:::: CHEETAHS :::: sunday, june 24


Hello, lovely cheetahs! :) Happy Sunday & Cheetah GTG Day!

Heather :: I missed your question yesterday re: who else is going on the RT. I am not - I didn't make the cut - BUT I don't live far from Cathe's gym and will be meeting up with the cheetahs who *are* going, so I'm happy nonetheless.

Laura :: I decided that instead of rushing out to order a new book, I'd start reading the HR training book that I already *have*. It's called Heart Rate Monitor Guidebook by Sally Edwards - Carole's recommendation. And basically, she seems to share Maffetone's perspective - that slow running is key to fat loss. She calls this running in the "temperate" zone - 60-70% of your maximum HR. The key, though, is to find *your* maximum heart rate, which can't be done simply through a generic formula (i.e. 220-your age). She mentions how, at one time, LSDs were thought to burn fat and lead to the runner's high, but that today, SSDs (short, slow distance) runs have proven to melt fat *and* lead to PRs - so long as the runner is in the temperate zone for the duration of the run. Interesting stuff.

Well, I can sit here a little longer with my tea and then have to get moving. It's a little over an hour drive for me to get to Pine Beach.

Have a great day, everyone! Will touch base later with a GTG/race report!

~Cathy :)
Good Morning!

I am sooo tired! UGH! I didn't get to bed until 11 last night and then was up for 2 hours in the middle of the night!x( x( x( OMG how close I was to bailing on the race/GTG but I just can't! I am soooo looking forward to meeting Cathy and Shelly!:) So ladies...I'll be there but please excuse me if I look like death warmed over and run so slow that it looks like I am going backwards instead of forwards!LOL :p

So right now I am chugging coffee and in a few I will have to start getting ready. I too have about an hour's drive to get to the race!

Oh, no, Wendy! That stinks! But SO glad you opted not to bag it. I will be taking it nice & slow. I'll look for guys at the bandstand/announcement area.

~Cathy :)
Good morning ladies,

I am soooooooo jealous you gals GTG today!! take lots of pics and enjoy yourselves.:D

well yesterday i was in the certification all day. made for a very long day. today i have to go back for about 2 hrs. today's agenda is you have to pair up with someone and they have to teach the class to me (the class is 30 mins) and then i have to teach to them and then we take a written exam. i am really, really excited about instructing this type of class!

i am going for a 4-5 mile outside this morning with my running buddy/client.

have a great day to all of the lovely cheetahs:)
Hey Sunny! I wish you could be with us today! :)

Good luck with the last of your cert class today! Is this another one where you gotta wait 4-6 weeks for the results? Don't you just HATE that!? LOL So how are you gonna memorize all of these class routines? That is one of my biggest concerns when it comes to becoming a group fitness instructor!:eek: :eek: :eek:

ETA: Well it's time! I'm outta her in T-10 minutes and counting girls! WOO HOO!:+
Best of luck to everyone on the race. I hope the weather is nice (it's nice in Baltimore), and you take lots of pictures. Please let me know where they will be posted so I can see them.

I live in Maryland......if there is something coming up again in New Jersey that I could possibly run in, please let me know. I would like to meet all of you.

I have a four day stint of working 7 to 7 - this is day two. Haven't really been able to do much more than 30-45 minutes of "something/anything". Since today is a cardio day, I elected to do eliptical this a.m. I really wanted to run and try my new Amphipod :), but I really couldn't do much more than go to the basement. Maybe tomorrow a.m. I'll give it a try.

Again, I hope everyone does well and has a great time! :7
good morning,
I am up and plan a two hr run with my friend.At avery slow pace.

cathy-very interesting. I might have to buy one of those books. sarah said to use 180 - your age to figure your target zone that he recommends. I am interested to see if this works for me. It has me excited about the whole thing. I dont know why but I feel really positive about it and feel like I know I will see results from training this way. I hope I wont be disappointed. another thing is that I have noticed that I am not craving junk food as much or even as hungry but maybe I am just going thru a couple of days of not pigging out. anyway, thanks for sharing.

carole-anything you want to add about trainig this way please do ! I want to know more.

talk with you all later, oh girls have fun meeting each other today, I wish I could be there.

see ya!
Good morning cheetahs

Good Luck to the racing cheetahs! Cathy, Wendy and Shelly...have an awesome time!!

Cathy...yes, I am really liking Amy's workouts. And she has some new ones coming out in a few months!

Sunny...sounds like a grueling certification day yesterday. Enjoy your run with your buddy.

