Please let me cry on your collective shoulders!

I'm doing better, and now have gotten myself collected enough to plan what I want to do next, and that is move out when my ducks are in a row. The snake is still calling her on his cell phone (yesterday one 12-minute call) although the e-mails have stopped for now, so they are still in contact. He has been nicer than normal all week, but I know that's because he senses that he's been caught although I never came out and accused him of anything.

A call came in on Thursday morning -"blocked call" on the caller ID - at 6:08AM, a time when no one ever call except for emergencies. I answered it and it was a hang up. I know it was her because if I were to be going on an early AM golf course walk, that's when I'd go out. She was calling to see if I was there, the dope! I was cool, however, and did not tell him about the call. I erased the caller ID number and went about my business. It still makes me mad, but I feel good knowing that I'm adding evidence to my folder on him and that I'm keeping one step ahead of him.

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias[/img]
What a jack@$$, you are better off without him. I don't post here often but felt the need once I read your post. I too, admire you for keeping your cool with him, I like others, would have torn his head off by now.

You deserve better! Know that there is something better for you down the pike.

Hang in there.
Thanks, Bill! He's behaving like a jacka$$, not a man, I know.

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias[/img]
Honeybunch, hope you're hanging in there. Stay strong. When you are ready to enlighten him about what you know, I hope it hits him like a brick.

It may be that he will recover from "temporary insanity"

And what is the other woman getting?

A man who cheats.

If they do it once, they will do it again.

It has nothing to do with YOU -- it has to do with HIM.
So sorry you're going through this. Gosh, what is wrong with him!

Hang in there, just know you can do better than him.


I don't post very often either but men just make me so mad !!!!
I have been through alot with a man also they think women are dumb
but we are not no matter how long it takes we always find out then its i am so sorry please don't leave me. All I can say goodbye to bad rubbish. You are better off without the pig but I no it hurts so bad but you will make it through it.If it would have been me I would have exploded Thats great you can hold your cool.If it was me Someone would have got thier a$$ kick!!!(He deserve the skank )Hope your doing better Take care and huggggsssss))))))
Honey bunch, I know it is hard, but get rid of his A**.
You are better than this and deserve more.
He is looking, so something is going on, or he is thinking with his 3rd leg as most men do...
Eventually he is really going to hurt you bad so start getting tough and looose himmmmmm.

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