:::: CHEETAHS :::: sunday, june 24

I laughed so hard when I saw that finish line photo as I was trying to hide an ice cream sandwich under my bib#. *lol*

I so appreciate the kind words from everyone b/c every time I see a pic of myself I cringe. Why can't they invent cameras that take OFF 10 lbs. Or maybe 20. It should be adjustable to whatever you want. *lol*

Heather :: I think the Orioles did lose to the Rockies that night. We actually left before it was over. I had a pretty good buzz on by that point. :p :)

Carole :: I'm forgetting now - are you all coming in on Thursday night or Friday? Great job on today's run - 1 mile of it straight uphill!? WHOO! That's rough. WTG.

Wendy :: girl, you are seriously cut! I would love to achieve that. Got to give up the Pringles, I s'pose. }(

I wasn't able to nap. I laid around watching Little People, Big World (think I got that title right) on TLC. I just love that family.

Oh boy. I'm so not ready to go to work tomorrow.

Cathy :)
Carole: My DH is based out of D.C. (he flys for United), so it would be too difficult to commute from AZ to D.C. to begin his trips. It "could" be done (if he left the day prior), but I think we would see each other less (we have about 2-3 full days together a month between his job and mine). He would visit. He was in Afghanistan for 6 months a couple of years back and that was difficult. However, he was activated (plus, he pretty much wanted to go). He knows the "I want to go" feeling. He would be "cool" with the Border Patrol. I think your job is great! You are able to transform someone's pathetic nails (oops! Was I talking about mine?! LOL!) into something beautiful. You are able to give someone who is having a down-day something to smile about. That's something you can smile about, too. I saw the pics on your account......they are spectacular. My DH really liked them, too. Looks like a great place to hike or kayak.

Jackie: We have a couple of outlet malls here, too. Love them! Hope you had a good time and found lots of good buys.

Wed-Sat are my next days off. I am hoping to log-in some serious mileage during this time. After thinking about what I just wrote, 4 days cumulative of serious mileage will probably be equivalent to Carole's mileage TODAY!!! LOL!!!
Hey! It just occured to me that I never asked this question.....where can I get a Cheetah shirt?! Is there some initiation I have to go thru, first? I'm not going to go streaking, so don't even suggest it! That's the only initiation I could think of for a runner......

Those are cute shirts -
OMG, Wendy & Shelly :: the race pics are up! (Race results are available, too, thru the photographer's page but not the race site - go fig.) Wendy, you look AWESOME & strong! Shelly, I couldn't find yours. Mine is *disastrous!* I am lookin' LARRRRGGGE! *lol* Perfect timing for a new rotation and stricter diet. This pic frightens me!

~Cathy :)
Great pics ladies!! you all look great. sounds like you had a nice time.

jackie- congrats on your race!! very inspiring story. not that any of us cheetahs had any doubts you would do anything but great!!

cathy- great job on the race. is there a place to view the pics? i am sure yours isn't disatrous. very pretty pic.

shelly- you are on fast, fast cheetah girl. lol

wendy- great job on our PR!! so has the racing bug bit ya again}( :7 various classes give you a sample routine you can follow until you are comfortable. i would feel comfortable teaching the ME because it's very close to personal training however KB'ing is another matter. i am nervous for your same fears...YIKES

carole- enjoy your sunday! the class yesterday was grueling. i am happy it's done and over :7 great job with the 10 mile trail run.
Oooh, I'm having so much fun reading the race news from Shelly, Wendy and Cathy! That must have been a blast! I so wish I could have been there! Glad y'all got to meet! How wonderful! WAY TO GO to all of you!

I had a disaster of a workout in a way. DH decided that our 12 year old dog Kimo had to go, so the hike was SLOW and only about 4 miles total. Poor Kimo was struggling to keep up. I felt so bad for her. I think this hike finally decided DH that Kimo simply cannot hike any longer. I had planned for an 8 miler, but there are worse things than a final hike with an old friend. Poor thing, she's going to miss it so. She was the one who when we reached the first turn around point would run up to us and urge us to go more. Even at 10 she could out hike Tucker when he was 3. Jimmy might have given her a run for her money, but we'll never know. :(

Carole - great job on the 10 miler - what a pretty lake!

Enjoy everyone!
HI Cheetahs!

Hey Wendy, Shelly and Cathy- Thanks for sharing the lovely pictures of your race/GTG with us!

Carole- the lake you ran near looks peaceful, but when you mentioned the up hill mile it did not sound peaceful :)

I tried to run in my 'Phil Maffetone suggested HR zone' yesterday, and I did for some of the run. It was hard to stay in the lower zone on the up hills. and for long period of time. I ended up having to walk several times.

Laura- I found that my legs were more relaxed at the slower pace if I kept the strides per minute fast ( I aim for 3 strides per second) and shortened up the stride length. I was not very tired after 6 miles this way. ( The Chi running principles were my focus along withe the slow HR.

I am wondering if all of the runs need to be slow or if some of them can be more tempo orientated or even interval repeats. The book has been ordered, and I am interested to learn more.

Tomorrow I start a new training plan by the smart coach from Runnesworld.com But I am unsure about the slow trainning.

Judy "Likes2bfit"


If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Hey girls!

I just checked out the race results. I fibbed about my finish time. It's still a PR but the time was 31.48 not 31.32. OOPS! LOL I also saw my pic and all I can say is EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW! LOL

Alright...I'm real tired. Time for a little relaxing and then I'm gonna hit that bed HARD!

Night everyone!:)

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