Laura...I am not sure I have focused on slower runs (I already run slow!). But, when I trained for marathons I usually ran 6 days a week and alternated (recovery) slow days with speedwork days and my long runs on Sunday were never fast. I did usually loose about 5 lbs marathon training.

Shelly...yes, I did try Amy's Hi/Lo. The choreography was tricky but I liked it a lot and know over time I will get the moves...I was amazed on how much better I got the moves the 2nd time I did her KBX.

Heather...so you will be doing BBC very soon! This will be my 1st Cathe Road Trip. What kind of work do you do?

Christine...it is fun pulling out other workouts we have not done. Sounds like you fried the legs...:)

Wendy...so where is the new tat?...:)

Jackie...great job on the 5K. You normally run slower on trail type runs, so don't worry about the PR! It is also good to train on the kind of terrain you will be racing on...Do you have a version of Vista already on your PC? Personally I wouldn't upgrade a previous windows version to Vista because of the problems. Congrats on the running shoes certificate and 1ST in your division!!!

I am planning on 8-10 miles on a trail near one of our pretty lakes.


Have a great day...:)
Carole: I am currently in the Air Force (full-time for the Maryland Air National Guard) working for the Maryland Emergency Management Agency. It's the state version of FEMA. I do mostly dispatch work and absolutely love it! No In-Box!!!! Just pass the info to the next person coming on shift, go home, and come in to a new and different issue. Before this, I worked Personnel (Human Resources)- got "real" old "real" quick. I started this job back in February, and I will work here until (right now) July 2008. After that, who knows? Right now, I can retire from the Air Force (could have retired back in February) and get my check immediately. However, I love the military. There is an opportunity to work the border patrol in AZ or NM, and it might be something to think about. Could be anywhere from 120 days to 1 year - whatever I decide. My parents live in AZ, so it would be a good opportunity to visit with them. My DH is totally supportive and although it would be tough, he would be alright with it. He just retired from the military after 26 years, so he knows the deal. I've been in the military for almost 25 years. Sorry about the rambling. How about you? What kind of work do you do? Are you a professional photographer? The pictures you take are amazing!!!!

Wendy: What is the new tat?

Jackie: What is the difference between the two times for a run, and why are there two times for a run?
Good morning Cheetahs!

Heather - My previous 5K PR was 28:51. I wanted to improve on that time but have never done a trail run before. It totally surprised me. Right now, I prefer road runs because there are no trails in my area. I would say the different times for the race is because you have so many people participating everyone is not going across the start line at the same time. So, to get an accurate time for your race time they use the chip time. I was a yard or so away from the start line. When I crossed the start line, I guess the chip was activated. Anyway, that makes sense to me. Maybe someone else can weigh in on this. This was the first time I've ever run in a race using a chip.

Cathy - Wow, that yoga sounds nice outside under a tree. I'm sitting here in awe of that.

Laura - Sounds like a nice run for you. I try to stay within a specific heart rate when I do longer runs. Glad the house is going along well.

Shelly - A guy ran the race yesterday that ran the 5K I did back in April. He won that race overall. Yesterday he came in 3rd. He said his time was almost 3 minutes off from that previous time because he didn't like trail running. Said it slows him down. That made me feel a whole lot better.

Christine - The PR was on pavement. I was so afraid of turning my ankle or something yesterday but I stayed upright. Good workout yesterday.

Sunny - Good luck with the certification today. Sounds like you're working hard.

Carole - I don't remember reading anything that said this would be a trail type race. It was a good experience though. No, I don't have Vista on my computer. I don't want to put it on either until I hear all kinks have been worked out. I don't need additional headaches. Enjoy your run by that beautiful lake. You have the best places to run. I envy you girl!

Good luck to Cathy, Shelly and Wendy on your race today! Knock 'em dead.

Sunday is usually my rest day but decided to change and make tomorrow my rest day. I did Gilad's Power & Grace and Core & More. P&G is done without weights and focused mostly on the lower body. But, think you could add light weights to make it compound moves since he used the arms so much. I enjoyed the workout and think it would work well in a Freestyle rotation. C&M focused more on the core with a little focus on the lower body. He had me saying OUCH. These are good little workouts to get on the cheap IMO.

DD and I will probably hit the Outlet Mall today. Enjoy your Sunday!

back from my run. I only managed to do 1hr 45 seconds. I couldnt make it the full 2hrs. man running slower definately is harder. my legs where getting tired. If I ran at a faster pace mylegs felt better but then I kept settting off my heart rate monitor. I find it really hard to run in my zone that slow but am willing to try it for a few weeks. I feel like I will lose but I just want to go and not worry about my heart rate so I dont know how long I will stick this out but like I said will try a few more weeks .

have a nice day!
Hi girls!

