Daily check-in 19/07/2005


Hi good morning. Today I will do stretch P90x and hi/low heaven of Crithi Taylor. Have a great day everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
Good morning Mariangeles... in answer to your question on yesterday's checkin, it is the Fantastic Four DVD. I believe I'm going to like it.

Conni/Sandra - I previewed some of Step Heaven last night and it looks like a lot of fun. The music is wonderful. I was sitting there grinning as I watched it. I can't wait to try it!!

I was to do ME yesterday but due to no sleep the night before, I didn't relish the idea of a barbell dropped on my head, so I listened to reason and took a rest day. I went to bed at 7:45 and slept through the night until the clock went off at 5 this morning. I was in serious need of sleep. I feel so much better.

I will do ME this evening.

Have a great day everybody!!!
Good Morning Fit Women,

Well, I don't even want to talk about yesterday. No workouts for me. Had a funky virus that left me feverish. Body didn't want to do anything and mentally I was a vegetable! A minor set back. Geared to go this morning. I got alot of catching up today, but will spread my workouts throughout the day as not too be too hard on the body at once...don't want anymore set backs! LOL

Today then will be Core Max 1 and ME. Tomorrow I am suppose to do 200 walking lunges with 15lb weights with my neighbor up the mountain! And I mean UP! I am not sure Lance Armstrong could ride his bike up that mountain. LOL! She is a beginner and will not use weights. We are going to look like a couple of dorks, but it should be fun as only the wild life will see us...hopefully!!! I'll have to remember to BREATHE!!! LOL!

Have a great workout everyone!

Good Morning Fit Ladies!

Today for me will be IM#3. It will also be back to work day - blech! I liked not having to go to work.

Hello to all that follow, have a nice day.

Quick Check In here~

Good Day to all; It seems many of us have had at least one day of unplanned rest. At least we are learning to listen to how we feel and move on. I am now caught up on sleep and off to to PLB floor and golf. Later I will do spinning intervals of my own desin.

After having a broken dishwasher since June 25th, the part has come in and we will now be able use it again. Yey!

AKA "Likes2bfit"
Good Morning, Ladies!

Today was Gauntlet, C&W abs, and a run.

I am off today to get my kids and I registered for school. OH MY! Vacation is almost over! It's almost time to get back to the grind!

Have a great day!
Good Morning Ladies

Taking a rest day when our bodies are telling us to is the best thing we can do for ourselves. Otherwise we'd probably run ourselves into the ground!:p

I just got thru LowMax and I am happy to report I did the whole thing with my step!:7 (last week I had to lose the step after combo 4) So I am feeling pretty good right now. I did PLB last night and wasn't looking forward to LowMax this morning. I never knew how intense sculpters could be!!}( Tonight is PUB and a cardio segment from something.

Have an awesome day everyone!
Good workouts ladies...

Also fun reading the posts and seeing all the pics of everyone yesterday!!!..:)

I am doing PLB the Freestyle way, a 5 mile run, abs, and Chest & Back. This over 110 degree weather is draining me...http://bestsmileys.com/sun/3.gif[/img] Hope we can drop a few degrees by the weekend, 98 or so even sounds good!!!

Have a great day ladies...:)...Carole
Good Morning Fitness Friends,

Carla, you did Gauntlet AND a run???:eek: OMG you are superhuman!!!!
Hooray to you Kali for getting through Lowmax! Don't you feel awesome when you finally get through a toughie???:p
3 cheers to you for sticking it out!!!
This morning I did 1/2 of the kicks & punches and all of the power drills from Cardio Kicks and tacked on all the kickbox from Timesaver #4 (KPC). It worked out to be about an hour or just over workout. Believe me, it kicked my butt !
It's another dreary, humid day in Ohio , with a chance of rain again.... so what else is new? Would someone PLEASE send some SUN our way, I'ver forgotten what it looks like!
I should get my barbell today or tomorrow......what weight workout is a good one to start out with a barbell ?? I really haven't paid attention since I've never used one before.

Have a great day everyone!!
Good morning everyone!

