my legs have gotten too bulky what do I do?


Active Member
Two questions: This is my 1st time ever posting something so I hope somebody has some feedback for me. First, I am in love with anything that Cathe puts out! My trouble areas are always my lower half! I have been training for about five years and am pretty advanced, but can't lose the saggy butt or inner thigh flab or cellulite! Trust me, my diet couldn't be any cleaner from processed foods and I only do one cheat meal a week now! I combine cardio/jogging/step/hiking mountains/KPC and step weekly, along with lifting weights at least three times a week.

With rotating the L&G, High Step Challenge, Muscle Max, LB Pyramid and step, there is no way I could possibly incorporate any more leg training in there..... !!! I eat perfect, I change my routine every six weeks.... and I have certainly gained A LOT of definition! Here's the problem..... I still can't get rid of the dingle dangers on my inner thighs and extra flab on my lower half and for awhile there I was doing cardio in the morning and weights at night and working my legs like crazy! For five years I can't get it off. Now, my husband is telling me to completely STOP lifting weights with my legs. He says that they are ready to cross over to the "non feminine" look and that they are looking "too big/muscular" in shorts. So, what do I do? IF I take his advice and quit on the legs, will I lose my muscle mass? Should I just forget weights for a cycle and focus on step and cardio (for the lower half) and keep my protein intake high? OR, should I just do weights on the legs one time a week and go lower on the weights? Also............

I just started a job where I am literally sitting for 9 hours a day and I can't leave the building (it's a two man office that supports 400 people and so I can't even take breaks, accept for 15 minutes to scarf my lunch. I HATE this because I have no physical activity for the entire day and I swear that my butt falls asleep during the day. I am afraid that this will add to cellulite and now I will have to drop my daily calories (even with morning workouts) because I will have absolutely no phycial activity during the day for the rest of the day. I am really freaked out about this. I was thinking about buying massager/type thing to plug in and sit on to keep the circulation going..... would this help?

Sorry if this is way tooo much.. I am at work and trying to crunch all of this typing in, in like 5 minutes and so I hope it makes sense! Thanks so much for any help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi:) I have the same problem with my inner thighs and found that the orbitrek took a whole inch off the tops of my thighs. It's really easy to fit in with the weight workouts too so you don't feel like your losing out. Hope this helps, Fiona
Hi, I am not Cathe, but I had the same problem. I lowered my weights tremendously, eliminating them entirely in floorwork. I also concentrated on my kickboxing, not so much increasing it but really focusing on my form with my kicks. I also intensified my interval training, ie Imax workouts with Cathe. All this combined has helped me to lose bulk but not definition in my legs. I will never be able to squat as much weight as I really am capable of, but I focus on lower weights in more of an endurance format to prevent my muscle size to increase.
Also, the clean eating thing is big too, although I cannot claim to do really well with that.
Different things work for different people, I am only relating what I noticed working for me.

Welcome to the forum, it is a the best place for motivation, direction, and just good people!:7 :7
Hi Candice,

Also not Cathe, but I recently read on the Open Discussion forum about Freestyle training and have started to read the book discussed there. (If you go to Search and type in Freestyle training, you'll have tons of info come up) That style of training is focused on preventing exactly what you're describing, so maybe check that out. Hope that helps, sounds like you're one busy lady with exercise (even with the sedentary job!)

What in the world is orbitrek? Thanks for the reply!!!! It's nice to see that somebody else can relate to my issue! I would only imagine that if anyone else in the world ate and worked out like me (nympho) that anyone else would be one mean/lean machine!!!!!
Thanks! So, more intense cardio and lower reps? So, do you do regulrar weight video's (ie. Muscle Max/ L & G) and just lower the weights and not use what Cathe is using? Do you do the same workouts but just decrease the weight by half? I always do the exact pounds that Cathe does......... thanks for your replies!
Now that I have another minute and I read through your reply once again.... can you give me an example of a routine? If I am going to back down from legs I don't even know where to begin!! I work out 7 days a week. So, how many days should I do weights with legs? AND, which video and how low should I go on my weights. I am so used to doing supersets/L & G/LB Pyramid/etc. with Cathe and I do all the same weight as her. I have no clue what to drop the weight down to with squats and lunges when I am used to doing like 35-40 lbs. Also, should I eliminate ankle weights since you said that you completely eliminate them in floor work? Like the floor work in L&G? So, maybe for the next six weeks I will do the hardcore premixes 3x per week (which, include no weights/leg conditioning drills), weights two times per week (one day lower/one day upper)
and the other two........ maybe some type of cardio (jogging or hiking) and pilates for stretching? I have been thinking about incorporating some Pilates.... if I am going to back off of the weights, this is suppose to be good for muscle conditioning.

