::: CHEETAHS ::: tryin' to beat the heat! 6.19 - Tues.

RE: ::: CHEETAHS ::: tryin' to beat the heat! 6.19 - T...

Hey all - quick check in today. It's a rest day for me - after 9 days straight. Feels pretty darned good, actually. :+ Jimmy is in Doggie Day Camp, so I get to go shopping over my lunch break! YEAH!

Heather - WELCOME! Always room for one more here! And I ran my half with my DH last year and we're considering running the same one this year. We do a lot of hiking together as well. And I like BBC. It's different - much more endurance based which I like when I'm doing any kind of distance sport.

Be back later to say hi to everyone!
RE: ::: CHEETAHS ::: tryin' to beat the heat! 6.19 - T...

Christine: I am trying to get into shape for the Baltimore Marathon. I'll probably walk it, though - much stronger as a fast-walker than as a runner. However, I'm trying to take up running. So BBC helps with the endurance for the distance sport, eh? Hmmmmm.....may have to order it then. Anything to help me would be great. This is soooo much different that just doing Cathe DVDs (among others).
RE: ::: CHEETAHS ::: tryin' to beat the heat! 6.19 - T...

Hey all.

ISculpt Ballet # 1 is done. Although I felt it, the work out didn't "click" with me. It's not something I am excited about. I am hoping for some DOMS tomorrowing morning from it. If I get some, it will drive me to give it another chance and not totally disregard it. Maybe I can stick it in before or after my cardio on saturday as well & see if I feel any differently about it...

I am looking forward to my run later on!

I got my PB2 order...just in time for my post-work out protein shake like I had said!LOL By itself I can definately taste the difference between it and regular jarred natural p/b. Obviously because 75% of the fat is pressed out of the nuts, it's not nearly as creamy as the regular stuff. It's also got a *slightly* sweeter flavor to it because there is a small amount of sugar added to it which I didn't realize. Not much, but some and the jarred natural has none. In my shake I couldn't tell the difference though! It was yummy as ever and I am sure I can get used to it on a sandwich or on a banana like I love to have it! Heck, for the amount of cals and fat I am saving, I am quite willing to make the small sacrafice!!!:7

That's about it for now...BBL for personals!:)
RE: ::: CHEETAHS ::: tryin' to beat the heat! 6.19 - T...

Hi Ladies!

I just started up with running again (after a 10 year break, but I have always been into fitness!).

Is this the "running club" on the Cathe forum? I would love to join you!

Thank you very much!

"Life is too short - Be the best you can be every single day of your life!" :)
RE: ::: CHEETAHS ::: tryin' to beat the heat! 6.19 - T...

Hey Cheetahs - I have a running question....... (I posted this on the Open Forum, too)

Lately I've noticed that when I run (I'm only up to 4 miles) towards the end of the run I feel liked a pinched nerve in my butt going down my leg??? Sometimes my leg feels a little numb, too? Not extremely painful just weird feeling ;-)

Any ideas what I can do? I am about 40 pounds overweight, could that be part of it? Should I stretch before running? I don't usually until I'm done. Should I stretch more in general?

Thanks in advance, Cheetahs, I KNOW someone will have an answer for me.
;-) :* ;-) :*

P.S. WELCOME Want2Bfitnessinstructor !!!
RE: ::: CHEETAHS ::: tryin' to beat the heat! 6.19 - T...

Hey Peeps!

Ended up nixxing my run and did KPC instead. I did the last premix on the disc. 51 minutes of pure fun! I forgot how enjoyable that work out is!:D

Welcome Want2B! We'd love to have you join our little group! Yes, we are the "running club" so to speak but we are all different! Some of us use running as our mainstay cardio and others do it in addition to other things. Some leave it and come back to it. Others wouldn't dream of letting a week go by with out a run! We are beginners as well as experieneced runners as well as all speeds! All are welcome! :)

Marcia, I don't know what that pain is but I hope it's nothing serious!

So tomorrrow is more XF...I'd better start thinkin' about what I want do now! LOL I'm think all or part of the ab work out plus something else...Hmmmm...what to do??? :D

Okay, I think I want my last cup of coffee for the night...Maybe I'll be back if anyone pops up but if not, have a great night and see you tomorrow!:+
RE: ::: CHEETAHS ::: tryin' to beat the heat! 6.19 - T...

I just got another regular ISculpt and another ITread!!!}( }( }(
RE: ::: CHEETAHS ::: tryin' to beat the heat! 6.19 - T...

Thank you all, and thanks Wendy! :)

I ran Cross Country in high school for 4 years. Well....it has been 10 years since I last ran for exercise.

I decided it is time to bring back running into my life. Cathe workouts are huge for me, but running to "offset" Cathe is what I may want to try!

I woke up today at 5:30AM and I went running - down the street at a beautiful park. Very safe and open (houses all around). I ran around the perimeter of the park, just to see how I would do. I ran for 30 minutes without stopping! I think that Cathe workouts have a lot to do with this!!!! :)

Thanks again ladies, take care!!!

"Life is too short - Be the best you can be every single day of your life!" :)

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