Recent content by berry99

  1. berry99

    Will Spinning Hurt My Feet?

    Just to second what Elaine said, my DH had PF and spinning kills his feet. Good luck finding something you can do.
  2. berry99

    Body Bugg

    I borrowed one from my trainer for a week and that was enough for me. It's bulky and wearing it around in the summer it's this huge black thing on your arm. I felt pretty self conscious about it and lots of people were curious about it. I too am insecure about my weight and didn't really like...
  3. berry99

    blood pressure testing

    Just beware of the blood pressure monitors at drug and grocery stores. I have had to monitor mine daily because of new meds and I was going to Rite Aid and it said that my BP was 144/92 when it had been 112/68 at the doctors office the previous day. I went back the next night and still super...
  4. berry99


    ITA, I think that zumba is a great cardio workout. It really depends on the instructor but I have managed to find a really good one and I sweat buckets and my heartrate is almost as high as it is with my Cathe cardio DVDs. The first couple of times you go it may not be a great workout...
  5. berry99

    Debate This: Mac v. PC

    I've had a Sony Vaio and Dell Inspiron laptop and each of them lasted for 18 months :confused:. WTH? They were crap from the start and whenever I would have a problem with them I would call customer service and not even begin to understand what the Indian gentleman on the other end of the line...
  6. berry99

    Anyone from the Denver Area?

    Green Valley Ranch is probably pretty safe, but honestly most parts of Denver are. Just a warning, GVR is total suburbia and not near anything, except the airport. I don't think that there would be many single people there. Did you pick that because it would be close to work? If so, there...
  7. berry99

    Anyone from the Denver Area?

    I was going to suggest the Highlands area too. It is trendy and hip and very close to the city. It has a lot of charm and character too. It's my favorite part of Denver as well as the City Park area as well as the area near National Jewish Medical Center and the old CU medical center campus...
  8. berry99

    What Are They Wearing?!?

    I didn't look at the clip but immediately thought of a workout top from FitCouture.
  9. berry99

    I need a tailor!

    That is fabulous! Great job. I am not in your shoes this year, but hope to need a tailor next yer :D.
  10. berry99

    Spinervals, Cardio coach or both?

    Shana - I generally like interval workouts. I like the workouts that combine both hills and sprinting and I'm not too much of a fan of workout dedicated to either, like Hillacious or Sprinting Machine. If you have a chance and can easily think of a new Spinerval that I might like, I would...
  11. berry99

    Spinervals, Cardio coach or both?

    Shana - I don't have any of the newer Spinervals. Do you like them? Are they worth checking out?
  12. berry99

    Spinervals, Cardio coach or both?

    Hi Sandra, I have a spinning bike and I road bike recreationally (no racing). I prefer cardio coach and itrain workouts over Spinervals workouts. I do have some Spinervals workouts and they are quite challenging, but for me they have major dread factor. I'm not sure which are best for...
  13. berry99

    4 Day Split Cardio

    I really think that the 4DS workouts are a gem! I think that one of my current favorite cardio workouts is the LIS/HIS double cardio premix. I really love the cardio in this series. The step workouts are great and for me didn't take long to figure out. Also, the KB workout is fun. I also...
  14. berry99

    New update on Belinda (bayerngirl)

    Belinda, I am so glad you are getting answers. I went through the same thing that you have been going through for about a year and a half until I finally got my answers. I felt like I was on a boat all the time :confused: and could barely stand, walk, etc... It was horrible. After CAT scans...
  15. berry99

    Anyone watch "Lost"?

    For those that want to re-watch some of last season you can do so on Hulu for free. I can't wait for Lost to start again!