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  1. M

    brown sugar or white???

    Thanks I never heard of raw sugar before I have to check that out. And black stap molasses. Thanks so much!! Teresa
  2. M

    Can Someone Give Me A Good Site for my son!!!

    Thanks so much for the info will let my son know and I will get a fit magazine for him. Thanks again Teresa
  3. M

    brown sugar or white???

    My dad said brown sugar is better than white sugar for you although he doesn't use to much of brown sugar Because neither is good for you but he said he rather have brown but is it better than white just wondering???He is 82yrs almost 83 and always exercise so he must have done something right...
  4. M

    Can Someone Give Me A Good Site for my son!!!

    He just turned 18yrs and he wants to lose some weight he is 6"3 big bone kinda built like Ben Rolthisburger on the steelers. And wants to get in shape like how much he should weigh he weighs 210 right now. I was hopeing there would be some kinda site that he could check out I have been lookin...
  5. M

    Please please please pray for my mom!!!!!!

    Thankyou all so much she is doing alittle better but I know pray is wonderful it just so hard to see your mom so sick my dad thinks she isn't gonna make it this winter I just won't except that I am trying to do everything to help her. It makes me feel so happy to read that someone out there who...
  6. M

    please pray for my mom

    I know what your going through my mom is sick also I will definilty will pray for her (((((HUGS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY THROUGH THIS ROUGH TIME)))) Teresa
  7. M

    Please please please pray for my mom!!!!!!

    My mom is having problems breathing she has congestion heart failure and she keeps on telling me she is gonna die I am so scared she keeps on having spells.Please pray for her I would so dearly appreciate it! Thank you very much!!! Teresa:(
  8. M

    Where does everyone live???

    PA here I live about a half a hour from pittsburgh!!
  9. M

    Bad childhood memories = Depression...

    I know what you mean I have nightmares from my exhusband he abused me severly and I can't get over it and I have thought to get help but just to scare to talk to a stranger also I can't even live a normal life because of him don't trust anyone and sometimes I get so mad because he took apart of...
  10. M

    Please let me cry on your collective shoulders!

    I don't post very often either but men just make me so mad !!!! I have been through alot with a man also they think women are dumb but we are not no matter how long it takes we always find out then its i am so sorry please don't leave me. All I can say goodbye to bad rubbish. You are better...
  11. M

    About my mom !!!!!

    Thanks to all that prayed for my mom she is out of the hospital now they drained 20lbs of water out of her she is feelin much better she has to use oxygen and use a cpack everynight. But I know from prayer she is feelin better she was walking around the house today it just makes so happy to see...
  12. M

    My mom needs prayers again !!!!

    My mom is in the hospital and she has congestion heart failure I know all your prayers work it did before for my dad. And I appreicated everyone who prayed.If you go to church if you would please request a prayer for my mom. Thankyou so much !!! Teresa
  13. M

    About my niece!!

    Thanks guys I sent her all your emails i know she will be happy. And I also told her to get in this site she said she is. Thanks again Teresa
  14. M

    About my niece!!

    Can anybody give me a site for my niece to help her she only eats like once a day and she exercises with Cathe my sis tells me she should be my kid:) But she say she isn't losing weight I told her she has to eat 5 to 6 small meals a day good foods fruits veggies so her Metabolism doesn't slow...
  15. M

    One Body Part per Day question?????

    How many sets ? Like if your doing chest how long do you workout on just that muscle . appreicate any info!!!! Teresa
  16. M

    I want to thank all of you who prayed for my mom and da...

    Thankyou all for praying for my mom and dad. They are feelin much better I know its from prayer.I believe in prayer so much and i told my dad and mom I asked you guys to pray for them they was so happy they said to tell you all thankyou!! I got my dad something eat and made sure he ate good...
  17. M

    Please Pray for my mom and Dad!!!

    Could everyone please pray for my mom and dad they are both sick my dad is 82yrs and my mom is 76yrs they are both are bed riddin right now the doctors don't know what awrong with my dad maybe a broken bone they took xrays but they never told us yet doctors Idunno anymore they just don't care...
  18. M


    Cathe just wondering how many carbs should you have a day? I am just so confused about the way you should eat to get that sixpack I workout so hard I just don't think I eat well enough could it be the bread I am big on bread I just love it I know not good. I am 38yrs had 3 children I am pretty...
  19. M

    Here is pics of my new grandson and my granddaughters!!...

    RE: Here is pics of my new grandson and my granddaughte... Yes i sure do enjoy them and love them more than anything in this world !!! Granbabies are just soooooooooooo wonderful >>>>> Thankyou Teresa:D