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  1. S

    Daily Check-In: Wednesday, July 20, 2005

    Awww Kim, I'm sorry you're having a tough time kick starting your workouts this week. Car problems can be so draining- mentally and financially! Do the best you can to go with the flow until things settle down a bit. Maybe you could shorten your workouts, or just turn off the phone when it's...
  2. S

    Daily Check-In: Wednesday, July 20, 2005

    Prayers and positive vibes going out to you and your DH! Cardio Blast rotation??? <perks up> I'm going to figure out what this is and check it out! ;) Connie
  3. S

    Daily Check-In: Wednesday, July 20, 2005

    Whoohooo, Charlotte!! I think it's really cool that you're helping your neighbor get fit. It must be awesome to have neighbors like that. You certainly are a great role model. :) Connie (edited for spelling)
  4. S

    Daily Check-In: Wednesday, July 20, 2005

    I agree, Jane- ride instead of push in that humidity and heat! I'm looking forward to hearing your review of Step Heaven, and how it compares to Cathe's step w/o's. Take care, Connie :D
  5. S

    Daily Check-In: Wednesday, July 20, 2005

    Happy late morning! Once again, I'm brining up this thread's rear. LOL Remember the core and lower body floorwork I was going to do yesterday?? Didn't happen. :+ I raked a bunch of heavy and wet leaves for exercise yesterday. It was about 45 minutes of work, but I think I should get to...
  6. S

    WaaaHOOO, I reached a long time goal!!

    I've done it! I've reached ONEderland, and left the 200s behind me!!:D :P :D I weighed in this morning at 199.7. I just stared in disbelief at the number for what seemed like a loooong time. WOW!! All of these awesome Cathe workouts are certainly paying off. :D }( :D I'm soo proud of myself for...
  7. S

    No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 19, 2005

    Hi Shelley and fellow challengers! I almost cheated last night due to a bit of family stress, BUT I'm proud to say that I resisted those homemade delicious peanut butter cookies! Whoohooo! :D Today will be a good day. I know this because I'm not leaving the house, and I always eat cleanly...
  8. S

    Daily check-in 19/07/2005

    Morning!! :) Today begins my offical knee recovery, which means that I am 1 day short of completing the August '04 rotation for the second time. Arg!! Maybe I'll do some floorwork later...that shouldn't irritate the knee, should it?? Today will be YardMax (raking and maybe some mowing)...
  9. S

    Waaah! My knee is aching....(and a related question)

    Thank you, Marla! I couldn't remember which pain medication was right for this kind of thing last night, and ended up taking Tylenol. I'm going to pop an IB right now! As much as I want to get back to my Cathe workouts, I promise not to rush my recovery. x( :7 Connie
  10. S

    Waaah! My knee is aching....(and a related question)

    RE: Waaah! My knee is aching....(and a related question... Thanks for your support and advice, Kit! My step stays at 4 inches, and probably will for another 6 months. LOL I'm easing my way up- slowly. Right now, that's a very effective step height for me as I build cardio endurance and...
  11. S

    Waaah! My knee is aching....(and a related question)

    RE: Waaah! My knee is aching....(and a related question... Thank you so much, Randi! I've never heard of the skin creme version, how cool! I'm going to look for some- very soon!! Connie :D
  12. S

    No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 18, 2005

    LOL, Jane. I'm glad to know that I'm in good company! :) Connie
  13. S

    Waaah! My knee is aching....(and a related question)

    After 2 August '04 rotations, I think my knee is crying for some recovery time. And it's frustrating!!! x( It's been a little sore off and on for about a week, but I made it worse on Saturday during L&G. I've been doing leg presses on my 8" fannylifter to help me perfect my form and be...
  14. S

    roadtrippers--new advanced Cathes?

    Thank you, Wendy! I was just about to ask this question myself- I've been wondering. Great minds think alike, eh? hehe Thanks, also, to the Roadtrippers who answered! It's so cool that you got to have a conversation with Cathe about new workouts! I have to say that I'm surprised she doesn't...
  15. S

    No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 18, 2005

    I agree with Kim, Jane!!! You've been kicking tortito butt, and I'm quite proud of you! :) Connie
  16. S

    No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 18, 2005

    Good afternoon, fellow challengers! :) I have a confession- this past Friday while babysitting I ate 1.5 Hershey's bars. This has been my only slip-up, so I'm not feeling TOO guilty about it. Actually, I didn't realize what I had done until I was home later that night. Can you believe I...
  17. S

    Daily check-in 18/07/2005

    Awesome workouts this Monday everyone! Welcome back Roadtrippers! Thank you for sharing your trip with us Hometrippers! I wish I could have gone, there's such wonderful energy in your pictures and stories. I will go next time! :) My knee has been a bit sore this weekend. I think it's mostly...
  18. S

    Daily check-in 18/07/2005

    Hi Cathy, I just HAD to write and tell you how wonderful and refreshing it is to hear a woman say that they are where they want to be regarding body image. Whoohoooo!! :) Connie
  19. S

    Daily check-in 14/07/2005

    Mornin' all, Quick check-in this morning, I'm trying to beat the heat and get the lawn cut. Cardio today is Lawn mowing. Strength work will be PUB + Abs. Great workouts everyone, thanks for the continuing inspiration! Connie
  20. S


    Happy, happy birthday to you!!! Hope you have a wonderful time celebrating YOU today. :) Connie