I got back from the race a little after noon time. We had fun. Shelly ofcourse came in first out of the 3 of us cause she is the TRUE Cheetah! Both Cathy and Shelly are awesome women and it was so great to finally meet them! Cathy is as stunning looking in person as she is in her pics and Shelly is just the cutest little ball of energy!:) I can't wait to meet everyone else at the RT!!!:+ I have a couple pics but I am getting ready to put DS up for a nap and then take one myself. I am soooo tired. I found energy for the race some how but now that I am home I am soooo ready to plotz so I'll post the pics a bit later.

I ran the 5k in 31.32 which is a PR for me. Slow by some standards but fast for me so I'm happy. :)

I'll BBL!:)
Hello everyone! Just a quick post race note here and then DH and I are going to a farewell BBQ at his brother's place. Tomorrow we head back home to Arizona.

Wendy and Cathy are absolutely totally ADORABLE. Their pics don't do them justice at all! They are every bit as sweet in person as they are here in cyberspace. They both ran impressive times but I'll let them tell you the details on that.

As for me, I did okay I guess, I was a full minute off my PR and finished at 24:52 with a pace of 8:00. The weather was very sunny and very hot and it was a relatively late start for a race at 0900.
It was a very crowded field to start and wasn't a chip timed race so I was anxious to get out of the crowd at the start. At the first mile marker my time was 7:20 :eek: Way too fast... uh oh.. I thought, I'll be paying for this! Well, that's what happened. I felt pretty darn woozy at the end and was wobbly going through the finishing shute. My DH said that 3 people who came in before me passed out and needed resuscitation.

Anyway, Wendy and Cathy came through with flying colors, I was waiting for them at the end but they both finished alot quicker than what I was anticipating and DH and I both missed them! Dont let these girls fool ya... they are both serious runners!

We got some great pics but I only have our little notebook computer with me so I have to wait til I'm home before I can share any. But that'll be tomorrow.

Again... Wendy and Cathy..... you are da bomb! Thanks for putting up with this crazy old lady!

Hi cheetahs— :) :) :)

Slowpoke Cheetah checkin’ in. :) I almost didn’t make it to our 5K today as a little ol’ grandma plowed into the back of my car while were both stopped at a red light, just outside of Pine Beach. It was a fender-bender, basically – only slight damage to my bumper, so I opted not to call the cops. The woman claimed she couldn’t hear a word I was saying, even when I was shouting in her ear. She was on her way to church and said she had no idea how she’d manage to hear the pastor. When I asked her what happened, she said she hit her head on the steering wheel, and that’s why she rammed into me. ??? Ooookay. *lol* Since the damage was minimal, I just didn’t have the patience to deal. We exchanged numbers, but I don’t think I’m going to bother pursuing. She probably gave me a fake # anyway, shrewd little ol’ lady. *lol*

Anywho, between registering (where Wendy found me in line), then waiting in line for the port-a-potty, and then running the goody bag back to my car, I made it to the starting line *just* in time. Luckily, I met up with Wendy again, and we basically ran together for the first 1.5 miles. At the water station, I walked while drinking (I never have mastered the art of running while sipping water – I wind up wearing it or choking or both), and that’s where Wendy kicked it in. Girlfriend *took off*. I didn’t see her again until the finish. I did as well as I expected – according to my Garmin, 33:26. Average page: 10:28. Best pace: 6: 22 (I would love to know when THAT was! *lol*) I’m not sure, but I think that might be my slowest 5K time ever. *lol* But it’s cool. I had fun and I beat the race walkers, so I can live with myself. *lol* I've been saying I haven't really felt the race fever b/c I'm just worried about losing weight, but I'm glad I ran this one today because it's a little bit of a push for me to work harder so I can return to faster times again. I'll probably never win any medals (I was never THAT fast, but I know I can be fitter and faster than what I am now.) So, all in all, it was a positive.

Shelly is, as Wendy described, a bundle of energy. (This is a shocker to you all, right?) She’s so enthusiastic and positive. I was ready to lie down in the grass, but I’m sure this woman could’ve run the race again! *lol* And Wendy truly is adorable – she's this little petite thing with guns of steel. I know we all saw the X pics, but man, is she ripped! Those are the arms I want! Here is a pic of the three of us after the race. (We’re in front of my car – see, you can’t even see the damage. L to R: Shelly, me, Wendy) I still want to crop out my legs. Ugh. *lol*


Sunny :: continued good luck, though you don’t need it, girl! And enjoy your run! I think you still have relatives in Jersey, right? If so, maybe we can find a race the next time you are up in the area.

