No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 18, 2005


Well I guess Shelley is maybe to tired to post this today. So I will help her out one more day. Thanks to all the road trippers for sharing pics and stories!

No salty snaks-Check
No Sweets-no check:( I had some angel food cake

Oh Terri, I wish I only had angel food cake! I've been doing good with the water, good with the salty snacks, but I went out to lunch today and I had a piece of peanut butter cup cheesecake!! AUGHHHH!! Good thing I am doing Boot Camp today! I did split the piece with a friend, but I don't even want to know what was in my 1/2 a slice, because it tasted WAY too good! Thanks for getting the thread started!
I'm sorry, Terri. I'm trying to catch up at work and blah blah blah and I did remember this morning but then promptly forgot again.

I did all right on the weekend except for the sweets part.

Today has been stellar so far:)
All's well on this front too! Keep up the good work everyone!
Bootcamp will take care of all that Robin!!}(
No sweets - check
Plenty of water - check
No salty snacks - (I wish I could find a font that typed fine print on this thing)!! I'd really like to type the following in fine print!

I got into the Tostitos. There, I confessed. I don't know if I was just so tired from not sleeping much last night or if the voices from my pantry were a little louder today. Deprivation is not good for the soul, I think. x(
I've been online for hours and hours just checking out the pics and reading the stories. :)

Today I woke up and my neck hurts really bad I can't even move my head so that means I can't exercise today because I might make it worse. So it's going to be an unexpected rest day. I've been doing really bad on the water and sugar but good with the salt. Oh well tomorrow is another day. Take care everybody!
Today hasn't been too bad. It definitely is better than yesterday. I made a vow I would start this week off right.

This is so far:

Water- check
sweets- check wanted ice cream, but went for SF instead.
Salt- check

I think I will finish this day with a success!

Will let you know tommorow.

Good afternoon, fellow challengers! :)

I have a confession- this past Friday while babysitting I ate 1.5 Hershey's bars. This has been my only slip-up, so I'm not feeling TOO guilty about it. Actually, I didn't realize what I had done until I was home later that night. Can you believe I actually forgot about this challenge? Yikes! LOL

Other than that, I've stuck to my No Sweet commitment for July (dare I say "and beyond" here??). It feels great- physically and mentally!

Hope everyone else is doing well!

LOL Connie, believe it or not, last month (June no sweet challenge) my SIL and brother came over for a cookout and she brought homemade brownies. I sat there and ate one and didn't think a thing about it until I sat down at the computer later that night and saw the check in thread. My jaw hit the keyboard. I was less worried about breaking the challenge and more about my apparent slide into dementia!!


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