't touch it. Wow, miracles are possible :p ;-)
I do a cheat day every week, & still count the calories. I try to do the less evil cheat foods like lite Twinkies instead of creme sticks, angel food cake instead of "real" cake, lower calorie ice cream, steak fries instead of tater tots, Teddy Grahams (serving size is 24!!!!!!) instead of Fudge Shoppe cookies, etc. I get to eat more of this kind of stuff for the calories, and have less of a sugar "hang-over" the next day.
I have 'days off' in which I don't count what I'm eating. This usually means that I end up having a few cheat meals a week. I find that I can't eat garbage all day - just part of the day. :)
I just got back from a mini vacation this week and didn't count a thing. For me, it's just nice not to have to count everything I put in my mouth. This ends up being a nice break in itself. :)

I too use to do the cheat day thing but i had such a hard time going back to eating healthy ive reduced it to a cheat meal!! And like alot of the posters have already mentioned,i will eat a little something during the week if i want to...a serving of a little something;-)

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