Recent content by SaraFit

  1. S

    How to fix smelly rubber dumbbells?

    Any idea how long this should take? Days? Months? I am just about to return or sell mine as soon as the snow allows me to leave my house and buy powerblocks instead but I like the ability to just pick up single dumbbells without messing with weight changes. If only a few days or so I'll hold...
  2. S

    How to fix smelly rubber dumbbells?

    I've had these dumbbells for months now and they still smell. I have washed them in dish soap as well as vinegar which helped a little but it's still noticable when using them. Any way to eliminate the smell? I hope so because they are comfortable and the colors are pretty but if not they...
  3. S

    What weights will I need?

    Thanks! Did you do your 1RM for all the exercises? Many of them are the similar for example flys on incline bench and flys on ball, does the weight differ enough to be worth doing the 1RM for both? I did a few tests and will definitely be getting 10s &/or 12s as that is what I need for...
  4. S

    What weights will I need?

    So I could not resist the black friday deals and got STS-it should arrive tomorrow! I most likely need some more dumbbells but need to know how much to get. I've not been working out consistently lately and for reference I usually use 8s for biceps, maybe 5s for chest flys, and 15s for rows...
  5. S

    Weight Plates as Dumbbells

    Thanks, I saw some smaller versions at walmart (called kettleplates) but they only went up to 5 or 10 pounds in the store so I didn't even think to try them. I'm going to go to a couple places tomorrow hopefully and see how much this is going to cost and check out the larger grip plates...
  6. S

    Weight Plates as Dumbbells

    I'm thinking of getting a a barbell but I need some heavier weights for back (rows, etc) too. I was thinking of getting the barbell plates that have openings (such as this: in them and then also using them as dumbbells. Does...
  7. S

    Barre workouts

    I love the bar method dvds too; I used to do them before bed they were relaxing. They really helped with my posture. I have the "change your body" and "accelerated workout" they are similar but with variations. I had purchased the "dancers body" workout; liked the workout but hated the...
  8. S

    xtrain upper body

    Thank you MrsPrincess! I think I got distracted while writing my post and left some out, oops. I heard that you shouldn't do bis/tris the day after chest/back/shoulders then would that be correct, because the bis/tris are used for some chest/back/shoulder exercises (well maybe depending on...
  9. S

    xtrain upper body

    Since I'm new to weights, I could be super duper wrong but I thought chest, triceps, and shoulders were supposed to be worked together and then back and biceps together. This is how I've been doing Total Body Trisets :) So I was wondering why the upper body for xTrain is divided up as it is...
  10. S

    Least Favorite Moves

    Don't know why but I hate air squats; that's when I take my water break
  11. S

    Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and ripped

    30 day shred in on youtube: Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred: Level 1 - YouTube The other levels are on there as well. I did it a few years ago and got somewhat stronger (no weight loss) since I had to increase my weights but I do not care for Jillian and it got boring since it's the same workout...
  12. S

    How fit should a group fit instructor be?

    I lost 100 pounds previously and unfortunately have gained about half back. Before I gained it back, I had looked into getting certified, mainly because I wanted to teach hula hoop classes (which is how I lost the last 40) and thought the certification would be helpful in finding places to...
  13. S

    anyone try coconut water?

    I love coconut water! I had the naked brand the other day and another brand, they taste the same to me. I can only drink about 8oz at a time though and I like to drink things cold, maybe it wouldn't be so good at room temp. I wish I could find some in bulk.
  14. S

    Cathe, Can we bulk Glute muscles from home through your program?

    Do you do donkey kicks from hands and knees or do you really lay on your belly?
  15. S

    Can you recommend a Yoga dvd?

    Thank you Natalie and Carol for the suggestions, I will look into them some more. From the clip, Yoga Relax did look different to me but in the reviews some one said it reminds them of Stretch max so that's what concerned me; nice to know it is different. I will probably rent it from amazon...