Please please please pray for my mom!!!!!!


My mom is having problems breathing she has congestion heart failure and she keeps on telling me she is gonna die I am so scared she keeps on having spells.Please pray for her I would so dearly appreciate it!
Thank you very much!!!
Lord, we know that Teresa and her mom are having a difficult time right now. Please watch over them and give them comfort as we know only you can do. We ask this in your name Lord. Amen
Oh my goodness! Please consider it done. I'm so sorry & I hope everything is okay. Please keep us updated... we will all be thinking of you.

You are in my thoughts,
Thankyou all so much she is doing alittle better but I know pray is wonderful it just so hard to see your mom so sick my dad thinks she isn't gonna make it this winter I just won't except that I am trying to do everything to help her. It makes me feel so happy to read that someone out there who cares enough to pray for a stranger.I can not thank all of you enough God bless you all !!!!

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