No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 19, 2005



Thanks so much for stepping up to the plate to do this check-in while I was away, Terri.:)

I did really well yesterday. Nothing salty, lots and lots of water and just one cookie. This weekend is going to be difficult because I'm going up to a friend's cottage for our annual get-together and it's never a healthy eating weekend.

How's everyone else doing?
RE: No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 19, 200...

Glad you're back Shelley.

I am doing great.
Nothing salty.
Nothing sweet.
More than enough water.

Have fun this weekend. You'll burn it off next week!
RE: No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 19, 200...

Good morning girls! Today I feel great! It's too early to tell if I will cheat or not but I don't think I'm going to. I'll post later how I did today. Have a nice day :)
RE: No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 19, 200...

Hey ladies,


this is the first day this month that I can say check on everything. I am thrilled! I am determined that I will conquer this week.

sweets - checks (had SF icecream)
salt - check
water - drank water, just need to icrease a little more.

I am on a roll today!!

RE: No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 19, 200...

Nice to have you back Shelley. As for posting the challenge you are welcome:)

Plenty of Water-Check
No Salt-Check
No Sweets-Check

Well I am doing good but like you Shelley I am worried about the weekend coming up. I want to go to the renfest and they have so many tempting treats!


I am feeling so good! I have said no to CHOCOLATE!!! I have said no to ice cream! It feels so good to know that I can control myself!

Welcome back, road trippers! Happy to have you back!!!

RE: No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 19, 200...

Kim, that is awesome! I am so happy for you! The first day is the hardest, so it is all relatively easy from here!

Hi Shelley and fellow challengers!

I almost cheated last night due to a bit of family stress, BUT I'm proud to say that I resisted those homemade delicious peanut butter cookies! Whoohooo! :D

Today will be a good day. I know this because I'm not leaving the house, and I always eat cleanly when I'm home. :p

Looks like I'll be babysitting 3 days next week- it will be a true challenge for me to stay away from sweets around these particular kids. I adore the kids, but they don't eat healthy and there is candy everywhere I look! Yikes! I'll have to bring some healthy snacks with me, and stay busy. Luckily, they have a pool! Yahooo!


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