:::Cheetahs::: Saturday June 23

Good morning lazy cheetahs!!! Where are the East Coast go-getters?
Sleeping in? I'm afraid my internal alarm clock rarely permits this.
Usually by 0600 my eyes are wide open. Yesterday afternoon I tried out iStrength legs and back.... not bad! Today was the rest of the upper body and abs. Maybe some yoga later and StretchMax:) No Cardio today for me! Conserving energy for tomorrows 5k with Wendy and Cathy

Wendy and Cathy- Bring your cameras with you if you like!! I'm bringing my photographer with me (DH) and he'd be happy to hold your cameras safe while you are running and we'll take pics of you at the finish line!Jerry, my DH is used to doing this. At home for local races when I have friends join me he usually holds stuff for them. They affectionately call him "gearboy"

I'll be back for more personals

Good Saturday Morning Cheetah Babes!:)

Okay, so I TOTALLY blew off my work out y'day with out a second thought. I wonder what was up with that!? I just didn't have it in me and really didn't care either.:p

I am going to the gym this morning with DH and REALLY want to run but am afraid to with the impending race in the morning. I am going to try to resist use the elliptical instead...or maybe an easy run will be okay...what do you think girls? }(

Shelly: LOL, the tearm "gearboy" made me giggle. I found it quite cute/funny! Thanks for the laugh first thing in the morning. :) My brain tends to be like a seive but I will *TRY* to remember my camera tomorrow! I'm excited. I can't wait to meet you and Cathy! How cool is this gonna be!?:) :) :)
Mornin', cheetahs :)

Happy Saturday! Today is some light yoga for me. I have some DOMS in my tris from Squeeze. You wouldn't think 3 lb. weights could do that to ya!

Shelly :: I was up early but am trying not to be a thread-startin' hog all the time. ;) :) I also cracked up at the name "gear boy." That would be wonderful if he doesn't mind holding my camera. Question for ya: is there a fee for the massage service, do you know?

Wendy :: I feel like going for a run, too - it's so gorgeous out there again! - but I'm sticking to the plan. I'd say go with the elliptical.

~Cathy :)
Hi Wendy! Since it's only a 5k tomorrow I think you'll be fine with an easy run today. I'd run today but it would make it 4 days in a row and the two of the last 3 runs have been harder ones, so it's time to give the legs a rest.:7

Hi Cathy!- There is no fee for the massages! Everything is free..
or rather it is included in the registration fee. My massage yesterday was heavenly!!!!! I had an hour long deep tissue massage
and the hour seemed to fly by.

I am beyond excited myself:7 :7 I'll make sure my gearboy has his backpack on.

Hey Cathy, It's time for me to enable. I was commenting in the Daily check in about how I did not "click" with ISculpt Ballet. Tammy mentioned several work outs that it's similar to and one of them was Squeeze soooooo I am thinking that maybe you need to go check out the ITrain website girl!}( Oh and it's also saving me $30 cause now I am re-thinking purchasing Squeeze for fear of not liking it.

Shelly, Yeah-rest those legs, lady. You wouldn't want to be so tired that you allow Cathy and myself to cross the finish line anywhere close to you! How embarrassing would THAT be!?!?:p :7 ;) }( :7
I'm here! Got to work about an hour ago and got a briefing about last night's events here - pretty hectic and involved. Anyway, got a little progress report to share with everyone.

Three days ago I walked/ran with one of my two co-workers. My other co-worker (Dawn) was rear-ended that morning turning into the entrance of work. She wasn't hurt badly (light neck and back pain), but didn't know about it until Marguerite (other friend) told me when I met her for the run. Marguerite's leg was bothering her (since then found out it was Shin-Splints) so we just walked the 3.5 mile loop.

The next day, my DH bought new running shoes (for a walk/run he wanted to do with me that night) before my doctor's appointment. By the time we got home, there was a severe Thunderstorm Warning issued for the area, so we elected to go see a movie.