Heather :: I was just in your neck o’ the woods a couple of weeks ago with some friends. We went to an Orioles game and stayed overnight in the Inner Harbor. Good times!…what is an amphipod?

Laura :: Hmmm, I wonder why he uses the #180. I think it’s worth a try. Keep us posted on how you are doing. I’d like to dig into this idea some more as well. My weight has been at a standstill for what feels like forever now. I really need to kick it in gear!

Carole :: gorgeous photo!!

Jackie :: ut oh…I have to ignore the positive reviews of Gilad as it looks like I will be dustin’ off the ol’ Visa (ha! As if it could ever collect dust!) for tomorrow’s pre-sale. *happy dance happy dance* And I’m not even sure what I’m buying. *lol*

Wendy :: stunning? Heh? Who, me? No way! You are too kind. I am beat, too, and foresee a nap in the *very* near future. Like, as soon as I hit send.

Shelly :: thank you for the sweet words. :) It was so great to meet you both – no such thing as “putting up with” *or* “old lady.” Old would be is the 95-year-old grandma who rear-ended me! As Wendy and I prepare for naps, I bet you are ready to do BodyMax 2 or something. *lol* BTW, your DH aka Gearboy is such a nice guy!

OK, I think it's 5K to Couch for me. TTYL!
Cathy :)
Cathy: Great picture! You guys look so happy to be there, too! I'll bet it was great to finally meet everyone.

An Amphipod isn't anything major equipment-wise (and I probably gave it a bit too much hype). It's a reflective belt that goes over your shoulders and around your waist. Kind of reminds me of a baby-seat seatbelt. Has a little pouch, too. That was the definite selling point for me. A vest would keep the heat in. My neighborhood is pretty dark in the morning, so I really need it.

Isn't the Inner Harbor great? Unfortunately, I'll bet you went to an Orioles game when they lost. They haven't been doing that well this year, I'm afraid.

I think I'll go for a SHORT run this evening (20 min). I'm pooped, and although I did Eliptical this a.m., you guys have inspired me to get out there! I can't wait until I do my first 5K!
I'm back. Since Cathy posted a pic of us by her car before we parted ways, I will post the one of us at the finish line once we found each other post race! :)


Cathy and Shelly: I had such a nice time today. I just wish we had more time to hang out but we'll get that in August! Right, ladies!?! }( :7 :D You are both great people and I am so glad I've had the opportunity to get to know you through this forum. :)

Cathy: I was blushing when I read what you said about my arms. Thank you so much! :)
Heather...thanks for the rambling!..:)...That is great you have been in the Military that long and still love it. I think Border patrol could be fun. So if you did that your DH would not go too? I have had some interesting jobs, but started in banking when I was in College. Did that for 11 years and had this opportunity to go to Cosmetology school (I wanted to be a manicurist). I went part-time to school and worked part time in the bank. I got my license for manicuring in 1989, started working in 1990 and have done that the last 17 years. I actually also LOVE my job. Thank you for the photographer compliment but that shot today came from the website for the Whiskeytown Lake...:)..I do have some pretty sunsets on my picture trail account that I did take...:)

Jackie...I had plenty of Vista headaches when I bought my Mom a new PC with Vista...OMG!...I do hope you don't have any problems. Thank you and I do have some beautiful places to run which sometimes I take for granted...:)...Sounds like a good workout you did. Have fun at the Outlet Mall with DD.

Wendy!...way to go on the PR! Seeing the pic Cathy posted just makes me want to meet you cuties all the more!! Great pic of you 3 at the finish line...thanks for posting...

Cathy...so sorry about the fender bender...you know it is just a huge inconvenience! Funny about the deaf lady though...:D..I have absolutely no doubt Miss Shelly is quite ripped..I better start pumping! Thanks for posting the pic, you guys are just too cute...:)

Shelly...WOW great pace! But 7:20 the 1st mile....yikes!! That is so tough in short races not to get sucked in by the fast crowd. Awesome job with the new PR!!!

I did 10 miles on the trail today, mile 4 is straight uphill, but at least you can turn around and go down! I felt good and didn't even fall...:)

Cathy, Wendy and Shelly....loved seeing all of you and can't wait til August!!!

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