Waaah! My knee is aching....(and a related question)

After 2 August '04 rotations, I think my knee is crying for some recovery time. And it's frustrating!!! x(

It's been a little sore off and on for about a week, but I made it worse on Saturday during L&G. I've been doing leg presses on my 8" fannylifter to help me perfect my form and be cautious of my knee, and it's been working great. Since it had been working so great, I thought I would test for new strength and use the 14" step for 1 set of leg presses. Big mistake! I've been paying for it ever since. :eek: ;( x( Why oh why did I do this to myself?? I knew better than to try, but my pride got a bit too big that day. Sigh.... THIS is the reason I quit The Firm. Arg!! I will NOT quit Cathe, though. I'm going to get a High Step very soon, and will use 8 or 10 inches for leg presses.

Besides the usual treatments of ice and heat, what else can I do to aid in my recovery? I'm taking glucosamine and fish oil- and doubling up for a few days- and that should help this process along a bit. I'm interested in what your favorite way to give your knees some TLC.

I've got 1 more workout left to finish the rotation- L&G + PLB floorwork. I was planning on doing it tomorrow...but I don't think that's a very wise idea. I think I'll just go into Recovery mode for a week or so. Do you agree? I could use some encouragment....

Connie, recovery mode is sounding pretty appealing. My biggest terror is being so injured, I couldn't do any Cathe workout for a good six weeks.

I also recommend NSAIDS (ibuprofen) because they not only help with pain, they help with the inflammation. You heal quicker. Although, don't rush it.

RE: Waaah! My knee is aching....(and a related question...

I've discovered a few things over the last few years that have really helped heal all of my knee pain. The first is keeping all the muscles in my legs strong with regular heavy weight workouts. The second is taking a glucosamine supplement. And the third, and to me the no-fail (at least not yet!) cure for all those inevitable knee pains that STILL occasionally occur, is glucosamine/chondroitin/msm skin creme. Usually I apply it once a day on my knees, but when I feel any knee issues I apply it 2 or 3 times a day. It cures my knee pain within a day. I've never had to miss a workout due to knee pain in the last 3 years and I'm 48 and an intensity junkie. I've read in several places that absorption through the skin is much more effective than "eating" supplements and for me it's true.

Good luck!

RE: Waaah! My knee is aching....(and a related question...


Recovery time sounds like a good thing for you, stay away from stressing the knees for a while.

Also a note for future reference, steps/lifters should only be raised until knee goes into a 90 degree angle when you put your foot on it, to step up. Any higher, and you acutally put your knee in less of a 90 degree, is the wrong angle, as your maxing your knee joint and not really getting the benifits you want with the legs or glutes as the knee joint is the one working to the max not the hamgstrings, quads or glutes. It's also considered the wrong angle for the knees and can really do some damage to the tendons and ligiments if you do it over a period of time.

RE: Waaah! My knee is aching....(and a related question...

Thank you so much, Randi! I've never heard of the skin creme version, how cool! I'm going to look for some- very soon!!

Connie :D
RE: Waaah! My knee is aching....(and a related question...

Thanks for your support and advice, Kit! My step stays at 4 inches, and probably will for another 6 months. LOL I'm easing my way up- slowly. Right now, that's a very effective step height for me as I build cardio endurance and capacity.

I'm glad you responded, because I've been thinking about asking you another question. I read a response you wrote to someone else recently about getting a test done to find out what her fat burning range is- or something similar to that. I'd like to know more about that. How do I find out what my TRUE fat-burning HR range is? Even with just a 4 inch step, I wonder if I'm working too hard at times and when I read about this test I got excited. Any info will be much appreciated! :)

Thank you, Marla! I couldn't remember which pain medication was right for this kind of thing last night, and ended up taking Tylenol. I'm going to pop an IB right now!

As much as I want to get back to my Cathe workouts, I promise not to rush my recovery. x( :7


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