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  1. D

    I blew it BAD.... please give advice!!

    Thanks! Since you replied back, maybe you have an answer to another question for me. I know that each individual needs to find "what works for them" not only with routine but with eating. I have developed (over the years of experimenting and trial and error) a good eating pattern for myself...
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    I blew it BAD.... please give advice!!

    Hi Becky! I am feeling better today! I was so incredibly amazed at how bloated and "swollen" I felt yesterday! My fingers were so swoellen that I couldnt' get my rings off and my face was even swollen. Furthermore, my legs were very itchy... I couldn't believe how much water retention I had...
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    I blew it BAD.... please give advice!!

    So I am wondering.... if most of this is water weight.... what about when I look at my legs and my stomach in the mirror? I am thicker in my torso and my thighs are even bigger..... could that be water weight? I hope that makes sense!
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    I blew it BAD.... please give advice!!

    Wow.... thanks! Generally, my diet is very good, I feel. I include dairy/wheat/fruits/veggies.... I don't count carbs but tend to have more of a well-balanced eating regimen so that I dont go crazy! I even make sure that I get enough fats through the day. Mainly, my protein stays higher than...
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    I blew it BAD.... please give advice!!

    Thanks! I do give myself lax/cheat meals on the weekends... I have been giving myself a few cheat meals on thge weekends. I recently moved and am starting all over in a new town/State... the financial stress has been overhwhelming and is effecting the marriage.... the kids in a new school...
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    I blew it BAD.... please give advice!!

    I was wondering that..... since I did this in a week... if it would come off fairly fast (muscle memory and all)... I am drinking lots of lemon water and am eating high protein and green vegetables all week. This is my plan of attack... if I get too hungry (like this morning) I may have a...
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    I blew it BAD.... please give advice!!

    I am at work and so I have to be quick. I am so mad at myself today. I was finally almost at my goal of body fat percentage... my stomach was ripped and I was feeling good! Some personal things happenened and I went on a week long binge.... we're talking I ate three cakes (whole cakes)...
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    Well, can you answer a question for me? It's on proper eating/diet. I don't diet but I try and eat as clean as I can all week and I let myself slack a few meals on a Saturday or a Sunday. Has Cathe ever posted a "typical meal" for her? I've noticed that she seems to be against supplements...
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    my legs have gotten too bulky what do I do?

    okay...... I posted a previous message asking for more info... I wonder if I sent it to someone else besides you by accident? Oops! I would love to ask you about Freestyle... is it just basic lower body movements w/out weights? Like, squats, lunges, etc. but with no weights? I don't want to...
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    my legs have gotten too bulky what do I do?

    Good morning! Can you recommend a good lower body workout for me? I do Cathe's rotations and I have the harcore premixes... for the Lower body I have L & G, lots of her step video's, Muscle Endurance, High Step Challenge, and Muscle Max. The other lower body that I will do is the Firm...
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    my legs have gotten too bulky what do I do?

    Interesting. I have noticed that women who do Pilates are really sculpted and not bulky. I have two universal gyms at home. One of them is practically brand new and was about $2000 and I NEVER use it! IT is different... it has a slideable/declinable bench and resistance bands. You can...
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    my legs have gotten too bulky what do I do?

    Hi, Carole! Okay, HELP! I have spent some time now doing a little research on freestyle training and it DEFINITELY has my interest, epsecially after reading success stories and Sherry Gideon's articles(apparantly, the director of Freestyle training) that were posted in
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    Your 5 favorite HEALTHY foods?

    How funny, I agree with most of your favorites also for mine! One recipe I LOVE: Take one sweet potato or yam and slice it into round slices (you can get like 20 slices out of one if you do it thin enough - then you feel like your getting more!!!) Place them on a cookie sheet and spray a...
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    Lean on Me-The cereal

    I am BIG on high fiber cereals because the higher the fiber, the more you can eat at a serving.... If I have a good workout early in the morning, I love to have a HUGE bowl of cereal afterwards because I don't feel that I have to "watch my portion"!!!! I am a cereal queen and so I always have...
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    my legs have gotten too bulky what do I do?

    Oh.... well, I just happen to have an eliptical trainer at home! I don't use it much, I pretty much use it for intervals. For example, if I work out for one hour with either cardio or weights, I will jump on the eliptical in between sessions or intervals for about 5 minute spans. I am trying...
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    my legs have gotten too bulky what do I do?

    By the way, I noticed that you will go lower weights on L&G but higher poundage on GS legs. So, if Cathe has L&G/Pyramid LB and Muscle Max all in one week rotation, how do you decide which day you will go heavy on your legs? Look at week two in her current rotation... how would you break...
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    my legs have gotten too bulky what do I do?

    Perfect! Thanks for the reply. I have tried her rotation and I absolutely love them. I especially notice a difference when I do the hardcore series more. I did the muscle endurance this morning and decreased the barbell by 1/2 the weight (that was tough when I know I can do more!!!) but I...
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    my legs have gotten too bulky what do I do?

    Would the Windsor Pilates work? OR are the reformer pilates different? I have the whole series of Windsor but I never do them. I am so addicted to cardio and weights... I never have time to squeeze in the Pilates!
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    my legs have gotten too bulky what do I do?

    Thanks for your offer! I will certainly check this freestyle thing out and let you know if you can assist me!
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    Fighting the sweet tooth!

    LET ME TELL YOU....I don't think anybody could "outdo" me in a sugar/chocolate eating contest!! Not that I am bragging.... I hate it that I go crazy craving sugar! When my hubby and I go out... I ALWAYS order dessert first... and it has to be the richest chocolate they have! And it doesn't...