:::Cheetahs::: Saturday June 23

good day everyone,

heather and shelly- my brother and his wife are running in the army 10 miler. I thought my SIL said it was sold out. they only sell so many tickets for that race. It would have been cool if I would have went and you two also. I would love to meet some cheetahs one of these days.

well I chose not to do the 5k race today. It didnt start until 10 am and I didnt want my morning totally wasted on it. I went out and ran and tried to stay in my heart rate zone like sarah suggested and had a wonderful run. I think she is on to something. I was getting more and more energy at the end of my run and could have kept going but didnt because I plan on running 2hrs tomorrow with a friend ,again staying in my zone. I am really hoping to have great results both with my pace and my body . I would love to lose another5-8lbs but no more than that as I like having a shape but a leaner one. If sarah has seen changes in her already awesome body then I should. I am really excited about it ! eventually it will also lead to a faster pace and I am also hoping for that but slowing yourself down at first is really hard because I have worked so long to get faster and now I have to slow down in order to achieve what this man is saying you have to do to reap the benefits.anway, they are done with our basement, monday the backfill comes in and tuesday the lumber and wed or thursday they will begin framing the house. I am so excited!!!!

well I will chat with you all later,hope you all have great workouts and a great day!
Laura: I am actually not running it.....yet. I was told that a lot of the military will probably get their orders to change duty stations or deploy (soon), so they will need to turn their tickets in. It's still early, so it is with hopes that someone comes through for me. If you have the flexibility (live in the area), go on the Army 10-Miler website (http://www.armytenmiler.com/) and put your name on the on-line transfer list and follow the steps to get a possible transfer.

Hopefully, you get to run! :D
Hello again all! DH and I got back from some flea market shopping and I thought I'd pop in quick and see what's happening in cheetahville.

Carole- Not to worry.... we'll have lots of pics to share, although mine will have to wait til next Tuesday or Wednesday when I'm home.
Having fun with KBext today? I never get tired of this one, it is so fun! Did you try the HiLo ext yet? What did you think of it?

Jackie- Great job on your 5k today! Trail races are always tougher so I'd feel really good about your time if I was you.... 1st place in your A.G also!!!! Congratulations:7

Christine- Sounds like a peaceful yet productive day for you:)
Congratulations on your recent weight loss.

Laura- Yes, the Army 10 miler is sold out for this year. I'm targeting 2008 and I believe Heather is also.... what do you say,
want to go for it? Great job on your run!! There is always alot of talk about the Maffetone method on the runners web sites. Personally I prefer going by perceived level of exertion, like Gayle.
Works for me, but we're all wonderfully different!

Heather- This will be my first Cathe road trip!! :7

Have a great rest of the Saturday cheetahs! I'll be checking in much later tomorrow, after the fabulous 5k cheetah group race:7

Laura/Shelly: I think we need to target 2008 for the run. My DH may even run it, as well. I put my name on the "request ticket" area, and I still plan on asking that day off from work. I'm also going to train as if I were going to run it, so I'll be prepared.

Shelly: I'll bet the road trip tickets sold out quickly, eh?!

Any other Cheetahs attending the road trip?
shelly-I am mainly trying running this way to see if it helps me lean out and loose a few pds since I really havent had much luck with everthing else I have done. also I tend to not eat as much running this way for some reason. anyway- I might be interested in running the army 10 miler next year and my brother may be one that has to give his ticket up as he might have to go back to iraq in dec/jan. I am hoping he doesnt have to but he probably will.

see ya later!
Jackie - was that PR on a trail or a road? That makes huge difference! Way to go with completing it, though! Sounds like a challenge!

I ended up doing TaeBo Focus Abs and Glutes (had this forever, but haven't done it in years - not a bad little floorwork workout, actually- if you can remember to count and even up the sides). Then I did Spinervals Enter the Red Zone with the Video Fitness ladies. TOUGH workout and very different from the others - I can see this one becoming a favorite (I've had this for a while, but hadn't done it as I didn't think I'd like it - it has iso squats in it, which I skipped today as I did squats and lunges yesterday, but paired with Focus Abs and Glutes it would give me a nice fast over all leg workout- so glad I did it). I also did part of Spinervals Big Gear Strength. Basically I did it until my legs told me that they had had enough. Fun times!

Sorry I'm so quick today - just no time for personals.... Enjoy! *runs off to the dog park to give Jimmy his workout*

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