What Are They Wearing?!?


Hello Ladies!

Can anyone tell me what the women are wearing in this video clip?


NOT Jari Love in the front...but the women working out behind her? I love the crisscross design at the neck. I've tried doing a search for "criss cross workout tops" but all it turns up is something that criss crosses in the back.

If anyone knows what to call this design...or where I can order such a top (maybe someone even owns this DVD and can look on the credits for me?)...I will be eternally grateful!


Thanks Joan and Karin!!!

Karin..that is EXACTLY the top I'm looking for. I think I'll need to find it in something more supportive (for the girls) than a yoga inspired top...but this is the exact design I was talking about. It gives me something to print off and go by when shopping. THANKS!!


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