LOL.. that's okay Becky... The open discussion forum is going to be empty for a while, everybody will be on Ask Cathe!!:)
I know it Jane. I'm so excited!
I just showed dh and he said "I'm gonna have to start a support group for the husbands!" LOL:eek:
Haha!! I love it... my credit card is still screaming from buying way too many DVD's this year. I am going to have to scramble to figure out how I'm going to do this!!!
It looks like a pretty good company. I'm glad they're not planning to change anything and that they will give SNM it's freedom.
>It is a distributor right.All the dvd's look great-I guess no
>more premix's tho;(

No more premixes? Did I miss something?
I didn't read anything about not having premixes anymore. Why would that change? Cathe would never take away our beloved premixes! :)

I'm really excited about the new workouts - they sound awesome!
>It is a distributor right.All the dvd's look great-I guess no
>more premix's tho;(

Why do you say this? You posted the same at YaYas and I would love to know where you got this info?
I am just assuming there WILL be premixes and I sure hope that's the case!!! I just don't see Cathe putting out dvd's without them.

Jane, I have bought almost every one of Cathe's dvd's this year (don't have Body Fusion , and I sold Kickmax but I think I have all the rest), and I am going to have to do some scrambling too! BIG TIME!:eek:
Well, can you answer a question for me? It's on proper eating/diet. I don't diet but I try and eat as clean as I can all week and I let myself slack a few meals on a Saturday or a Sunday. Has Cathe ever posted a "typical meal" for her? I've noticed that she seems to be against supplements and protein powders, etc. but has she ever mentioned what at typical day of eating looks like for her and actuall gave a "menu sample"? All I know is she ups her protein and tries to ger her fat from peanut butter (I remember reading this somewhere several months ago. I am so curious as to how she typically eats! Any previous forums? Thanks!
sorry I forgot about the single premix's like hc-I was talking about 2 workouts on one dvd like the bb series and the premix's mixing the 2.So sorry clarified on yayas also.That's what I get for typing and running off;-)

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