Well, last night was back down to earth for me, working out with Cathe in my living room on DVD instead of live in her gym! The personal attention was nice;)

I did Kickmax Bootcamp Challenge. It was about all I could manage with my level of exhaustion, but I made it through the whole thing with no modifications.

Tonight I'm cracking open my new Gym Styles Back, Shoulders, Biceps. WHOO HOOO!!!!
Good morning, everyone!

After a well-deserved rest day yesterday, I went for a 30 minute run this morning. The weather is much cooler and way less humid today. Won't last long but we're on our way to Disney World on Thurday anyway.

I previewed Imax3 that I bought on the RT and all I can say is :eek:

Shelley - I'm getting ready to crack open my GS BS&B right now!

Have a great day, everyone!

Morning ladies. Today was PUB followed by cardio only from All Step. My arms are fried. I went up in my chest weight and now I'm having trouble lifting my arms over my head. My shower was a workout in itself.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Good morning ladies. Seems like yesterday was the day for unplanned rest. I had planned on doing P/P but by the time I got home from work I was exhausted. I decided to take my son to the pool instead so I got in a bit of exercise then. I was fast asleep by 8:30. So I"m going to do P/P tonight.

Charlotte you are crazy! LOL :)
>Carole how do you do PLB the freestyle way? Do you do PUB a
>different way too? Just wondering.

Kali, no PUB is the same. And the bicep segment still kills me!!! For the legs I just knock the weight down. I had gotten my weight up fairly heavy as I was doing 45,55,60 or more for PLB. So now I do 25,30,35 for the Pyramids. I really like the floorwork with the stability ball...:)...Carole
Hi everyone,

Was supposed to do GS BSB and tough core yesterday, but didn't get the weights done. Instead I was looking through my collection of workouts that would be low impact and contain no jumping. KIckmax low impact was just the thing. I did it, but could not finish through the combos. I think it had leg drills,but was too exhausted to go further. Alot of movement has been scarce here lately. And no I am not going to hurt my foot. This was just the best low impact I could do. and I will only try this every other day. Ususally I would get happy and start doing harder. Not anymore!

Well I will GS BSB, floor legs and abs.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Morning!! :)

Today begins my offical knee recovery, which means that I am 1 day short of completing the August '04 rotation for the second time. Arg!! Maybe I'll do some floorwork later...that shouldn't irritate the knee, should it??

Today will be YardMax (raking and maybe some mowing), maybe PLB + L&G floorwork, and as much CoreMax as I can get through (it's not much, believe me! lol).

Hmmm. I seeing a need to work on my attitude about my recovery. I've got to take care of myself so I can do Cathe workouts for many years to come- right? That's pretty good incentive! :p

Awesome workouts, everyone! It's been really neat to look at the pics and hear the stories from the Roadtrippers! Thanks for sharing with us! :)

I forgot to post here yesterday! I was so busy reading all the roadtrip threads. I did lowmax yesterday an never did my weight workout. I had woke up with a toothhache and felt yukky all day. Feeling better now. So today will be PLB and later a treadmill run and some abs.

Have A great day everyone!

Good Morning ladies.

Yesterday was 20+ minutes on the Gazelle and then the first 2 combos of Body Fusion step picking up the intensity and impact. I also did the ab section from bs/bf. Today is a circuit work out...either C&W or BF...I'll decide at the last minute.:)

Hi all, I did CTX 10-10-10 today and barely made it through without drowning in my own sweat,UGH!!!:+ :eek: I really wanted to do legs too but just couldn't find the energy after sweating it all out during the cardio.sigh.

Carole, I promise that as soon as Fall arrives or the humidity leaves (whichever comes first) I will be doing the Freestyle leg thing also, I really wanted to do it now but with the weather the way it is I just can't seem too. It doesn't help much that we are under alot of stress with the house and getting it done and trying to live in it too. sigh. I know excuses but.... if I were really making all around excuses I wouldn't be working out at all, but I am so I am doing something right.

Hope you all have a great day!!:D And stay cool!!

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