I blew it BAD.... please give advice!!

Hi Becky! I am feeling better today! I was so incredibly amazed at how bloated and "swollen" I felt yesterday! My fingers were so swoellen that I couldnt' get my rings off and my face was even swollen. Furthermore, my legs were very itchy... I couldn't believe how much water retention I had from all the salt and extra crap! Today I am already feeling better and less puffy! It is so amazing once you begin eating healthy and your body becomes accustomed to it.... it's almost like a drug when you go off and binge on sugar and white flour and that kind of stuff.... the side effects are not easy on the body... it really shows you just how "poisonous" that bad food truly is for your body! Sometimes, I even feel like I have a hangover the next day, similar to how I used to feel when I drank and wokr up the day after! Anyway, I am a little back in the groove today and trying to not look back! Seeing my stomach again this morning was discouraging... it feels all soft and squishy... like soft dough (like right after having a baby)..... it has taken me years to tone that... it is amazing how quick one can put weight on! Well, again... thanks for being caring, I really appreciate all of the support I am getting... you guys are great! I managed to get up this morning and do Legs and Glutes, then jog for 40 minutes... hopefully this evening, I can get on my eliptical for maybe 30 minutes or so before bed. I wanted to fit in 200 walking lunges today, but didn't have the time. Well, have a wonderful day!
Candice... good to see you back on track and with such a positive attitude!! Those abs are still there, they are just hiding under that bloat that is still there. They'd be back and still toned, they are just covered up!!
Thanks! Since you replied back, maybe you have an answer to another question for me. I know that each individual needs to find "what works for them" not only with routine but with eating. I have developed (over the years of experimenting and trial and error) a good eating pattern for myself. I would love to be able to cycle and bodybuild..... I am so driven when it comes to fitness, but I have a husband and children and had to come to term with the fact that I am a Mom and a wife and it just doesn't fit my lifestyle and our budget! I don't count calories, but I have just pretty much memorized carbs/fat/protein stuff. I eat lots of protein/olive oil for fat/ and my carbs are from fruit/veggies/oats/high fiber, wheat cereals, whole wheat crackers, beans, etc. I also include natrual PB and avocado for fats. Anyway, any ideas how Cathe eats? I have never seen anything on a typical eating day for her..... although, I think I remember reading somewhere that she isn't "hype" on supplements, including protein.... is that true? I supplement with whey protein throughout the day and also Casein when I have extra money... just to keep my protein levels up and I also have a chocolate shake every night before bed with splenda and ice and it helps curb my chocolate cravings! So.......... any idea how Cathe eats? Does she take supplements? I hope my question isn't ridiculous! I love her workouts and her physiqe and I would love to know her eating recommendations or something to that sort. Thanks!

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