Please let me cry on your collective shoulders!

Sorry to hear about your situation. Just remember: If they can be taken their not worth keeping.

Why is it always the men who think they can just do what they want and expect us to just go along w/ it.
From my detective work, I think this is a new thing. They made contact at a picnic last Sunday, and made plans for Wednesday that she cancelled by leaving phones messages (!)which I intercepted accidently and have been communicating secretly (so they think) via e-mails (which leave nothing to the imagination!)and cell phones since then. I don't think she knew I existed but does now, and my instincts are they will pick it up next week sometime while I'm at work. Neither of them is being very smart about this whole thing - more of a reason why they deserve each other!

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias[/img]
I'm so sorry HB! I had a similar thing happen to me many years ago. It was the best thing that ever happened to me because otherwise I never would have ended up with DH! It just means there is someone better for you out there. Hugs to you!

You are such a strong woman Honeybunch! Why drag your heels on the inevitable confrontation, how can you ever trust this man again especially in light of the fact that he could look at you from across a table and claim to want a committed relationship while actively pursuing a bit 'on the side? If you resolve and reconcile are you willing to 'watch him like a hawk' indefinitely? Do you really believe this is his first flirtation in 10 years (hard call, I know). You don't deserve the lies or games or disrespect, why let him proceed with it? I hope it's not fear of being without a man!!!! I'd rather be happy and single than miserable with an SO who's more SOB than partner! I'm debating posting or not as I know that relationships are more complicated than they appear on the surface but he's playing you like a fiddle, I only know that if I were in your shoes this would be eating me up inside and the sooner I got out of a detrimental relationship the sooner the healing could begin.

Take Care
>>I am so sorry Honeybunch!....I do have a killer roundhouse
>A roundhouse is nice, but I say a front whip up side the
Add a good knee to the groin too!! Lots of hugs sent your way. I am sorry.


I'm so sorry, please take care of yourself. Things do get better, most of the time for the best.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
I CAN'T trust him again and right now I'm waiting for the right time to make my move - out of his house and into my own place. She can have him. I'm being very cautious and cool, however. I'm going to play HIM like a fiddle for awhile until my ducks are in a row. I KNOW what he wants is not a committed relationship - I just wanted to know if he would come clean with me, which of course, he did not. They deserve each other! Get this - her cousin is his ex-girlfriend - the one who broke up with him before he met me! He's keeping it in the family!

BTW - THANKS EVERYONE for your support! I blubbered and sulked for 2 days now, and I'm ready to move on and not waste any more energy feeling bad about this. There are worse things that could happen to a person, after all. I missed two days of working out over this, and I'm back on track with chins, pull-ups and an hour long walk.

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias[/img]
Hang in there - if you can handle it, it will be much better to get your issues separated before he knows what has hit him.

Sending good thoughts your way for things to go as you plan . . .

I've been gone taking my son to college and just now am catching up on the Forums -- what terrible news from you, sweetie pie! I'm so sorry!!! :-(

He really does sound like he's behaving like a first class jerk, and I think you're very smart to keep your cool til you get your ducks in a row and can end things on YOUR terms and in YOUR time. In the meantime, you know we've got your back, girlfriend! You are one strong, resourceful, smart woman, and you've got the whole Educated Crowd on your side!!

Sending ((((((((((((((((((Honeybunch)))))))))))))))) hugs!!!! Kathy S.
>BTW - THANKS EVERYONE for your support! I blubbered and
>sulked for 2 days now, and I'm ready to move on and not waste
>any more energy feeling bad about this. There are worse
>things that could happen to a person, after all. I missed two
>days of working out over this, and I'm back on track with
>chins, pull-ups and an hour long walk.


You're strong and will make it through no doubt!! Just a piece of advice from someone who has been there, don't be too hard on yourself if after a few weeks of feeling on the road to recovery you suddenly get super depressed over this again. From my own experience I know that I thought I was fine for a while and then found myself curled in my best friend's lap crying until I couldn't see, my eyes were so red and swollen. Take care of yourself and let yourself feel whatever you are feeling. We're all here for you!!


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
When he says he wants a committed relationship what he means is he wants YOU to be committed. That jerk.

I can't believe you haven't lit into him yet! I wouldn't be able to hold back! I admire your playing it cool!
Don't know you but know that you deserved better!!! There is a special place in hades for those who are so careless with other's hearts. It's not you it's him.

Oh, my goodness! How on earth did I miss this post?????? I am sooo sorry to hear what happened to you!!! Please know that I'm sending you a belated, yet heartfelt, HUG your way! I truly hope you are feeling better now.

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