About my niece!!


Can anybody give me a site for my niece to help her she only eats like once a day and she exercises with Cathe my sis tells me she should be my kid:) But she say she isn't losing weight I told her she has to eat 5 to 6 small meals a day good foods fruits veggies
so her Metabolism doesn't slow down .I need some help to convince her to eat not to starve.And she is 15yrs
She isn't fat just chunky she wants to lose her extra pounds before school she has to swim this year. If anyone could help us we would appreicate it
http://www.bodybuilding.com has great articles about fueling your body for sports. and swimming is a tough sport. i don't know of sites that deal with eating disorders b/c i didn't have that when my sister and i were in recovery. all i can say is all of the family has to be a support system. try not to come down on her but make her aware of the issues and bring these facts to the table. once a day my goodness how does she survive. i know i can't, and her being a teen, she needs way way more calories then i do. hopefully reading the above articles will help her understand, that eating and food are not curses they are necessities and fuel of life.



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
15 years old is a really tough age. especially when the media is so huge on celebrities images, and stress from school and peers is tough also, when starving it starves your brain and then depression sets in more than ever, be very supportive try having her see a nutritionist and a fitness trainer or something, I therapist might help a lot also for her to deal with the stress of the teenage years. I stay away from fashion magazines because girls with eating disorders will idolize the women in them. I wish I can help more since I am trying recovery from an eating disorder myself.
Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto is really a great book. It is an e-book you have to download. You can find it at www.fitren.com. I know it's a little pricey but he explains things really well and in simple terms. It will explain why she needs to eat 5-6 meals a day so she can boost her metabolism, what foods she should eat and why and a whole lot more.

Thanks guys I sent her all your emails i know she will be happy.
And I also told her to get in this site she said she is.
Thanks again

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