Has Anyone Else on the East Coast Noticed That it's HOT...

RE: Has Anyone Else on the East Coast Noticed That it's...

I am in Ohio here with the 90* temps! I can't stand winter here anymore so I am happy with hot weather. I know, sick! I have even been jogging the last few days! (It was low 80's in the morn) Today it is raining & has dropped to 66*. I always love summer until August when the grass is all brown & burned up. That being said, thank goodness for AC!!!!


Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie") http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
RE: Has Anyone Else on the East Coast Noticed That it's...

Another CTer here and my DS's school had a 1/2 day yesterday and will again today as his school is not AC'd. When I picked him up yesterday, the school felt like an oven inside!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
>Yup, had four very hot days here in Ann Arbor, MI, and no air
>conditioning here either!

Hi Clare,

I am right there with you. I work in AA. We have A/C so it is bearable at home.

Today is suppose to be a bit better.

RE: Has Anyone Else on the East Coast Noticed That it's...

In Mass here and from the train to work was sweating!!!! Definitely going to be a hot one!
RE: Has Anyone Else on the East Coast Noticed That it's...

Alabama here ..we have been hot!!! think you guys are just getting our sweltering heat. Sunday it was 100 in the shade ... w/heat index of 110 .. yesterday too .. today we catch a break .. should only be in the mid 90s!!:)
RE: Has Anyone Else on the East Coast Noticed That it's...

It's 100 here today in NY (about 20 miles north of NYC). It's agony because we don't have much a/c. We have one window unit downstairs that's doing it's best but it doesn't help the upstairs, where we only have some wimpy fans.

I am another one who doesn't care for summer. I'm not a big fan of beaches (prefer mountains and cities when I travel) and I hate the hot weather--it makes me cranky. I also don't feel I can safely work out in this weather without a/c. Strangely enough, I grew up in Texas and lived in humid Houston for years. My family is still down there and always wants to know when we'll move back. Yeah right. Though at least down there we had a/c everywhere we went--to the extent that I was usually freezing in the summer except when outdoors.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=green]***Lainie***
fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com
"If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans."[/font]
RE: Has Anyone Else on the East Coast Noticed That it's...

Just a California girl here. We tend to think anything under 100 is cool LOL. ;) Our problem has been the wind. Heat and wind are not a good combo in our area. It makes for high fire danger levels. There's always some idiot that decides to go weld his fence in the wind.

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