Daily check-in 18/07/2005

Today was Low max intervals 1-4. I was sick over the weekend so I wanted to ease back into my w/o this morning. It sounds like everyone had a blast on the road trip...have a great day!
Hey ladies...I'm late today!

Today is an easy day for me...actually, this week is an easy week for me except for BC day which is on Thursday! I am going to use my Gazelle for 45-60 mins today. I have been working my a$$ off since I got back to exercising and I need a slower week to recup a bit. :)

For all of you roadtrippers---WELCOME HOME! I know you all had an AWESOME time! I just wish I could have been there too! If Cathe has another one I will fight to the death to be there if I have to!!!:p }( :7

Okay, I'm outta here! Have a great afternoon/evening everyone!:)
Hi everyone,

I did LowMax this morning. I think segment 5 is my favourite.

I'm really behind in a lot of things, and will work on catching up with you all soon.

All the best,

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