please pray for my mom

I hope you get good news.

I know you are scared, but there is hope. My mother had to have a CAT scan when the doc told her they saw something on x-ray. She had a CAT scan and yes, it was still there. Three months later they had her do it again and it had not grown remarkably. Because of this, I guess they figure it is not cancerous. That is what they are looking for..growth. Fast growth. It was of little comfort to me, however, considering my mom is a two pack a day smoker. Trouble could be just around the corner!

Anyway, it can turn out to be benign. Let us know what happens. You guys are in my prayers.

Sending ((((((((HUGS)))))))) to you and your mom. I know how you must feel. I'm SUPER DOOPER close to mine. Hang in there and keep us posted on how everything is going. Your in my prayers;-)

Take Care

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

I know what your going through my mom is sick also I will definilty will pray for her (((((HUGS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY THROUGH THIS ROUGH TIME)))) Teresa
Lord, please wrap this family in your loving arms and watch over them while they deal with this. Lord, please also be with the doctors as they read the Cat Scan and proceed with their care. We thank you for this Lord, as we know all things are possible through you.
Thank you all again. I'm tearing up with all of the love and support. You always fear the worst but hope for the best. I'm praying for great news on Friday!

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