Daily check-in 18/07/2005


Hi good morning, today is Kenpo X.Yesterday I had a great time doing the Core Synergistics P90X. It is now one of my P90X favorites (when I do a P90X it becomes one of my favorites).There was a huge variety of exercises, many of them I had never tried before.Awesome workout. Have a great day everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
Good morning Mariangeles and all that follow.

Yesterday was IMAX3. What a great feeling you have after that one!!

Today will be ME.

Sandra/Conni - I should have my Christi Taylor DVD today. I have steady state cardio on the calendar for tomorrow, and I'll probably try to tackle one of the step routines.

Have a great day everybody.
Good morning everyone,

Yesterday morning: GymStyle Chest (Prog. overload)
Late afternoon: GymStyle Back (Prog. overload)

Today: no workout scheduled because of a board dinner this evening and then I have to get up super early tomorrow for an early morning meeting:-(

I seem to have broken through a weight plateau recently and so I am happy about that. I am 5'7 and had been maintaining at 131-132 for a while. Over the past three weeks I have dropped 4lbs. This is about where I want to be.

Have a good day!
Good Monday(BLECH)Morning Roadtrippers and Everyone who stayed home!

That workout sounds great Mariangeles!

You should be feeling great Jane!! You go girl!:7

Way to go losing those 4lbs. Kathy! Glad you're not "stuck" anymore!

I am doing a straight hour of cardio today so I'm doing Step premix of LowMax & All Step. I think I'll tack on the weights and abs of All Step too. I feel like working my UB today for some unknown reason.

Yesterday between TTOTM coming and going off of a med. I've been taking, I was a bundle of emotions and nerves. One minute I was crying over NOTHING! and 2 minutes later a TOTAL B*@CH!!x( ;( x( I was getting head rushes and it felt awful. I have not had a mood altering substance in my system for almost 18 months and that really freaked me out. I feel like myself again this morning:) . The Dr. said it will take a few days to get all the med. out of my system. So at least I made it thru yesterday!:D Sorry for the story. Thanks for being here tho.

Have great workouts everyone!
Greetings on this Monday Morning!

Yesterday was a bust! I had very little sleep the night before and so I had ZERO energy.

This weeks line up:
Mon- * KPC premix of Punching and kicking drills/ Ankle weight work of L&G, Upper body & abs of Body Max

Tue- Spinning interval workout, PS floor legs
Wed- Upper body/abs choice and AW weight work of L&G
Thur-spinning interval workout & PLB standing work Light weights
Fri- travel day
Sat- wedding out of state; cardio in a hotel gym and my own abs/stretch
sun- ?
mon- travel day

* assuming my heel can tolerate this

Welcome back roadtrippers hometrippers and all Catheites!

aka Likes2bfit since 1999
Happy Monday, Everyone!!

Today IM 2, SB premix, Back, & Core.

Today I have to clean out my car. I have Chex Mix everywhere from my kids! I have been putting it off because of the heat, but I really have to get it done. Can't ride around like that anymore!!

Have a great day!!

Welcome back everyone!!
Hi again, Jane what is the Christi you are talking about. The best Christi dvd I have is the fantastic four dvd. Enjoy the new dvd. Cathy enjoy the rest.Kali glad to know you feel better.Judy great workout.I hope you will have safe travels and a great wedding celebration. Carla I understand you. The heat in Toledo is so high during the summer. Maybe you can clean the car during the early morning or the night.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
Good Morning Fit Ladies!

It is great to be back. This morning I'm going to attempt MuscleMax, but I'm tired and I woke up with a headachex(. I'm glad I took the day off from work.

I have some major cleanmax to do today...four men left alone in the house all weekend just adds up to one big disaster:eek: !

Hello to all that follow...have a great day!

Good morning Everyone and Welcome back Roadtrippers!!!:D
I love all the pictures and stories so far!!

This morning was an all step day for me. I did the step portion of SJ&P, and all 3 combos from StepBlast! I think it was about 55 minutes of FUN stepping!!
I'm expecting my new Troylite barbell to come tomorrow or Wednesday so I am waiting to do weights until then. I can't wait, am so excited! :D My kids think I am INSANE to ask for a BARBELL for my birthday! ha!!! But I can't think of anything I'd like more, unless it was more cathe dvds, a few christie taylor step tapes, some workout clothes........you get the picture!;-)

Have a great day everyone!!!
I have to go get ready to go to the dentist. :-(
Lori should be having her root canal now, so am thinking about you Lori! Hope all goes well for you.
Good morning ladies,

Painted the bathroom and decorated all day yesterday, so I didn' exercise. I have posted the last 3 days or so of not exerciseing. I has just been hectic. But I am starting a new week, exercising and my sweets,salt, and water intake. Today will be GS BSB and tough core.

