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    ::: CHEETAHS ::: back to the Mon. grind - 6/25

    Sunnydelite, Congratulations on your certification!!! That's HUGE!!!! :D
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    ::: CHEETAHS ::: back to the Mon. grind - 6/25

    I pre-ordered the set!
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    ::: CHEETAHS ::: back to the Mon. grind - 6/25

    Good Morning! Tried, again, for a quick workout this a.m. before work. Didn't happen. In fact, I have absolutely NO idea how my alarm was moved from 3:20 to 3:55. I MUST have changed it in my sleep. That's o.k., though. I actually feel pretty good in that I got almost 7 hours of sleep...
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    :::: CHEETAHS :::: sunday, june 24

    Hey! It just occured to me that I never asked this question.....where can I get a Cheetah shirt?! Is there some initiation I have to go thru, first? I'm not going to go streaking, so don't even suggest it! That's the only initiation I could think of for a runner...... Those are cute shirts -
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    :::: CHEETAHS :::: sunday, june 24

    Carole: My DH is based out of D.C. (he flys for United), so it would be too difficult to commute from AZ to D.C. to begin his trips. It "could" be done (if he left the day prior), but I think we would see each other less (we have about 2-3 full days together a month between his job and mine)...
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    :::: CHEETAHS :::: sunday, june 24

    Cathy: Great picture! You guys look so happy to be there, too! I'll bet it was great to finally meet everyone. An Amphipod isn't anything major equipment-wise (and I probably gave it a bit too much hype). It's a reflective belt that goes over your shoulders and around your waist. Kind...
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    :::: CHEETAHS :::: sunday, june 24

    Congratulations on the run! You guys REALLY had some great times. Can't wait to see the pics!
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    :::: CHEETAHS :::: sunday, june 24

    Carole: I am currently in the Air Force (full-time for the Maryland Air National Guard) working for the Maryland Emergency Management Agency. It's the state version of FEMA. I do mostly dispatch work and absolutely love it! No In-Box!!!! Just pass the info to the next person coming on...
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    :::: CHEETAHS :::: sunday, june 24

    Best of luck to everyone on the race. I hope the weather is nice (it's nice in Baltimore), and you take lots of pictures. Please let me know where they will be posted so I can see them. I live in Maryland......if there is something coming up again in New Jersey that I could possibly run in...
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    :::Cheetahs::: Saturday June 23

    Laura/Shelly: I think we need to target 2008 for the run. My DH may even run it, as well. I put my name on the "request ticket" area, and I still plan on asking that day off from work. I'm also going to train as if I were going to run it, so I'll be prepared. Shelly: I'll bet the road...
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    :::Cheetahs::: Saturday June 23

    Laura: I am actually not running it.....yet. I was told that a lot of the military will probably get their orders to change duty stations or deploy (soon), so they will need to turn their tickets in. It's still early, so it is with hopes that someone comes through for me. If you have the...
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    :::Cheetahs::: Saturday June 23

    Jackie: What was your previous time you wanted to beat? My hope is to run the 5K under 30 min, soon. However, I'm currently not running trails. That time on a trail is incredible. Do you prefer to trails to road?
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    :::Cheetahs::: Saturday June 23

    Shelly: I actually live 15 minutes North of Annapolis (Millersville). Takes me about 50 minutes to get to the Pentagon between driving to the Metro and taking the Metro. When Dawn presented the idea to me (she's Army, I'm Air Force), I thought she had lost her marbles. However, in thinking...
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    :::Cheetahs::: Saturday June 23

    Thank you everyone for the compliments on the run. I'm sooooo happy about it, too. I thought I was going to die! You know? Three minutes of running DOESN'T SEEM TO EVER END! One minute of walking? Wow! Did that minute even exist? :-) What is iSculpt ballet like? I am so giddy...
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    :::Cheetahs::: Saturday June 23

    I'm here! Got to work about an hour ago and got a briefing about last night's events here - pretty hectic and involved. Anyway, got a little progress report to share with everyone. Three days ago I walked/ran with one of my two co-workers. My other co-worker (Dawn) was rear-ended that...
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    ::: CHEETAHS ::: happy b'day, Barb - 6.20

    I just "had" to get both BBC and PB2!!! LOL! :-) Both sounded soooo good! I can't wait to try them out - after BBC, I'll reward myself with a PB2 shake :9 Anyone see the new Excedrin commercial? Talk about a body!!!! I liked the story about the DH asking about powdered peanut...
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    ::: CHEETAHS ::: happy b'day, Barb - 6.20

    Just ordered BBC. Can't wait to get it! Thank you for all of your input. Helped me make my decision. Cheers!
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    ::: CHEETAHS ::: happy b'day, Barb - 6.20

    Good Morning to All! This is my weekend - Today-Friday OFF! Woo Hoo! I didn't get a chance to do the Eliptical and Abs last night since a friend in school (for her job) called and kept me on the phone during the time I would have worked out. Oh, well. My plan is to walk/run tonight...
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    ::: CHEETAHS ::: tryin' to beat the heat! 6.19 - Tues.

    RE: ::: CHEETAHS ::: tryin' to beat the heat! 6.19 - T... Christine: I am trying to get into shape for the Baltimore Marathon. I'll probably walk it, though - much stronger as a fast-walker than as a runner. However, I'm trying to take up running. So BBC helps with the endurance for the...
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    ::: CHEETAHS ::: tryin' to beat the heat! 6.19 - Tues.

    RE: ::: CHEETAHS ::: tryin' to beat the heat! 6.19 - T... Gayle: Keep me posted on the BBC, K? I am about "one click" from ordering it! Marcia: We aren't the only ones who work out with DH, are we?