Yesterday morning, did Cathe Pyramid. Did a permix of Upper Body Up (if that made sense). Had a awesome workout in that I "upped" the weight in all exercises. Last night, Dawn shows up for our walk/run, but Marguerite doesn't. We did the 3.5 mile loop doing 3 min run / 1 min walk. Did the loop in 34 min! Pretty happy with that and so is Dawn. The only thing that resulted out of the accident was that the top of her foot (where leg meets foot) hurt a bit. My DH called me from where he was overnighting, and he told me he ran for 31 min straight! So, it was a great night for everyone.

So, now I'm at work after being off for 3 days. Thought I would pass on the news. I also got notification that BBC has been shipped. I can't wait to get the shipment!

How is everyone doing?
Good Morning Heather!

Going 3.5 miles in 34 minutes is AWESOME! Especially considering you walked some of it! WTG GIRL! I went running over last weekend and it took us 34 minutes to run 3 miles! LOL We were very slow b/c of the heat. The weather affects my pace big time. Even the cold slows me down!x(
Heather- it's great to hear from you!! Sounds like you had an eventful stretch of days off! 3.5 miles in 34 minutes is awesome!!
Great job:7 You will really like the BBC workouts. They are quite different from Cathe and will add a nice variety to your routine.

Wendy- "Embarrassing"? Awe come on.... give yourself some credit there, I personally think you and Cathy will surprise yourselves and be giving me some competition! I'd be delighted, not embarrassed!

Shelly :: thanks for the info!…Massages are the best, aren’t they? I’m hoping to schedule another hot stone for early next month. I don’t think I can go back to regular Swedish now. I've been spoiled! :p I still cannot seem to mentally get myself in racing mode but am so pumped just to meet you two!

Wendy :: hmmm, thanks for the heads up, but I’m not really curious about the iSculpt ballet. The only iTrains I have are two for outdoor running…I think I prefer workouts where you can *see* the instructor’s form.

Hi Heather – good job on your run.

~Cathy :)
<I personally think you and Cathy will surprise yourselves and be giving me some competition!>

Uh, no. I can guarantee you that will not happen. :) I am running slow by own standards, which are really slow! *lol* I'm looking at it as just a regular training run, but more importantly, a great opportunity to meet two fabulous cheetahs! Oh, and did I fail to mention the Outback BBQ??? *lol*

~Cathy :)
Thank you everyone for the compliments on the run. I'm sooooo happy about it, too. I thought I was going to die! You know? Three minutes of running DOESN'T SEEM TO EVER END! One minute of walking? Wow! Did that minute even exist? :)

What is iSculpt ballet like?

I am so giddy about yesterday! I really feel I accomplished something. Dawn wants to do the Army 10-Miler. I told her we have to run the loop three times. She told me she can't wait until we are able to run it twice......I told her I couldn't wait until we are able to run it ONCE! LOL!

I never, ever in a million years thought I would enjoy running as much as I do now. I like this forum, too. You guys give some great information about a lot of things. I like hearing about experiences. I will probably go into debt trying all the different things, but hey! You only live once, right?! LOL! :) :) :)
Heather- the Army 10-miler is a dream race for me. I've been aiming to do that one for a while. I'd do it this October but with the Cathe road trip I'm afraid my travel budget is fully spent for this year. I WILL do this race in Oct. 2008. My brother lives and works in the DC area and I have alot of Army in my background/family.
Do you live in the DC area?

Shelly: I actually live 15 minutes North of Annapolis (Millersville). Takes me about 50 minutes to get to the Pentagon between driving to the Metro and taking the Metro. When Dawn presented the idea to me (she's Army, I'm Air Force), I thought she had lost her marbles. However, in thinking about it, I thought there was no reason why I couldn't do it and decided to run, walk, or crawl it. Ten miles seems like a long ways to me, but I think I can do it. Problem is, it's too late to sign up, so now I have to try to get a transfer of registration. Right now, there are a million people trying to get these transfers. Dawn told me that as time gets closer a lot of people who are moving to another base will need to give up there registration.