So hows this?....
Monday- Hardcore Extreme - (one of the three premixes)
Tuesday - Lower body/lighter weights (Muscle endurance or L&G)
Wed - 1 hour or 30 min Jogging/ 30 min-1 hr pilates
Thursday - KPC and it's entirety
Friday: Upper Body weights/heavy
Satruday - 1 hour Jogging/ 1 hour Pilates
Sunday - Hardcore Exteme - jog 20 minutes

How does this sound for a six week routine? I figured I would do away with a lot of step since I am doing the hardcore..... Will I maintain my muscle mass if I keep my protein up? I REALLY appreciate your feedback! I get so tired of calling bodybuilding companies that just try and sell me a bunch of hype!!!!! It's nice to get feedback from real people! Well, I can't wait to hear back from you... I will check my email as soon as I get in tomorrow!!! Thanks again!
Candice...Welcome!!! I also second Freestyle. It does wonders for your lower half. If you can't find any links thru a search PM me and I can help...:)...Carole
You might want to consider Pilates Reformer work instead of giving up weight training. The springs of a reformer encourage eccentric muscle activity. You know, the contraction that happens when you lengthen a muscle while actively working it, like the lengthening that happens in your biceps when you extend your arm after a curl. On the Reformer, as you return the carriage to its starting position, some of your muscles must contract eccentrically to avoid giving in to the spring and slamming the carriage closed. This eccentric work is where Pilates gets its well earned reputation for being a great way to both lengthen and strengthen muscles in fitness. You don't get bulky, just lean and defined. :) Honestly, it really is a great way to keep your definition without bulking. It's worked for me.

Where do you purchase a Pilates Reformer? Are they expensive? I've seen one on QVC (I can't remember the name) and was curious about that product. Do they make DVDs to workout with it?
Personally, I recommend lots of cardio and high reps with low weight( on the lower body )workouts.

For instance, I am following Cathe's September rotation, but whenever there is a weight workout I make sure to lower my weights for my lower body, but I continue to max my upper body for the most part. I do cardio at least every other day, and, as you know, Cathe will throw in even more. Her rotations are fantastic. You may want to try one and see how they work for you.

For instance, this week:

Monday - CIA step 2202 and ab hits.
Tuesday - Bodymax ( no more than ten pound dumbbells on the lower body, I don't use barbells.)
Wednesday - GS legs and abs. ( same poundage with this one..)
Today - SB: Warm up, Add on Combo 2,3, Blast challenge. CW: Timesaver Upper Body heavy weights and stretch, Coremax segment 1.
Friday - Hi/low aerobics and coremax 2.
Saturday - Imax 1 and ab hits.
Sunday - Stretchmax.

This is using the September rotation and subbing for the vids I don't have.
You will obviously need to find what works best for you, but this really helped me alot!
Would the Windsor Pilates work? OR are the reformer pilates different? I have the whole series of Windsor but I never do them. I am so addicted to cardio and weights... I never have time to squeeze in the Pilates!
Perfect! Thanks for the reply. I have tried her rotation and I absolutely love them. I especially notice a difference when I do the hardcore series more. I did the muscle endurance this morning and decreased the barbell by 1/2 the weight (that was tough when I know I can do more!!!) but I took your advice. So, I only did 20lbs on the barbell today for squats and lunches! So, for the next six weeks I plan on decreasing my poundage dramatically for my lower body.. thanks a bunch!
I have done Pilates, but like you, I just don't do it enough to really concentrate on implementing it into my rotations.
Also, concentrate on your fluid intake. I, meanwhile, will try to eat cleaner!!:7
By the way, I noticed that you will go lower weights on L&G but higher poundage on GS legs. So, if Cathe has L&G/Pyramid LB and Muscle Max all in one week rotation, how do you decide which day you will go heavy on your legs?

Look at week two in her current rotation...
how would you break the three "leg" days up with low/high lbs??? Would you select 10 lbs on every excercise for two days and then the third day you would go heavy? AND... how heavy? Especially if you are doing supersets or a pyramid.... would you still do a pyramid, but start out with two 5 lb dumbells work your way up to two 10 lb. dumbells max?

I have never in five years focused on high cardio and lower weights/higher reps... I am kind of excited to see the changes......
Oh yes...a good Pilates reformer is not cheap...they run at the least about $2000 for a really scaled down model. Don't bother with the QVC type version products....they are made of elastic not ropes and they don't offer the kind of spring tension you can get in a good model (ie. recommended companies are Gratz, Peak, Stott and Balance Body... right now, nobody can tell me otherwise). I really like Peak and Stott, but only decided on a Stott Professional Reformer because I felt it was truly a better machine even though I thought the Peak equipment really would have looked so much prettier in my gym.x( Hey, I don't always go for looks...;-) and it would have cost me less. Such is life....

As for DVDs/tapes...yes, there are so many. Allegro, Stamina, Classic Pilates and Stott all have wonderful DVDs/VHS tapes to work out with. Some can be really difficult...others are just great plyo/jumpboard work.......and awesome cardio (ie:stamina cardio). Did I mention, you can buy a jumpboard with your reformer for an incredibly difficult cardio workout. I usually only do 20 minutes on the jumpboard (with 1 and 1/2 springs) and that is more then plenty for me! Your heart rate will run much higher with the spring tension....yet, the total impact is so much less on your knees and body. Good for those of us who are older me.

I hope I helped.
Oh.... well, I just happen to have an eliptical trainer at home! I don't use it much, I pretty much use it for intervals. For example, if I work out for one hour with either cardio or weights, I will jump on the eliptical in between sessions or intervals for about 5 minute spans. I am trying to incorporate jogging back into my routines. I used to jog at least 4 times a week and my legs were leaner. Now, for about the last year I have really focused on weights and step/cycling diets/supplements, etc. and I have noticed that I have gained a lot of muscle mass and definition as well as some fat on my inner thighs! Anyway, it's hard for me to do the eliptical during the Summer because I'd rather be outside in the fresh air or hiking mountains!!! However, the Winter I will probably try and start doing the eliptical machine twice a week at one hour sessions. Anyway... thanks for explaining the orbitrek!

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