Daily check-in 14/07/2005

>>Carole.. you aren't running in that kind of heat are you?
>>How do you do that? I would have to have an ambulance on
>No Jane...I run fairly early so its only about 75. I normally
>take electrolyte tablets before running in the heat and drink
>water before I go...haven't needed the ambulance

LOL... I didn't think so Carole, but with your ability, I have no doubt you could probably do it.
Happy Birthday Mariangeles!! Have a good one.

I did a very short and sweet workout this morning, I did the 8 min. taebo (which is really 11 min. long) then did plie squats with the cross behind lunges off of L&G, and abs off of MIS. This week is really busy for me with my dh being out of town. Today we drive to Baltimore to pick him up at the airport. So hopefully next week for sure I will really freestyle my legs. The workout I did yesterday since it was a circuit training workout did have some non weighted legwork, so I have not been totally void of legwork each day this week. With the exception of Tuesday when I didn't manage to get a workout in at all.:( :+

Hope you all have a great day!! Mine will just be busier than usual!!:eek:
Good morning,

This morning I did SB/SJP step & weights circuit #2.

Mariángeles - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I've been 29 for 5 years now. It's a good age :)

Carole - congratulations for what run? Huh? What'd I miss? Was this the 50K run you were preparing for?

Dana - that sounds painful. I hope it goes away soon. Maybe it's from Baby starting to push up against your ribs?

Emily - LOL at the cat!! That's too funny. My cat high-tails it out of the room the minute I start stomping around. She seems to be (rightfully) terrified of being stepped on.

Everyone going on the road trip - HAVE A GREAT TIME!!!!

Great workouts everyone. I have a childhood friend who lives here in the city, and her mother (essentially an aunt to me) moved here a couple of years ago as well. Last night her mother went to the hospital for a double lung transplant. She's still in surgery as I type, and I'm anxiously waiting to hear how it went. The waiting is very hard. I might just go to the hospital, find my friend, and spend the day pacing the halls with her.

Sandra, I will keep your friend's mother in my prayers. You probably won't get anything done at home as worried as you are, you might as well go to the hospital.

Charlotte - Isn't raising teenagers funner than a barrel of monkeys?!? My mild-mannered daughter broke a window on the door a couple months ago because her sister wouldn't let her in. I was madder than a wet hen but glad she wasn't hurt and now we laugh about it.

Emily - LMAO about the cat! I have a cat who's 20 lbs! I think I would throw out my back if I held him while working out!

This morning I ran 25 minutes again and I loved it. Next week I'll up it to 30 minutes. Tomorrow is a rest day and Saturday and Sunday will be FAR FROM REST DAYS at Cathe's gym!!!!

Have a great day everyone!!

Good Morning Ladies,

While you wee busy yesterday, I took a very much needed rest day, my body was asking for it. this morning I did the Viper and the ab ripper X. I see some awesome workouts going today too.

Feliz Cumpleanos Mariangeles!

Have a great day everyone!
Phew! BC is done, yeay! I wussed on the terminator climbers today...only did a few...and I never add the jump in with them, I just stand up. When she jumps a few steady then I will jump with her. That w/o is evil!!! }( }( }(
Morning all. Running a little behind today. This morning was PUB followed by step only premix from C&W. Whew, my legs are fried.

HOPE EVERYONE GOING ON THE ROADTRIP HAS A WONDERFUL TIME!!!!! I will be thinking of all of you this weekend... and will be very jealous!:p

Have a great day everyone!

Mornin' all,

Quick check-in this morning, I'm trying to beat the heat and get the lawn cut.

Cardio today is Lawn mowing. Strength work will be PUB + Abs.

Great workouts everyone, thanks for the continuing inspiration!

Well I have to revise my earlier post a bit. Mega Step Blast cannot be consider "light cardio". I told you it had been a while since I did it. That third segment called Bun and Leg Blaster is the forerunner of the IMAXs, especially IMAX2!! My HRM readings -

AvgHR 132 MaxHr 167 calories - 382

I don't think I'd consider this an anaerobic w/o though because even though my Max was up to 167, that was only during the last segment. I guess a steady-state cardio is a better description of this one.

I love this w/o. I just it is because I can do the moves through the entire w/o and not stumble too much.

:) :) :) :) :) :) This w/o just made my day!!
>is megae step blast on dvd? I didn't see it on the dvd

Terri, I don't think it is on DVD. It is an oldie complete with butt floss and all but it is a fun w/o.
Hey ALL!!! Happy 29th Birthday Mariangeles......enjoy your special day:)

Charlotte, I'd have a hard time letting that go too. There's always so much time to think about worse case scenario after an incident like that as well as unforseen cost and the work involved. I hope KPC helped get some of the animosity out and that today is a better day:)

Sandra, that surgery sounds so scary and involved I'm sending healing thoughts to your aunt and blessings to all of the health care workers involved in her care. All the best to you all, let us know how she's doing. Are you alright?

Jes and Shelley, safe travels Ladies, I hope the road trip is as awesome as it sounds. Have fun and let us know all of the juicy details when you get back pleeeease!!!!:)

Today was the last launch of the week, I feel like I've lived at the gym this week. Six classes in 4 days:p It was BodyPump and BodyFlow today, then 1 massage. I've got an hour to rest before I go in for 3 more massages. I can't wait to get home and put my feet up. We had company last night and I was up yakking until 1:30, it was a lot of fun but I'm dragging my @$$ big time today, I need a good strong cup of coffee!!!:7

Enjoy your Thursday ALL!!!!

Take Care
Thank you Carole!

Last night I did lunges inspired by PS legs. I did 8# in each hand, front and back, for warm ups. Then 10# in each hand for 2 sets of 16 each front and back, Then I did 2 sets of 16 static lunges with 25# BB. Is this the right idea?
Earlier in the day I did a spinnig interval workout of my own, and played a pretty competitive tennis match.

Today is active rest: I played golf and walked 18 holes in 90plus degrees, and played another competitive tennis match. I figure my legs got in plenty today.

Tomorrow is full body dayand abs. And one more tennis match.

AKA "Likes2bfit"
Happy Birthday Mariangeles !!

Although I've been out for a while from this post....I have been consistent with my workouts!!!

Sounds like you guys are still going strong!!

Today was step, jump & pump and some yard work :)

Have a great evening


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