I will be doing the race in October 2008, too. I wish I could go on the roadtrip......didn't know about it until I "really" started going into the site. Looks like a lot of fun. Have you ever been on a past roadtrip?
Quick post for me cheetahs! I can feel your excitement Cathy, Shelly and Wendy!! You are going to have a blast and I hope "gearboy" gets some awesome pics of all of you...

I am doing Amy's Kickbox Xtreme and maybe some back work and abs...then more painting...

I will try and be back for personals later...:+
Quick post to say that I'm thinking of the racing Cheetahs!! I so wish I could be with y'all! Have fun and enjoy the massages!!! And have fun meeting each other!!!!

DD18 is in Disney Land, DD14 is heading to the Monterrey Aquarium with her BF, and DH is heading to San Francisco to catch the Giants/Yankee game with his boss. So I have the house to myself! So, what do I plan to do? A LONG workout followed by the dog park and grocery shopping. Exciting - eh? But as everyone is getting ready to walk out the door, I'd better get running. I'll let everyone know what workout I did (probably a spin, of course).

Have fun all!! Congrats Sunny on the purchase of your spin shoes. Let me know how you like them.
Hey! Quick post for me too before I run out the door!

I went to the gym this morning and did ITread 11/40. I had planned on using the elliptial in light of tmrw's 5k but I caved!}( I kept it a bit slower then usual and walked some of the hills. If I have to slow down tmrw then so be it. I'm in this race to meet Shelly and Cathy anyway so I may just WALK the whole thing!!:p :7

Okay, I'm off to the tat shop! I have 2 tats and have wanted a third for years! I've finally made up my mind what I want and now I have to go to a shop and have them get it ready and make an appoinment to get it done. I'd like to have it done and healed by the time I go on vacation at the end of next month!}( }( }(

Hi ladies!

Just wanted to pop in and give you my race results. DD and I have a lot to do today. Will come back later for personals hopefully.

I ran the 5K in 29:50 race time, 29:46 chip time. I was a little disappointed in the time because I wanted to beat my PR. It was more of a trail run on grass and rocks and hills. My right knee is screaming now. I need more training on this kind of terrain. The weather was great and in lots of shade. But, anyway, I came in first place in my age division. I won a certificate for a pair of running shoes and Windows Vista Ultimate. So, I need to make it to the store to get my shoes. Won't be using the Vista until I'm sure all of the kinks have been worked out.

This was DD's first 5K. She ran 31:47 race time and 31:43 chip time. I'm proud of her especially with her bad knee and the uneven terrain. She did well.

We're about to have breakfast now. Oh, yeah, the race was called Ellie's Race for Africa. We were running with kids names from Africa on our backs. Made it so worthwhile. They were giving away bracelets and they had some African cuisine that we didn't try. I hope they post the results on the website. They also had a kids' 1 mile run which was fun to watch. Some of the kids were clocking 8 minute miles.

Gotta run. Will be back later.

Jackie: What was your previous time you wanted to beat? My hope is to run the 5K under 30 min, soon. However, I'm currently not running trails. That time on a trail is incredible. Do you prefer to trails to road?
Hey Carole! Enjoy your w/out ~ I see you’re reaching for Bento a lot these days, huh?

Christine :: enjoy your w/out – whatever you wind up doing – and your alone time!

Wendy :: Who knows? I may take some walk breaks myself. Dudn't matter. It'll be fun! I say get the tat tonight, so we can see it tomorrow! :)

Jackie :: congrats to you on your age group award (woo hoo! Sweet prizes!) and to DD for an awesome finish in her first 5K. Sounds like a great race to be involved with.

I schlepped my laptop outside and did Joy of Yoga under a tree out here in the fresh outdoors. ahhhh! Life is good. :)

~Cathy :)

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