Have a good day!

Good morning everyone,

Jane - I can't wait to hear from you regarding your Christi purchase. I used her again in my workout today for the Cardio Blast rotation from Cathe. I was supposed to Legs and Glutes and a 25 minute run, but I don't have LG and I don't have the time to run, so I did GS Legs Timesaver 1, Christi Hi/lo Heaven segment 1, Ab hits and The stretch from GS.

Have a great day!
Good Morning Fit Ladies,

I am missing Cathe, after working out with her live, I had to do a little of the Step Blast even though I had P90X Chest, back and the ab ripper on the schedule.
This is week 11 of P90X I wil complete the 12 weeks and then I want to do Cathe workouts. Cathe is much more beautiful in person than the DVD's can show. She has a great attitude, kind go with the flow, she is amazing!
Morning ladies. We have some great workouts going on today. I did IMAX 2 this morning and am dripping sweat. I love it! Yesterday morning I did BC and then did extra abs last night.

Welcome back from the Roadtrip everyone!!! Can't wait to hear all about it.

Mariángeles, Core Syn is quite a fun workout. I might have to do it again soon.

Jane...Imax3 is a killer!

Cathy...congrats on breaking that weight plateau. You have worked quite hard..

Kali..and hour of cardio! Wow...I get in that kind of mood still once a month. I think my DH hides...:)

Judy...we must have been on the same no sleep wavelength Sat night. I got 4 hours...so I slept in a bit this morning.

Carla...thanks for reminding me...I need to clean out my car too..

Tammy...yes you must be tired. Why can't men clean??..:)...MM is one of my Fav of Hardcore.

Becky..you will love having a barbell!!

Logos...you are almost thru your P90X rotation!!! Great job...seeing all the pics does make me want to meet Cathe and her crew alot.

And welcome back Roadtrippers, so far the pics have been awesome...looks like you all had so much fun...thanks for sharing with us hometrippers...

Today is Freestyle legwork, kickbox, abs, Shoulders, bi's and tri's.

Have a great day ladies...:)...Carole
Good Morning All! And road-trippers, it is very nice to have you around again!! Today I am doing Boot Camp. I'm sweating already just thinking about it. I probably won't get to it until this evening though when the little one goes down for bed. Hope you all have a fantastic day!!!
Hello ladies!

Yesterday I did Low-Max (step portion only). Tonight I'm going to do Push Pull.

Welcome back to all who went on the roadtrip.

Have a great day everyone! :)
Hi all, didn't start out soo good today, in the middle of my workout I got an ocular migraine but I managed to make it through. I did CIA's Kickbox Bootcamp which really really works your legs very well with slow movements, lunges on the step, lots of non weighted squats and balance exercises, plus it has a good core segment. So I feel that though I couldn't do anymore because of my migraine that I still got a good freestyle leg workout in just in that workout alone.:D Plus it is already really hot and humid and I was sweatin buckets and really couldn't muster much more energy to do anything else anyway!!:eek: :)

Have a great day!!:)
Hi Cathy,

I just HAD to write and tell you how wonderful and refreshing it is to hear a woman say that they are where they want to be regarding body image. Whoohoooo!! :)

Afternoon all!

You guys are doing great workouts!

Let's see:

Saturday, I did a step class, then a sculpting class (I'm hoping Cathe will do a sculting workout using the ball for her next series - it was a lot of fun!), and a killer Kickbox class. Then Sunday, I did a high step class:p

Got some DOMS going on today, which is very unusual for me.

Tonight I'm going to take it easy and just do Step Blast. Tomorrow I wanna crack open the Gym Styles I bought this weekend!
Awesome workouts this Monday everyone! Welcome back Roadtrippers! Thank you for sharing your trip with us Hometrippers! I wish I could have gone, there's such wonderful energy in your pictures and stories. I will go next time! :)

My knee has been a bit sore this weekend. I think it's mostly because I did leg presses using 14" instead of being safe and cautious with 8". Sunday was my Rest day, and I hoped it would be good as new this morning. It wasn't. I had to ice it down and force myself to make the hard workout choice of only Yoga. I can't wait to get a High Step so I can do leg presses using 10"- I think that would be perfect for me right now.

Over the weekend workouts were:
Friday- swimming (about 45 minutes) Felt awesome! I haven't been swimming all summer.

Saturday- L&G + Abs

Sunday- Rest

Today will be Yoga for Weight Loss. I don't know why it's called that, but I love the workout. :p


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